Number of items: 357.
Alnazir Ahmed, Muaid Abdulkareem (2017) Quantification of Bus Accident on Rural Roadways. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ang, Chyh Kun and Chong, Ting Ting and Seah, Yong Chooi and Soo, Ying Ni and Tan, Phey Yi (2017) Let's go Green! Studying Customer Purchase Intention Towards Green Cars in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Siong Huat (2017) The Study of Visual Exaggeration in Fast Food Print Advertisements: an Insight into Mcdonald‟S Current Practices in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ang, Wan Ru and Cheong, Michelle Hui Ying and Ng, Shi Hui and Ooi, Mui Leng and Yep, Pui Yee (2017) The Relationship between Job Burnout and Psychological Empowerment with the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Secondary School Teachers in Perak Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Yannie and Chiang, Seok Min and Goh, Su Ming and Lim, Ji Chue (2017) Determinant factors that influence revisit intention on cafes in Penang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Au, Poh Yee and Chan, Pui Yee and Loke, Pui Hoong and Tan, Ti Seng (2017) A study on the effect of local student satisfaction, institutional image and student commitment towards student loyalty in private universities of Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Beljit, Kaur (2017) Kinetics and mechanistic study of Adenosine Monophosphate Disodium salt (AMPNa2) in acidic and alkaline media. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Bhargkavi, Pari (2017) The Effects of Job Crafting On Work Engagement and Job Performance among National Secondary School Teachers in Kedah, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Bong, Fwee Leong (2017) Design and Characterization of Miniaturized UHF Tag Antennas. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Bong, Wan Zhung (2017) Influence of Social Media Marketing, Brand Loyalty and eWOM Towards Consumers’ Purchase Intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR .
Chai, Chee Fung (2017) Context-driven Audio Input and Output Control. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Guo Le and Lee, Ai Sean and Lee, Hui Shuang and Yeoh, Xue Jing (2017) Drivers of Corporate Social Performance: Evidence from Malaysia Domestic Banks. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Kai Sin (2017) Incentives as a Mechanism to Revive Housing Abandonment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Mey Yoke and Ng, Mary Boon Yan and Tong, Shinn Yi and Lim, Ju Ann and Ngen, Janice Jiaying (2017) The Effect of Corporate Governance on the Timeliness of Financial Reporting: Empirical Evidences from Malaysian Public Listed Companies. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Wai Kuan (2017) Experienced Quantity Surveyor’s Perception of Employability Skills Required by Malaysian Fresh Graduate Quantity Surveyor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Chi Yan and Low, Ee Ling and Yu, Lai Ying (2017) A study of entrepreneurial intention among Malaysian university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hoong Wai (2017) An Action Arcade Web-Based Game – Slime Attack Plus (Stack-O-Slime). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hui Cheng (2017) 竺摩法师及其佛教文化与教育事业 (1954-1990). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chan, Joon Yang and Low, Boon Xian and Low, Joh Ann and Loo, Wen Lin and Tan, Kin Yu (2017) Understanding The Effects Of Ewom On Direct Sales Through The Information Adoption Model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Joshua Mun Wei (2017) Identifying Person through DNA Fingerprinting On Mixed Sample Using Next-Generation Sequencing Data. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Man Ling (2017) Mobile Application For Public Transportation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Pak Hoe (2017) Ideal Design and Services for Aging Housing Development. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chan, Phaik Hui and 曾, 碧惠 (2017) 从红土坎本律平民华小窥探非华裔生对华文小学之影响. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Su Hui and Chok, Shan Yee and Lae, Siew Yen and Lam, An Chie and Lee, Chia Yi (2017) The Impact of Perceived Organizational Support, Job Satisfaction, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and Work-Life Balance On Employee's Turnover Intention in Manufacturing Industry, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Vivian Kar Mun and Sik, Kin Mei and Tan, Joe Yee and Loh, See Yin (2017) The Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Movements of Property Price: Evidence from Japan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Xin Xuan and Lim, Hong Yuan and Teh, Sin Ying and Wong, Sij Yin (2017) Innovaz Sdn. Bhd. