Number of items at this level: 46.
Final Year Project / Dissertation / Thesis
Chan, Zhi Xin (2023) Association between fatigue and psychological factors among undergraduate university students: a cross-sectional study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chang, Yee Xuan and 郑, 宇轩 (2015) 论黄老思想中“道”的体用关系与“顺道”思想. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Chew Ten and 谢, 秋婷 (2015) 从《解老》篇及《喻老》篇论韩非归本与黄老之思想. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheng, Wen Jing and 庄, 雯静 (2022) "论铁抗《试炼时代》、《白蚁》和《洋玩具》——抗战文学的创作风格" :A study of Tie Kang’s Shi Lian Shi Dai, Bai Yi, and Yang Wan Ju:War-resistance literature’s writing style". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chieng, Helen and 钱, 海伦 (2023) 论李永平《新侠女图》侠女形象的建构 : A study of constructing the heroine image in Li Yongping's ‘Xin Xiang tu’(New Portrait of a Female Knight). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Jacqueline Dan Dan and 陈, 聃聃 (2019) 《论语》“色”含义之归纳与辨析. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Wee Fun and 陈, 威方 (2016) “以悲为美”的情感建构:后主词与易安词的愁情意象体现. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Kok Fui and 张, 国辉 (2015) 焦虑——李商隐诗之自恋情怀的主因. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Wei Loong and 张, 伟隆 (2014) 探讨曹操用人之法与其政治成就. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Gan, Jing Rou and 颜, 静柔 (2023) 王安石《上仁宗皇帝言事书》中的人才观 : Wang Anshi’s talent ideology of the statement to Emperor Renzong. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Zi En and 颜, 梓恩 (2017) 《三国志》与演义中之曹操形象比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Yee Shan (2023) Sexting motive on sexting behaviours among emerging adults in Malaysia: The moderating role of gender and relationship status. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Heng, Winston Choon Xuan and 王, 春旋 (2015) 教育、政治与国家建构:马华公会华文教育中央委员会个案研究(1952-1961). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Hooi, Chin Yee and 许, 瀞予 (2022) 守序是本分:试析《荀子》中天、人、与社会之关系 ; Being Lawful is The Duty: The Relationship among Nature, Human and Society in XunZi. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Huang , Jiazheng and 黄, 嘉正 (2023) 论沈从文的湘西巫文化书写——以《神巫之爱》为例 : Shen Congwen's writing on Xiangxi Witch Culture: A case study of “The Shaman's Love”. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jia, Shihou (2019) 禅宗心性论与陆王心学的平行研究 (A Parallel Study Between The Chinese Chan Buddhism And The Heart-Mind Philosophy Of Lu-Wang School). PhD thesis, UTAR.
Jong, Carmen Shin Yi and 杨, 欣宜 (2023) 论李忆莙《春秋流转》女性形象的建构 : Discussing the construction of female characters in Lee Yoke Kim’s ""The Circulation of the Spring and Autumn. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koay, Ying Yin (2023) Subjective wellbeing, religiosity, and voting intention: The case of Malaysia. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Kong, Yan Kae and 江, 炎凯 (2013) 司马迁的儒学与法治思想. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .
Lai, Tat Chuan and 黎, 达铨 (2015) 《韩非子》之“圣”研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lam, Wing Yee and 林, 颖宜 (2023) 论龚万辉《人工少女》的魔幻写实书写 : A study of magic realist in Gong Wan Hui's Ren Gong Shao Nu. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lau, De Kuan (2017) Attitude towards Money and Materialism among Malaysian Generation Y. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Soo Chee and 李, 树枝 (2014) 余光中对马华作家的影响研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Wan Ying (2024) Growing up deaf in Ipoh: Perspectives of Malaysian Chinese parent and deaf adult child. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Liew, Suey Fen and 廖, 穗芬 (2016) 战前马来亚华文教育探讨. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lim, Bryan Fu An and 林, 福安 (2023) 《天龙八部》中段延庆论析 : A study of Duan YanQing In Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Pei Li and 林, 佩丽 (2023) 男子作闺音——云里风笔下女性书写研究 : A study of female writings in literature by Yuen Li Fung. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Hui Qian and 罗, 慧倩 (2012) 从萨特的“存在主义”看西西的小说创作. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Xiang Thing and 罗, 湘婷 (2016) 杜运燮诗歌表现艺术研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Low, Kah Yue (2023) Validation of the mental health literacy questionnaire (MHLQ) among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Low, Khai Rol and 刘, 凯柔 (2015) 传统与欧化的对抗:辜鸿铭对近代化的反思. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nadia, Mohamad Hatta (2016) Clinical Year Medical Students’ Perception of Job Demands and Job Control on Their Working Lives as Doctors in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Kai Wen and 黄, 凯雯 (2015) 论李贽的“人道”思想及其局限. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Zi Ming and 王, 子铭 (2022) "柔佛古庙游神作为国家文化遗产及其今昔对比'; Chingay Johore as a National Cultural Heritage and its past and present". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Phoon, Kit Mun and 潘, 洁雯 (2024) 黎紫书小说的女性书写 : The feminine writing in Li Zi Shu’s Fictions. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Sia, Pow Ping and 谢, 宝駍 (2015) 《马来纪年》的道家史笔考析. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Sim, Loon Wan and 沈, 润远 (2014) 东汉初期(25-88A.D.)崇儒政策发展之研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Soon, Cai En (2023) Recontriving culture/nature dualism: An ecofeminist reading of selected Terry Pratchett’s Witches series. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Wilson (2023) Application of game-based learning in developing metacognition for facilitating English for specific purpose (ESP) vocabulary acquisition: A case study. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teh, Chai Yin and 郑, 彩萤 (2023) 论梁靖芬《野风波》的人物以及地方书写 : The character and local writings of Liang Jin Fen's Wild Waves. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teoh, Wan Cien and 张, 婉芊 (2022) 论李宗舜《现代李白》中生命意识的诠释; Interpretation of Life Awareness in Lee Cheng Soon's Modern Li Bai". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tey, Tiny Chiu Yuen (2017) Exploring the Antecedents of Behavioural Intention to Use Technology among Undergraduates. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tih, Kah Hee and 郑, 嘉喜 (2022) 论《漱玉词》“愁情”的三重书写风貌 ; On Three Styles of Sorrow in Shuyu Ci, Li Qingzhao's Poetry Collection". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tong, Pei Sin (2024) A case study on weed management awareness in Kampar: Farmers’ perceptions, weed flora composition, and effect of fertilizers on weed growth. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Xiao, BoYu and 肖, 博予 (2017) 未完成的运动:陈独秀与儒学的重估. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Ling Yi and 杨, 林宜 (2014) 论马华写实主义与现代主义小说的发展轨迹(1965-1989). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 13:59:18 2025 MYT.