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Number of items: 193.


An, Eng Ling (2012) Design and manufacturing of generic unmanned aerial vehicle fuselage assembly (payload bay, empennage, wheel assembly and wingbox) via low cost fiber glass molsing process. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ang, Yee Hong (2012) Matching the Needs of Young First Time House Buyers In Urban Area. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Au Yong, Lai Peng and 欧阳, 丽萍 (2012) 孟子的仁政思想及其在现代的实用价值. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Bar, Seow Poh and Gan, Yin Choong and Hee, Cai Yun and Teh, Mei Ching (2012) Stock market and macroeconomic integration : an asymmetric evidence on selected five countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ch`ng, Khai (2012) 2-D Location Pointing For Individual Component On Device Under Test Using LABVIEW (Hardware and Image Processing). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cha, Xin Yi (2012) Factors influencing intention to quit among bank employees in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chan, Chin Shen and 陈, 静贤 (2012) 余英时宋代研究与钱宾四师承论析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chan, Choi Quin and Kerk, Chian Wei and Ng, Ming Yeong and Ng, Yunyu (2012) Internal determinants of performance of local and foreign banks in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Wei Suet and Lee, Poh Huiey and Lee, Syueh Lin and Lew, Meei Ling (2012) Service sabotage in the service industry in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Yin Wee and 陈, 盈薇 (2012) 探索盛唐山水诗中的生态观——以王维与孟浩然的“山”与“水”为考察中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheah, Jun Hong (2012) Building Automation Through Web Interface. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheah, Shu Xu (2012) The emergence of social media in Malaysia: customers perceptions of the effectiveness of Airasia’s weblog. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Cheah, Yvonne Ai Lin (2012) Risk-adjusted portfolio performance. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chee, Chin Hoong (2012) An integrated framework for business intelligence systems: business intelligence product map. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Cheong, Chi Kheng and 张, 芷琼 (2012) 宋代词坛“尊体”意识之研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chew, Hoo (2012) Filtering and Multi-Port Directional Couplers. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chia, Ze Ping and 谢, 芷评 (2012) 论阿牛电影《初恋红豆冰》的本土化研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Chee Chung and 陈, 志忠 (2012) 《通玄真经缵义》政治思想研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chin, Wui Keat (2012) The roles of human resource management in construction project success. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chin, Ying Huah and Choo, King Yn and Liau, Shi Wei and Oh, Meng Gin and Tan, Yee Wei (2012) EcOrganic. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Yuon Loong and 陈, 润隆 (2012) 苏轼《和陶饮酒二十首》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chong, James Kok Uei (2012) DNA binding, nucleolytic properties, and topoisomerase i inhibition of ternary copper(ii) complexes of 1, 10-phenanthroline and chiral amino acid. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chong, Shi Min and 张, 诗敏 (2012) 汉乐府铙歌十八曲的抒情与叙事特色. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Choo, Choi Ju and 朱, 翠筑 (2012) 《诗经》弃妇诗的叙事学解读. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Choong, Aaron and 钟, 念伦 (2012) 张大春《城邦暴力团》的现代性侠义精神研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Pik San and Kwoo, Pui Yee and Piong, Chee Keai and Wong, Wen Xuan (2012) Determinants of gold price: using simple and multiple linear regression. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Ying Qin and 钟, 莹沁 (2012) 论陈果“后九七三部曲”中的身份认同书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Yuen Onn (2012) Antecedents of organisational commitment amongst academic staff of private universities in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chow, Hong Wai and Tan, Hui Lu and Thiam, Bee Ngoh and Wong, Poi Jin (2012) The effects of service quality, relational benefits, perceived value & customer satisfaction towards customer royalty in hair salon industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chow, Hui Hong and 邹, 慧芳 (2012) 城市狭缝中寻觅“诗性空间” ——探索西西对自然的想像与书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Sheau Yun and 蔡, 晓云 (2012) 朱天文《荒人手记》阴性书写析论. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Shu Cing (2012) A Study on the Issues Of Construction Disputes In Malaysia and Singapore. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chuah, Lye Sing (2012) Slot – Based Bandpass Filter and Directional Coupler. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chum, Wei Jin and Leong, Chun Hoong and Liow, Wai Kit and Lok, Kah Mun and Selvarajan, Yuvarani (2012) Antecedents of store image influencing young adults purchase intention in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chung, Kah Siew (2012) 2-D Location Pointing System for Individual Component on Device under Test by Using Labview (Software and Multipurpose Holder). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Eng, Ai Jia and Lee, Shee Cheae and Tan, Pei Pei and Yeoh, Chun Yam (2012) A study of consumer satisfaction toward service quality in Airasia Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Faidz, Abd. Rahman (2012) Simultaneous spectral recovery of long-period grating sensor array using optical time-division multiplexing.

