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Beh, Chun Siong and 马, 俊雄 (2023) 马华战后初期剧本的创作研究:以方修《马华文学作品选·戏剧 (战后)》为研究文本 : Mahua’s drama writings in the early post-war period: a case study of Fang Xiu’s selected Mahua’s literary works: post-war drama. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Chai, Chooi Fang and 蔡, 翠芳 (2011) 论双溪毛糯麻疯病院社区口述历史的人物传记之写作实践—以林伯为中心人物. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Pei Wen (2020) 马六甲英华书院的儒家论述 (A Study On The Confucian Discourse Of The Anglo-Chinese College At Malacca). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chang, Khai Ying and 曾, 恺盈 (2021) 金宝古冈州会馆研究(1921-1980). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chen, Keng Ling and 曾, 庆龄 (2015) 论黄润岳自传性散文的特色. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Zhao Ying and 陈, 照莹 (2019) 隋唐时期的“猫事件”论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chong, Xin Yi and Tang, Chui Ting and Yap, Mei Ting (2023) Determinants of inflation on the economy of Asean. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Ivy Xin Ping and 蔡, 欣玶 (2024) 海峡殖民地的华人娼妓 (1870-1930) : Chinese prostitutes in straits settlements (1870-1930). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Fong, Daniel Weng Yew and Loh, Jason Jia Shun and Tan, Chou Hong and Tan, Sin Rou (2023) Does the existence of income inequality contribute to the volume of carbon dioxide emission? An analysis on selected southeast Asia countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foo, Shiawsir and 符, 孝慈 (2021) 论德教的缘起、南传及紫系德教会在马来西亚的发展. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foong, Kao Ching I (2019) 吉隆坡广府与客家民俗文化的传承与发展——以 广肇会馆与惠州会馆为视角 (Inheritance And Development Of Cantonese And Hakkanese Folklore Culture In Kuala Lumpur:Case Studies On Kwong Siew Association And Fui Chiu Association). PhD thesis, UTAR.


Gan, Chiu Har and 严, 秋霞 (2014) 林清祥在新加坡政治上的地位. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Gan, Jing Rou and 颜, 静柔 (2023) 王安石《上仁宗皇帝言事书》中的人才观 : Wang Anshi’s talent ideology of the statement to Emperor Renzong. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Wee Meng (2019) 瓜拉庇劳华人与辛亥革命 (The Chinese Of Kuala Pilah And The 1911 Revolution). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Har, Kah Men and 夏, 嘉敏 (2015) 新山华人街名浅析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Haw, Xin Yee and 侯, 莘怡 (2015) 论麻坡抗日筹款模范区(1937-1941)的集体记忆——以范仕铜、吴天赐和颜其仁为口述访谈对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Heah, Huey Iang and 连, 慧茵 (2016) 霹雳角头渔村的历史沿革及产业发展初探. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ho, Sin Ni and 何, 欣倪 (2023) 怡保灵仙岩的旅游与宗教功能 : The tourism and religious function of Ipoh Ling Sen Tong Temple. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hoo, Kiu Chew and 胡, 玖洲 (2019) 山外看山:钱钟书文史观分论. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hoon, Samuel Tian En and 云, 天恩 (2017) 论“文史互见”视角下的“马共书写”——以金枝芒、驼铃、海凡为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Huong, Claire Xin Ru and 方, 芯茹 (2021) 论砂拉越马鲁帝大伯公庙的历史和发展. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Khoo, Cherie Jia Ying and 邱, 加颖 (2015) 论霹雳州十八丁泉成炭窑的开创、发展和转型(1930-2014)——以蔡招安和蔡招成为口述访谈对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ku, Zhan Xue and 许, 展学 (2024) 贺淑芳《蜕》的族群政治书写 : The ethnic political writings in Ho Sok Fong's Tui. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Lee, Thung and 李, 潼 (2015) 浅析《女戒》诞生的因素——以《汉书》及《后汉书》为研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Leong, Karh Chuen and 梁, 家迳 (2015) 传统与革新:疑古时代之史学观. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Leow, Siew Yng and 廖, 秀莹 (2017) 嘉应人对怡保社会与经济的贡献:以霹雳嘉应会馆为案例(1900-1985). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liang, Kai Li and 梁, 凯琍 (2016) 《新唐书》中陆羽形象探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Szu Yee and 刘, 菽仪 (2013) 探讨鲧被殛与尧舜禅让的关系——兼论鲧与普罗米修斯的异同. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Shu Ming and 林, 素铭 (2016) 论述霹雳州太平华人传统洗衣业. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Zhi Wei and 林, 芷薇 (2018) 从《热河日记》看朴趾源“尊周思明”与“北学中国”之议. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lin, Qiong and 林, 琼 (2014) 莫言新历史小说《檀香刑》之中国清末历史书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ling, Wei Cheng and 林, 为程 (2021) 霹雳实兆远的行政区划变迁研究(1874-1963) :关于陈平国籍论的侧面思考. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loh, Guo Wei and 罗, 国玮 (2020) 峇眼色海圣古庙研究 (1893-2020). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Yon Tyng and 刘, 咏亭 (2015) 马六甲潮州人“出花园”成年礼的习俗演变——以沈俊城为口述访谈对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ng, Suet Yee and 伍, 雪仪 (2014) 马新独立运动:傅树介与反殖斗争. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Ng, Wai Ching and 黄, 慧菁 (2018) 怡保闲真别墅的历史变迁(1895-2017). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Wei Yun and 黄, 伟云 (2015) 陈函辉〈霞客徐先生墓志铭〉与徐霞客事迹研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Oh, Jing Yi and 胡, 婧怡 (2023) 论北宋朝廷对佛教发展的支持 : A study of the spread and development of Buddhism in the Northern Song Dynasty. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ong, Tun Min and 翁, 敦铭 (2015) 探讨从九•一八事变发生后之《南洋商报》的舆论与新马华人的反应. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ooi, Zi Qing and 黄, 紫晴 (2019) 从《三国志·吴主传》探讨陈、裴记载的异同. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Soo, Ying Torng and 苏, 映彤 (2021) 金宝海南会馆研究(1936-1970). Final Year Project, UTAR.


