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Items where Division is "Institute of Chinese Studies > Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese Studies " and Year is 2013

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Number of items: 40.

Final Year Project / Dissertation / Thesis

Chan, Shing Cheng and 陈, 欣情 (2013) 《儒林外史》角色析论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Cheah, Ying Xin and 谢, 迎欣 (2013) 嘉祐时期欧阳修与王安石交谊研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chew, Ning Xin and 周, 宁昕 (2013) 《石头记》神话结构考. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chin, Yun Chun and 陈, 润松 (2013) 孔子礼学再议——对杨志刚《中国礼仪制度研究》一书之评析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choi, Huan Shing and 蔡, 婉欣 (2013) 傅承得政治抒情诗的意象探讨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Choong, Wei Hong and 田, 伟雄 (2013) 苏轼《进论》中两汉人物的研究与考辨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Chua, Huiman and 蔡, 慧满 (2013) 德之贼也:孔孟之“乡原”探索. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chua, Ting Ting and 蔡, 庭婷 (2013) 宋代女词人之“梅”意象研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chua, Zhe Qian and 蔡, 哲茜 (2013) 女性的哀歌——论姚紫中短篇小说中女性形象刻画与其社会意义. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Foo, Yen Ling and 符, 燕玲 (2013) 《太平广记》女仙类研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Goh, Shuna and 吴, 舒娜 (2013) 香港同志电影/小说的翻译性——《蝴蝶》之比较研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Hon, Xu Hong and 韩, 旭红 (2013) 游川与现代诗刍论——从启蒙到演绎. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Kong, Yan Kae and 江, 炎凯 (2013) 司马迁的儒学与法治思想. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Kor, Mei Chee and 许, 美琪 (2013) 苏轼通判杭州的际遇与文学创作之考辨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Siew Hui and 李, 小慧 (2013) 柳宗元“师道”观念嬗变历程之考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR .

Lee, Xin Jie and 李, 心洁 (2013) 论纪大伟《感官世界》中情欲书写与酷儿化. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Yin Le and 李, 殷乐 (2013) 笠翁戏曲理论研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lew, Siew Hwee and 廖, 筱慧 (2013) 务边高州会馆研究(1946-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Kiau Pei and 林, 巧贝 (2013) 论柳宗元治柳的政治革新思想流变. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Phaik Gek and 林, 碧玉 (2013) 探讨槟榔屿福建话特色的形成. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Su Tian and 林, 苏恬 (2013) 《南洋商报·读者文艺》(1976-77)的散文类型和主题分析刍论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Zhi Kee and 林, 智琪 (2013) 《太平广记》所见僧俗文化考. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Loh, Jia Xin and 罗, 加馨 (2013) 论陈金声对19世纪新甲社会的影响与贡献. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Loi, Choy Yee and 雷, 采仪 (2013) “流离”者黄宜君——论黄宜君散文的忧郁风格与流离书写研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lua, Hong Wen and 赖, 虹彣 (2013) 韩少功小说中丑象书写——以《马桥词典》为研究核心. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Ng, Kah Leong and 伍, 家良 (2013) 金庸小说武功描述的老子思想——以《笑傲江湖》之“独孤九剑”为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Suk Bian and 黄, 淑敏 (2013) 务边海南会馆研究(1902-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Oun, Hong Liang and 温, 宏量 (2013) 政治的疯癫与文明——论2000年马华AB党争. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Pan, May Shin and 潘, 美欣 (2013) 南北宋咏物词探析——以苏轼与姜夔为研究对象. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Sam, Yan Shan and 沈, 雁珊 (2013) 论上古至夏商先民对天、帝与祖的理解. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tan, Kai An and 陈, 凯安 (2013) 形声字研究——《说文》形声字及未收入声符之文字. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tay, Yong Lean and 戴, 扬羚 (2013) 陈征雁《钟馗夜访》与姚拓《还阳》的嘲讽意识比较. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Teoh, Soo Yee and 张, 舒仪 (2013) 论双溪槟榔港口育才华小的校史——一个社区的集体记忆. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tie, Hsin Chieh and 池, 心洁 (2013) 论北村《我和上帝有个约》的基督教思想书写. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tieu, Kai Ping and 张, 凯彬 (2013) 篆书的简化与繁化——以石鼓文为研究对象. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Wai, Chein Mun and 韦, 倩雯 (2013) 欲望、权力、自私——侯文咏《白色巨塔》中人性弱点的研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Kin Yi and 黄, 建宇 (2013) 育才与培元百年校史比较刍论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Wong, Sin Mun and 黄, 善雯 (2013) 论霹雳州幸氏宗亲会的成立、组织和发展(1996-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yap, Shuan Chyi and 叶, 浚琪 (2013) 苏辙晚年研究——从“颓然”到“淡然”的心态探析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yong, Yiing Yi and 杨, 颖怡 (2013) 漫游在资本发达和社会乱象的城市——论李永平《朱鸰漫游仙境》的街道漫游. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

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