Foo, Shi Wei (2012) Design and develop of an automated tennis ball collector and launcher robot for both able-bodied and wheelchair tennis players - ball recognition systems. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foo, Wei Fen and Mok, Yee Wah and Wah, Wen Xin and Tan, Lee Yen (2012) Capital structure affects firm value : technology sector in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foong, Chee Yin and 冯, 芷芸 (2012) 论梁智强电影中的“新加坡性”. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Gan, Suk Ching (2012) The association between generation x and y and intention to leave. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Gan, Wei Jieh (2012) Petrochemicals outlook of South Korea in 2011 and its impact in Malaysia for its future trends. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ganesan, Amirtha Sangeetha (2012) Consumption, spending and investment behaviour of malaysia generation y. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Gayathri, Mageswaran (2012) An analysis of factors influencing the impact of PDA utilization on the operational efficiency of banking and financial institution in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Gerard, Marilyn Sharon (2012) invasion of privacy in the Malaysian press: a case study on the New Straits Times. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Goh, Sin Yin and 吴, 欣莹 (2012) 论陈雪《恶女书》“女同志”书写. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Goh, Yik Ping and 吴, 玉彬 (2012) 胡曰皆——怡保锡矿家研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.


Heng, Lee Ting and Sim, Chuit Feng and Tee, Wee Wen and Wong, Kit Lee (2012) Macroeconomic determinants of the stock market return : the case in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Heng, Winston Choon Xuan and 王, 春旋 (2012) 千山万水我独行——翁诗杰从政三十年. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hiew, Sin Ning and 丘, 心灵 (2012) 探讨张大春《我妹妹》中对虚构与文学功能的反思. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ho, Rebacca Chin Shiu and 何, 静修 (2012) 从《史记》世家论司马迁笔下的春秋霸主. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ho, Wing Teng (2012) Design and development of a learning-based license plate detection algorithm. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Ho, Yi Sing (2012) Hybrid Lump-Element Microstrip Filters. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Kang, Sze Wen and 江, 诗雯 (2012) 香港童话镜像——《麦兜》电影系列的社会反思主题研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Hui Poo and Low, Pei Wa and Ooi, Chong King and Sam, Man Keong and Teng, Choon Hou (2012) A study on the impacts towards the loyalty of the employee among the back of house staffs in hotel industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Hwaai Shian (2012) Peered content delivery network through request routing peering system for video-on-demand. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Syh Her and 纪, 似荷 (2012) 从《蒙马特遗书》论邱妙津的死亡. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Keong, Lee Ling and Khor, May Ling and Low, Sheau Pey and Wong, Zi Hui (2012) Awareness of Islamic banking products and services among non - muslims in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Khaw, Boon Keat and 许, 文杰 (2012) 金宝古庙与社区研究(1904-2012). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Khoo, Choon Shen (2012) Novel Three Dimensional Bandpassing Block Filters. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Khoo, Ee Sin (2012) Empirical studies of the dirichlet parametric family of universal portfolios. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Khoo, Eng Cheong (2012) Removal of basic dyes using sugarcane bagasse. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Khor, Chia Thing and 许, 加婷 (2012) 镜下赤裸铜体——论李安《色/戒》中王佳芝精神与心理嬗变. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Khor, Daniel Say Hou (2012) GPS traffic navigation system. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kiu, Ivy Grace King Lui and 邱, 锦蕾 (2012) 论张爱玲《秧歌》与《赤地之恋》的反共意识书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Koay, Chun Eng and Mah, Wei Giap (2012) Satisfaction level between islamic credit cardholders and conventional credit cardholders in respons to the difference in service quality of issuing banks in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Koay, Seok Kean and 郭, 淑娟 (2012) 马来西亚九皇爷信仰的多样性:槟城二条路斗母宫个案研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Kok, Yoke Teng and Tan, Sim Yong and Yong, Man Siew and Tan, Ker Wei (2012) The determinants of Islamic banks profitability in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kong, Siew Ming (2012) Anticancer property, mode of action and selectivity of a series of copper complexes. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Koo, See Jin and 顾, 斯进 (2012) 弘一律师文学研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kwah, Zai Syen and Kow, Wei Lun and Lee, Chee Xiang and Lee, Kah Eng and Lim, Choon Keat (2012) Barriers to Malaysian women career progression. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Lai, Chooi Kuan (2012) Synthesis and characterisation of 1,3-dihydroxyxanthone derivatives and their antioxidant activities. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lai, Soon Onn (2012) Preparation of pvdf-tio2 mixed-matrix membrane and its evaluation on dye adsorption and uv-cleaning properties.