Tan, Devi Kia Swee and 陈, 家瑞 (2023) 砂拉越古晋潮州人祭祖文化研究 : The Teochew ancestral worship culture in Kuching, Sarawak. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Jin Ling and 陈, 矜伶 (2021) 槟城惠州会馆研究(1822-1941). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Sok Jin and 陈, 淑菁 (2016) 西汉前期匈奴形象与汉匈交流之探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tang, Kiat Hsiang and 陈, 吉祥 (2012) 南朝人视域下的曹操诗歌形象——以《文心雕龙》、《诗品》与 《文选》为讨论中心. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Tang, Raymond Lung Wei and 郑, 龙威 (2016) 砂劳越诗巫黄三仙姐神坛研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ter, Loong On and 戴, 隆安 (2019) 《三国志》与《三国演义》的刘禅形象研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Thio, Jing Tai and 张, 竞带 (2024) 古文字彣饰之辨析与影响—— 以刘钊《古文字构形学》为例 : The analysis and influence of decorative mark in Chinese Paleography: A case study of Liu Zhao's “Composition and Form of Ancient Chinese Characters”. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Wang, Fuqiu (2019) “文化大革命”时期下放辽宁省北票乡村“知青”研究 (Study On “Sent-Down Youth” During “Cultural RevoLution” In Rural Area Of Beipiao, Liaoning Province). PhD thesis, UTAR.

Wong, Hon Yuan (2019) A Study On The Origin Of Zeng Gong’s Historical Discourse And It’s Practice (曾巩史论渊源与实践之研究). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Wong, Ming Zhe and 黄, 洺舴 (2023) 二战前新山华社五帮共和现象之研究 : A study on the coexistence phenomenon of the five provinces in Johor Bahru Chinese Society before the World War II. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Sieow Sze (2018) 李光耀的语文观与新加坡的“双语政策” (Lee Kuan Yew’s View Of Language And Singapore’s Bilingual Policy). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Wong, Sindy Chun Mun and 黄, 春文 (2017) 槟岛地缘组织保存籍贯文化的策略与困境:以台山宁阳会馆与南海会馆为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Yee, Wen Hui and 余, 汶慧 (2020) 战前的槟城华团研究——以槟城嘉应会馆会议记录为依据(1921年-1937年). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeo, Chia Chia and 杨, 佳佳 (2011) 政府的教育政策对砂拉越华文教育发展的影响(1841-1989). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yew, Xin Yu and 游, 欣瑜 (2017) 霹雳州怡保永定人的移居与发展(1872-1961). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yip, Yoke Teng (2017) 从《海峡华人杂志》(1897-1907) 看峇峇式中华性之塑造过程 / A Study on the Formation of Baba-Style Chineseness through the Straits Chinese Magazine (1897-1907). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yuen, Yee Yoong and 袁, 绮嬫 (2018) 大山脚斗母宫九皇大帝庙的历史沿革与信仰考察. Final Year Project, UTAR.

何, 欣霓 (2023) 论盛唐的书法审美流变. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

刘, 雪玲 (2022) 雪隆华人妇女励志会与励志国民型华文小学研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

叶, 晓静 (2022) 当代海南的马来西亚和新加坡琼籍华人 文化资源之研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.

唐, 芷瑶 and Thong, Zhi Yao (2024) 田雅各《最后的猎人》与夏曼‧蓝波安《冷海情深》的台湾原住民书写研究 : A study of Taiwanese aboriginal writings in Topas Tamapima’s The Last Hunter and Syaman Rapongan’s Smitten with the Ruthless Sea. Final Year Project, UTAR.

张, 丽花 (2023) 欧洲电影节获奖中国电影的女性形象:以中国第六代导演为讨论中心. PhD thesis, UTAR.

李, 春裔 (2022) 创伤与修复:华语女性酷儿电影表现研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.

杨, 娟娟 (2023) 中国传统习惯法在马来亚华人社会的移植与践履(1877-1957). PhD thesis, UTAR.

江, 翊嘉 (2023) 新加坡与马来西亚闽籍华商兴学办教理念的实践与传承: 以陈嘉庚、李成枫、杨忠礼为例. PhD thesis, UTAR.

蔡, 慧棋 (2023) 金宝基督教华人卫理公会宗教事业发展研究(1903-2021). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

赵, 晶莹 (2022) 康熙皇帝成才之教育模式研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.

邓, 洁 (2023) 清代刘沅对宋明理学之批评与展开研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.

郑, 翔鹏 (2023) 海南人南天水尾圣娘信仰研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

陈, 黎 (2023) 霹雳州金宝县伍英芳的商业及社会参与(1901—19750). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

高, 嘉雯 (2023) 关丹华人社会的抗日运动与日据时期: 1937-1948. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

黄, 昕 (2023) 辛亥革命时期前后黄兴与孙中山的立国思想. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 23:45:48 2025 MYT.