Items where Division is "Institute of Postgraduate Studies & Research > Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) > Master of Arts (Chinese Studies)" and Year is 2013
Number of items: 10.
Final Year Project / Dissertation / ThesisBi, Lin Hiang and 马, 凌香 (2013) 从《左传》违礼事件探讨春秋时代之家庭伦理观. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Chew, Mei Fun and 周, 美芬 (2013) 林碧颜与她的时代. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Lee, Wei Sung and 李, 玮淞 (2013) 马华后现代主义诗研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Liew, Szu Yee and 刘, 菽仪 (2013) 探讨鲧被殛与尧舜禅让的关系——兼论鲧与普罗米修斯的异同. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Ma, Chong Su Chyn and 马, 淑琴 (2013) 松龄诗人丘为研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Sim, Sin Chie and 沈, 心慈 (2013) 孟子人性论的立论与实践研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Su, Yit Mun and 苏, 裕雯 (2013) 《金瓶梅》中精神暴力的窥探. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Tan, Hui Sean and 陈, 慧娴 (2013) 林文庆及其儒家思想研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Yap, Sheau Wei and 叶, 晓薇 (2013) 现代简化字研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Yon, Weng Woe and 阮, 湧俰 (2013) 吉打客家籍甲必丹与华人方言群社会的互动——以戴春桃与罗启立为个案. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. |