Lau, Siew Soon (2012) Private Sector’s Perception of the Risk Allocation In Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Arrangement. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lean, Thow Keat and 林, 道杰 (2012) 游离于都市的边缘叙述——论彭浩翔导演《志明与春娇》与《春娇与志明》电影中都市社会的边缘叙述. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Alvin Wan Siang (2012) Biodegradation of polylactic acid / starch blends. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Jia Sin and 李, 嘉欣 (2012) 从《漱玉词》探讨李清照词史地位及婉约词宗之定位. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Kah Hwa and Lee, Sin Yee and Wong, Shi wen and Wong, Sing kit (2012) Impact of dividend policy on shareholder's wealth : an intensive study on industrial sector and services sector in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Lei Lei and 李, 蕾蕾 (2012) 探讨马来西亚华人的爱国意识忧患——从激荡作坊到黄明志. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Rui Ying and Ko, Sie Jian and Koh, Hui Shi and Lim, Kai Li and Quek, Ven Chiang (2012) An investigation into big 4 auditing companies in Malaysia : factors that affect auditor independence. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Tse Yueng (2012) Crank-nicolson scheme for asian option. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lee, Wei Ni and Lim, Bao Ping and Lim, Li Ying and Ng, Huei Sern and Wong, Jia Lih (2012) Entrepreneurial intention : a study among students of higher learning institution. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Wooi Kent and 李, 伟健 (2012) 简论隆雪华堂青年团从传统华团到公民实践与功能. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Xin Li and 李, 欣妮 (2012) 寻找已失去的民族记忆——论魏德胜电影“海角七号”的空间意义. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Xuan Hang and 李, 轩航 (2012) 金宝增龙会馆与社区互动研究(1922-1957). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Yen Nee (2012) Multi objects proximity monitoring using android smart phones via bluetooh. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liaw, Kok Cheng (2012) Revised Extension of Time Clause In Pam Form 2006 Compared To Pam Form 1998. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Feng Mei and Low, Bee Yoke and Low, Boon Yang and Ng, Pui Leng (2012) Macroeconometric model: Malaysia model. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Phik Yin (2012) Achievability of Green Building Index Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Li Yur (2012) The impact of perceived leadership and ethical leadership behaviour on job satisfaction and organisational commitment. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Bee Yuen and Chaw, Chiaw Chuam and Koh, Yen Ping and Lok, Jin Min and Tan, Xiang Wei (2012) Determinants of stock price movement in U.S. market. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Chee Seong (2012) Financial satisfaction and intergenerational resource transfers among urban older Malaysians. American Journal of Scientific Research , 43. pp. 32-34. ISSN 1450-223X

