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Items where Division is "Institute of Chinese Studies > Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Chinese Studies " and Year is 2016

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Number of items: 31.


Aw, Eunice Miao Xiang and 欧, 妙香 (2016) 论柔佛州峇株巴辖益群书报社的功能、发展与转型(1910-2015). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Chan, Choi Kuan and 陈, 翠君 (2016) 《古文渊鉴》与《唐宋文醇》评选柳文研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chee, Choon Wah and 徐, 俊华 (2016) 霹雳州锡矿业没落对怡保华人社会发展之影响(1985-2016). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Chui Peng and 锺, 翠苹 (2016) 从《论语》探讨孔子之人伦观. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Gan, Xi Wen and 颜, 希文 (2016) 登嘉楼民间传说故事初探. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Man Hua and 符, 嫚鷨 (2016) 朱熹“淫诗”说探析——以《二南》及《郑风》为研究对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Yee Chuin and 吴, 翊君 (2016) 徐持庆《敲梦轩诗稿》之广州情结研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Ying Ming and 吴, 颖敏 (2016) 丰子恺《护生画集》探讨——以戒杀素食观为主. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Heah, Huey Iang and 连, 慧茵 (2016) 霹雳角头渔村的历史沿革及产业发展初探. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hee, Poh Yee and 许, 宝仪 (2016) 南宋至明初——李师师形象演变考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ho, Jia Qi and 何, 嘉琪 (2016) 丹州华教“中华情结”考论. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Lau, Bei Jie and 刘, 贝洁 (2016) 论吉打州茹嫩华小历史与现况问题(1925年-2015年)——作为微型华小的个案. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liang, Kai Li and 梁, 凯琍 (2016) 《新唐书》中陆羽形象探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Shu Ming and 林, 素铭 (2016) 论述霹雳州太平华人传统洗衣业. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liong, Ci Min and 梁, 慈珉 (2016) 改制中学作为“华文中学”的论述——以加影育华中学为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liow, Sze Xian and 廖, 诗弦 (2016) 望城追迹:消失的啤律木屋区. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lo, Yoke Min and 刘, 玉敏 (2016) 怡保嘉应客锡矿家丘乔研究(1916-1958). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ng, Xiao Tong and 吴, 晓童 (2016) 稼軒信州詠物詞的“物我關係”考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ong, Min Yu and 王, 敏仪 (2016) 怡保观音庙和大伯公庙的签诗简介. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ooi, Min Fei and 黄, 敏斐 (2016) 论马来西亚福州龙的传入、现况和艺术特点. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Oong, Hui Jie and 汪, 卉婕 (2016) 二战前后马华戏剧比较. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Tan, Chaw Hui and 陈, 昭慧 (2016) 庙宇的宗教功能与社会功能——以怡保斗母宫为研究对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Sok Jin and 陈, 淑菁 (2016) 西汉前期匈奴形象与汉匈交流之探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tang, Raymond Lung Wei and 郑, 龙威 (2016) 砂劳越诗巫黄三仙姐神坛研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tew, Sien Yee and 张, 馨颐 (2016) 华人丧礼中“功德法事”初探——以吉北潮州丧礼之观察为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Thien, Vui Loong and 邓, 伟龙 (2016) 论沙巴州根地咬木板业的挑战与转型——以第三阶段之李健圣为口述访谈对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ting, Xiang and 陈, 缃 (2016) “浴火重生”——论砂拉越民都鲁开智中学之迁校历程与发展. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Wong, Jin Tai and 黄, 均泰 (2016) 陈名夏人物评价初探——以张煊“诬告”案为视角. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Jing Ning and 黄, 靖宁 (2016) 生死相许:赤练仙子的爱恨痴狂论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Yeow Liang and 黄, 友亮 (2016) 清刘山英《信心应验录》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Yong, Sheau Huei and 杨, 晓慧 (2016) 从女人到人:《图画日报》所见辛亥革命前女性身体解放. Final Year Project, UTAR.

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