Items where Division is "Institute of Postgraduate Studies & Research > Institute of Chinese Studies (ICS) > Master of Arts (Chinese Studies)" and Year is 2016
Number of items: 8.
CChin, Wee Fun and 陈, 威方 (2016) “以悲为美”的情感建构:后主词与易安词的愁情意象体现. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Chow, Hui Min and 刘, 慧君 (2016) 《太平广记》与《聊斋志异》中蛇的形象研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Chuah, Wan Cheng and 蔡, 婉贞 (2016) 盛唐山水诗中的自然生态观研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. LLiew, Suey Fen and 廖, 穗芬 (2016) 战前马来亚华文教育探讨. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. Loo, Xiang Thing and 罗, 湘婷 (2016) 杜运燮诗歌表现艺术研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. SSee, Zhun Jiat and 施, 谆杰 (2016) 曹操诗文创作与建安文风嬗变之研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. TTan, Ya Qin (2016) 大历幕府诗研究 ——以韩翃、戎昱、卢纶、李益为探讨中心. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. YYee, Jin Xia and 余, 金霞 (2016) 昔加末客家族群中药业的形成与发展. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR. |