Lim, Chee Thai and Chew, Jing Qun and Lee, Jia Howe and Loke, Wei Wen and Wong, Teik Kheng (2012) Exploring the factors affecting purchase intention of smartphone : a study of young adults in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Perak Campus, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Chye Ying and Ling, Annie and See, Tho Lih Jia and Tan, See Ngar (2012) How independent variables affect dividend policy that will eventually change firm value. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Edeline Yan An and 林, 彦安 (2012) 隆雪华青与废除大专法令运动. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Kee Foong and Tang, Weng Lok and Yu, Yen Hoon (2012) The impact of macroeconomics variables on bank's stock return : evidence from Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Lee Fah and 林, 丽华 (2012) 吉隆坡客家人与循人学校的发展. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Rern Jern (2012) Design of multicomponent heat integrated distillation systems. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Shin Teng (2012) The phenomenon of blog campaigning: an exploratory study of web logs during Malaysia’s 12th general election. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Shu Pei and Cheong, Kae Yeng and Ding, Yoke Ying and Loo, Jia Voon and Teh, Yew Wei (2012) The importance of website quality dimensions in determining customer satisfaction : an empirical study on airline industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Wai Woon and 林, 慧雯 (2012) 叶蕾的散文研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lim, Wei Han and 林, 伟汉 (2012) 朱熹之孟子诠释. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Wei Xiang (2012) Performance of the mahalanobis and other parametric families of universal portfolios. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Wyi Sian (2012) Study on the tnf-α-stimulated nf-κb pathway regulating peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (pparα) expression in hepg2 cells. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Yee (2012) Rotational Symmetric Power Divider and Multiport Power Divider. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Yuen Nee (2012) Proximity detection with Bluetooth and GPS using android smartphones. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loh, Hui Qian and 罗, 慧倩 (2012) 从萨特的“存在主义”看西西的小说创作. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loh, Pei Xuan (2012) Modified vanadium based oxide catalysts for selective oxidation of n-butane to maleic anhydride. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Loh, Say Chung and 骆, 世俊 (2012) 传承、扎根与开拓——论商晚筠、潘雨桐和黄锦树小说的中心意象. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Loh, Siew Kin and Soo, Chin Ling (2012) The macroeconomics determinants of stock market movement in developing country : evidence from Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loo, Chew Yee and Chee, Chung Meng and Chek, Min Jung and Lim, Li Hooi and Ong, Hui Wen (2012) Trade balance and marcoeconomic variables integration: an empirical evidence on Asean 5 from 1984 to 2010. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loo, Yin Teng and 罗, 燕婷 (2012) 向、郭《庄子注》研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Looi, Chun (2012) Generator Polynomial in Turbo Code System. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Chen Aun (2012) Human resource management in a project team. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Low, Chen Syen (2012) The project success rate and standard project management methodology in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lye, Yon Kai (2012) Determination of the Effects of Carbon Black And Crosslinking Agent on Curing of Epoxy. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Manikam, Nithiyaa (2012) Biogas production from municipal waste. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Mok, Siew Ying (2012) Ultra slow oscillations in cortical cultures. PhD thesis, UTAR.

Mok, Wen Ru (2012) Effects Of Plasticiser Mixtures On Physical And Mechanical Properties Of Medical Grade Polyvinyl Chloride (Pvc). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ng, Bernard Chong Yan and Tan, Wai Yin and Khor, Jia Chyi and Yap, Siew Thing (2012) The determinants of capital structure for the firms in the construction and materials sector in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Danny Wee Kiat (2012) Simulation of oscillations in a network of neurons using integrate and fire neuron model. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Ng, Kim Huey and 黄, 婧绘 (2012) 韩江学校新闻专修班与新闻系研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Ng, Kim Yeong (2012) Rainfall-Induced Landslides in Hulu Kelang Area,Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Richard Yew Fatt (2012) Design of an iris verification system on embedded blackfin processor for access control application. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Ng, Shiong Chan (2012) Performance study of Membrane Bioreactor treating synthetic wastewater. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Soon Ching (2012) Potential use of aerated lightweight concrete for energy efficient construction. PhD thesis, UTAR.

Ng, Wei Sien (2012) Life cycle analysis of petroleum based polyethylene and bio-based polyethylene. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Yi Ru (2012) Injection Moulding Processing Analysis of Polylactic Acid and High-Density Polyethylene. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ngoi, Kah Fei (2012) Out-Phase Patch Power Divider and Filtering Directional Coupler. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ong, Seng Fook (2012) Comparative analysis of whistleblower protection legislations in US, England and Malaysia.

