Items where Division is "Institute of Chinese Studies > Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese Studies " and Year is 2012
Number of items: 50.
Final Year Project / Dissertation / ThesisChan, Chin Shen and 陈, 静贤 (2012) 余英时宋代研究与钱宾四师承论析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Chan, Yin Wee and 陈, 盈薇 (2012) 探索盛唐山水诗中的生态观——以王维与孟浩然的“山”与“水”为考察中心. Final Year Project, UTAR. Cheong, Chi Kheng and 张, 芷琼 (2012) 宋代词坛“尊体”意识之研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Chia, Ze Ping and 谢, 芷评 (2012) 论阿牛电影《初恋红豆冰》的本土化研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Chin, Yuon Loong and 陈, 润隆 (2012) 苏轼《和陶饮酒二十首》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Choo, Choi Ju and 朱, 翠筑 (2012) 《诗经》弃妇诗的叙事学解读. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Choong, Aaron and 钟, 念伦 (2012) 张大春《城邦暴力团》的现代性侠义精神研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Choong, Ying Qin and 钟, 莹沁 (2012) 论陈果“后九七三部曲”中的身份认同书写. Final Year Project, UTAR. Chow, Hui Hong and 邹, 慧芳 (2012) 城市狭缝中寻觅“诗性空间” ——探索西西对自然的想像与书写. Final Year Project, UTAR. Chua, Sheau Yun and 蔡, 晓云 (2012) 朱天文《荒人手记》阴性书写析论. Final Year Project, UTAR. Foong, Chee Yin and 冯, 芷芸 (2012) 论梁智强电影中的“新加坡性”. Final Year Project, UTAR. Goh, Sin Yin and 吴, 欣莹 (2012) 论陈雪《恶女书》“女同志”书写. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Goh, Yik Ping and 吴, 玉彬 (2012) 胡曰皆——怡保锡矿家研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Heng, Winston Choon Xuan and 王, 春旋 (2012) 千山万水我独行——翁诗杰从政三十年. Final Year Project, UTAR. Hiew, Sin Ning and 丘, 心灵 (2012) 探讨张大春《我妹妹》中对虚构与文学功能的反思. Final Year Project, UTAR. Ho, Rebacca Chin Shiu and 何, 静修 (2012) 从《史记》世家论司马迁笔下的春秋霸主. Final Year Project, UTAR. Kang, Sze Wen and 江, 诗雯 (2012) 香港童话镜像——《麦兜》电影系列的社会反思主题研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Kee, Syh Her and 纪, 似荷 (2012) 从《蒙马特遗书》论邱妙津的死亡. Final Year Project, UTAR. Khaw, Boon Keat and 许, 文杰 (2012) 金宝古庙与社区研究(1904-2012). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Khor, Chia Thing and 许, 加婷 (2012) 镜下赤裸铜体——论李安《色/戒》中王佳芝精神与心理嬗变. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Kiu, Ivy Grace King Lui and 邱, 锦蕾 (2012) 论张爱玲《秧歌》与《赤地之恋》的反共意识书写. Final Year Project, UTAR. Koo, See Jin and 顾, 斯进 (2012) 弘一律师文学研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Lean, Thow Keat and 林, 道杰 (2012) 游离于都市的边缘叙述——论彭浩翔导演《志明与春娇》与《春娇与志明》电影中都市社会的边缘叙述. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Lee, Jia Sin and 李, 嘉欣 (2012) 从《漱玉词》探讨李清照词史地位及婉约词宗之定位. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Lee, Lei Lei and 李, 蕾蕾 (2012) 探讨马来西亚华人的爱国意识忧患——从激荡作坊到黄明志. Final Year Project, UTAR. Lee, Wooi Kent and 李, 伟健 (2012) 简论隆雪华堂青年团从传统华团到公民实践与功能. Final Year Project, UTAR. Lee, Xin Li and 李, 欣妮 (2012) 寻找已失去的民族记忆——论魏德胜电影“海角七号”的空间意义. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Lee, Xuan Hang and 李, 轩航 (2012) 金宝增龙会馆与社区互动研究(1922-1957). Final Year Project, UTAR. Lim, Edeline Yan An and 林, 彦安 (2012) 隆雪华青与废除大专法令运动. Final Year Project, UTAR. Lim, Wai Woon and 林, 慧雯 (2012) 叶蕾的散文研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Lim, Wei Han and 林, 伟汉 (2012) 朱熹之孟子诠释. Final Year Project, UTAR. Loh, Hui Qian and 罗, 慧倩 (2012) 从萨特的“存在主义”看西西的小说创作. Final Year Project, UTAR. Ng, Kim Huey and 黄, 婧绘 (2012) 韩江学校新闻专修班与新闻系研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Ong, Xiao Qi and 王, 筱琦 (2012) 唐诗中的西施接受研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Poon, Hong Tat and 盘, 宏达 (2012) 《老残游记》俗语研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Seah, Yin Get and 佘, 莹玉 (2012) 论虹影长篇小说的“另类”女性话语. Final Year Project, UTAR. Tan, Hui Ying and 谭, 荟颖 (2012) 全民梦工厂——香港无线电视剧之结构探索. Final Year Project, UTAR. Tan, Yew Chai and 陈, 友财 (2012) 贞元年间韩愈与佛教关系探微. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Tang, Kah Eng and 郑, 佳音 (2012) 白朴杂剧《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》和《裴少俊墙头马上》的接受学审视. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Tang, Kiat Hsiang and 陈, 吉祥 (2012) 南朝人视域下的曹操诗歌形象——以《文心雕龙》、《诗品》与 《文选》为讨论中心. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Wong, Hoong Cheong and 王, 鸿章 (2012) 戴表元哀祭碑铭文中的虚词研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Wong, Lee Kim and 王, 丽琴 (2012) 许鞍华《天水围二部曲》叙事技巧探析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Wong, Siow Yin and 黄, 晓云 (2012) 马华现代诗的类型与分析——以1976年《南洋商报》副刊为个案研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Wong, Sze Mun and 黄, 诗敏 (2012) 中国电影中的“文革”叙事 ——以《蓝风筝》(1993)、《霸王别姬》(1993)、《活着》(1994)为视镜. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Wong, Teck Li and 王, 德益 (2012) 陈子昂形象与定位考辨——唐代古文家的视角. Final Year Project, UTAR. Yap, Kah Yen and 叶, 嘉恩 (2012) 能言的多栖鸟——试论余光中散文的英式语法,句法与修辞实验. Final Year Project, UTAR. Yap, Soh Leay and 叶, 素丽 (2012) 苏轼黄州书信文学与交游研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Yew, Jia Min and 游, 嘉敏 (2012) 隆雪华青的公民实践——以吉隆坡旧飞机场路义山搬迁为个案研究. Final Year Project, UTAR. Yin, Jen Nee and 尹, 贞霓 (2012) 黑色幽默的创伤书写——以余华的《兄弟》为研究文本. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies. Yoe, Pick San and 尤, 碧珊 (2012) 寻求两性和谐的女性书写——以李忆莙小说为个案. Final Year Project, UTAR. |