Ong, Seng Fook (2012) Constructing a survey questionnaire to collect data on service quality of business academics.

Ong, Xiao Qi and 王, 筱琦 (2012) 唐诗中的西施接受研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.


Palancychamy, Prakas (2012) Physical and chemical properties of bimetallic doped vanadium phosphorus oxide catalysts. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Pan, Vic Qi and Cheah, Amy Shun Gui and Chew, Pai Qin (2012) The determinant factors influencing young consumers’ acceptance of mobile marketing. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Phang, Chee Hoe (2012) Design a microcontroller based motor controller with heat sensor. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Poon, Hong Tat and 盘, 宏达 (2012) 《老残游记》俗语研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Reho, Gobinath (2012) Characterisation of montmorillonite on polyvinyl alcohol-starch compound. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Seah, Yin Get and 佘, 莹玉 (2012) 论虹影长篇小说的“另类”女性话语. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Shereen Sharmini, Thavanesan (2012) Some properties of subsets of finite groups. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Shew, Yee Siang (2012) Assessing Malaysian healthcare professionals’ perception and intention in utilizing cloud computing medical record. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Sim, Tze Heng (2012) Real time iris recognition system. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Sophia Latt, Hj. Hasan Latt and Hnin, Wai Latt (2012) Assessing the awareness and perception of students in using e-learning tools in a tertiary education: a case study on Sunway University Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Sow, Swan Li-San (2012) Molecular diversity of ammonia and methane oxidizing bacteria in disused tin-mining ponds located within Kampar, Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Tan, Chau (2012) MAP Decoding Algorithm in Turbo Code System. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Chuan Kee (2012) The feasible use of the uk delay and disruption protocol in Malaysian construction industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Tan, Dennis Eng Beng (2012) Sleep disolder recognition system. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Hui Ying and 谭, 荟颖 (2012) 全民梦工厂——香港无线电视剧之结构探索. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Jason and Lee, Siau Mei and Ong, Chia Yee and Ooi, Wan Chong and Poh, Yu Xiong (2012) Analysts recommendation: a ripple effect that does not last. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Jon Wen (2012) Development of an industrial pick and place machine for gauge repeatability and reproducibility (GGR)measure of vision modules. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Juan Yi and Lee, Pheng Lih and Lim, Ying Xian and Yee, Jia Hui (2012) Do fundamental factors explain stock returns. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Yew Chai and 陈, 友财 (2012) 贞元年间韩愈与佛教关系探微. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Tan, Zhi Yi and Choong, Yu’ Hui’ and Chung, Siew Ching and Loh, Yi Chin and Tay, Wei Chen (2012) Relationship between incentives and employee engagement : an empirical study on employees in manufacturing companies. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tang, Kah Eng and 郑, 佳音 (2012) 白朴杂剧《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》和《裴少俊墙头马上》的接受学审视. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Tang, Kiat Hsiang and 陈, 吉祥 (2012) 南朝人视域下的曹操诗歌形象——以《文心雕龙》、《诗品》与 《文选》为讨论中心. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Tay, Khim Sim (2012) A study of enzymatic reaction in biodiesel conversion using fresh and waste cooking oil. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Tee, Shin Leong (2012) Bioassay–guided isolation of cytotoxic compound from hydrocotyle vulgaris. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Teng, Chun Man (2012) Wearable power-assisted pnuematic-based knee orthosis. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Teo, Xiao Qin (2012) A study of building information modeling(BIM) in Malaysia construction industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Teoh, Jia Jie (2012) Combination effect of photodynamic therapy (pdt) and chemotherapy on oral cancer cell lines. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Tew, Lee Ni (2012) Broadside-Coupled Patch Directional Coupler. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Thanasamy, Vinodkumar (2012) Solar Powered Micro Mouse. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Thoo, Josephine Sze Yeen and Lai, Pei Teng and Lee, Liyong and Lee, Siew Tin and Lui, Dainah (2012) Exploratory factor analysis on Hong Kong equity market. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ting, Chee Siong (2012) Isolation and identification of Nontuberculous Mycobacteria in soil and water samples from around Kampar, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ting, Kee Siong (2012) The level and effects of Participation in Decision Making (PDM) on employee groups for the manufacturing and servicing sectors in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Veerasamy, Pavitra (2012) Characterization of vitamin e on polyvinyl alcoholstarch blends. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Von, Sze Tin (2012) Anticancer property and mode of action of metal(ii) complexes of intercalating ligand and amino acid. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Wong, Francis V.N and Lee, Mei Yean and Lin, Xin Ru and Low, Siok Yin (2012) A study on the youth attitude toward purchase green products in Malaysia & Singapore. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Hoong Cheong and 王, 鸿章 (2012) 戴表元哀祭碑铭文中的虚词研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Khai Hsiang (2012) Using surrogate servers for content delivery network infrastructure with guaranteed QoS. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Lee Kim and 王, 丽琴 (2012) 许鞍华《天水围二部曲》叙事技巧探析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Qin Yan (2012) Injection Moulding Processing Analysis of Polylactic Acid And Low-Density Polyethylene Plastic Spoon. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Siow Yin and 黄, 晓云 (2012) 马华现代诗的类型与分析——以1976年《南洋商报》副刊为个案研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Sze Mun and 黄, 诗敏 (2012) 中国电影中的“文革”叙事 ——以《蓝风筝》(1993)、《霸王别姬》(1993)、《活着》(1994)为视镜. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Teck Li and 王, 德益 (2012) 陈子昂形象与定位考辨——唐代古文家的视角. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Zhen Yang (2012) Wearable power assisted pneumatic-based ankle foot orthosis. Final Year Project, UTAR .

Woo, Yee Ping (2012) Investigattion of recyclability of sargassum binderi for removal of methyl orange. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Woon, Kong Yik (2012) Factors influencing Generation Y’s job application intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Yap, Choon Kiat (2012) Design and development of line tracking and path recognition system for vision guided autonomous vehicle. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Kah Yen and 叶, 嘉恩 (2012) 能言的多栖鸟——试论余光中散文的英式语法,句法与修辞实验. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Soh Leay and 叶, 素丽 (2012) 苏轼黄州书信文学与交游研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yap, Suen Chee and Chen, Jia Qi and Chew, Cui Theng and Tan, Sze Yin and Yeoh, Stephanie Chooi Yee (2012) Determinants affecting acceptance level of mobile learning among public universality students. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Yi Theng and Chan, Ee Min and Law, Jiing Lim and Lim, Kar Yan and Ng, Yean Tang (2012) The impact of interest rate, credit to private sector, inflation rate, money supply, and gross domestic product on savings: pooled mean group and error correction model. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yean, Lily (2012) Factors contributing towards public liking in reading Chinese newspapers: a comparative study between Sin Chew Daily and Oriental Daily News. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yee, Hong Weng (2012) Cost-benefit analysis of organisational migration to IPv6. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yeoh, Hong Huei (2012) Thermodynamic studies on biosorption of lead by palm shell activated carbon. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yew, Jia Min and 游, 嘉敏 (2012) 隆雪华青的公民实践——以吉隆坡旧飞机场路义山搬迁为个案研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yew, Thomas Jia-Yong and Tan, Bee Yong and Lee, Kwai Mei and Lee, Hui Yee and Kho, Kai Bin (2012) Effects of merger on Malaysia banks' efficency. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yim, Yuen Yan (2012) Ethanol to ethylene (ETE). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yin, Jen Nee and 尹, 贞霓 (2012) 黑色幽默的创伤书写——以余华的《兄弟》为研究文本. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yoe, Pick San and 尤, 碧珊 (2012) 寻求两性和谐的女性书写——以李忆莙小说为个案. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yong, Eugene Wai (2012) Microwave Power Divider. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yong, Fong Leng and 杨, 凤玲 (2012) 马华儿童读物的接受与影响研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yong, Kah Chun and Ong, Ker Xin and P’ng, Geok Thye and Poon, Dao Chun and Tan, Lay Yoke (2012) Factors affecting foreign direct investment decision in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 12:31:10 2025 MYT.