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Yan Yee and Lee, Wei Jieh and Leong, Jean Eu and Liow, Kien Fah and Thum, Pei Sin (2017) Customer Perceptions on Housing Loan: Evidence from Urban Area in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Yee Chin and Ding, Mabel Cheau Qi and Tham, Mun Yan and Goh, Waynnie Yu-Sinn and Wong, Tze Min (2017) Factors Affecting Whistleblowing Intention: An Empirical Study Among Final Year Accountancy Undergraduates. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Zhen Peng and Chee, Chan Juan and Kong, Lea Zhi and Leong, Chee Onn and Yen, Kar Yong (2017) What Drives Exchange Rate Uncertainty? From the Perspective of Global and Domestic Factors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chang, Xi Liang (2017) Development of Frequency Controlled Ionic Polymer Metal Composite (IPMC) Microactuator for Drug Delivery Application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Kean Huang (2017) An Action Arcade Web Based Game –Slime Attack Plus (Backend Integration). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Li Chian and Choe, Weng Mun and Lam, Hoi Sam and Wong, Yoong Keat (2017) Tourism and Macroeconomic variables: effects on developed and developing country. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Li Mei and Loke, Wen Haan and Sim, Xinyi and Tian, Siang Chong (2017) Revising foreign direct investment, tax and debt on Southeast Asia Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Li Xuen and Chew, Yun Bee and Lim, Rick Li Hsien and Tan, Wan Yen and Twe, Kah Yee (2017) Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Unemployment Rate in China. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheng, Kah Mun (2017) Antioxidant properties of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs (Lycium barbarum and Polygonum multiflorum) with different preparation methods. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheng, Wei Kuang (2017) An application of Bayesian classification methods in diabetes data. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheo, Wing Ming and 曹, 永铭 (2017) 论王阳明的现世关怀. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheong, Chia and Gee, Ying Wei and Ooi, Jocelyn Xin Ying and Lee, Jo Yin and Lim, Jian Zhong (2017) Determinants Influencing Foreign Direct Investment Decision in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheong, Philip Zhi Qiang (2017) Proof of Concept: Network Vulnerability through Wi-Fi Spoofing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Choi Kuan and Kow, Yuet Teng and Them, Yu Hong and Yap, Xin Fong and Yeoh, Hui Wen (2017) The Relationship Between Perceived Teacher Self-Disclosure And Teacher Credibility Among Public Relations Undergraduates In Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Wei Loong (2017) UniCAT: Data Analytics Module. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Min Jun (2017) Interactive Multimedia Kiosk Application for Malacca Heritage. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chieng, Tee Keong and Hooi, Andy Wei Xian and Chew, Jing Soon and Hock, Jun Leong and Law, Kah Keng (2017) The Impact of Oil Return on the Changes of Real Exchange Rate during Crises: International Trade in China. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chiew, Yoon Kiat and Chong, Huey Kuan and Lim, Kui Ying and Lok, Wei Kheng and Wan, Sen Ngan (2017) The Interaction Between Oil Price and Exchange Rate : A Case Study in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Chee Kean and Lai, Hena Pei Loo and Neo, Si Ling (2017) The cycle relationship between environmental, social & governance (ESG) disclosure and company financial performance. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Ee Wen and Ho, Chee Shan and Lim, Kee Kiat and Loh, Wooi Siang and Low, Kar Seng (2017) Strategic Human Resource Management and Job Satisfaction Toward Organisational Citizenship Behavior. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Guo Hao (2017) Perceived employer attractiveness of undergraduate students of a private higher education institution in the northern region of peninsular Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Hui Ling (2017) Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE) To The New Academic Building, UTAR Sungai Long (KB Block). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Jing Ru and 陈, 敬儒 (2017) 陈寿《三国志》与西晋史学嬗变之枢纽. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Liang Keat and Chong, Jing Wen and Teh, Gavin Chung Ming and Lim, Zhew Huan and Teh, Meng Wah (2017) The Effects of Macroeconomic and Financial Development towards Carbon Dioxide Emission in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Siao Shi (2017) Effect of Age on Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Wai Chun (2017) Effect of Leadership Styles on the Success of Virtual Project Teams Among Multinational Companies in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Winnie (2017) A simple interactive 3D interior design application for living room - cost management. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Xin Yi and Kho, Jiat Suan and Tey, Chorng Kuan and Wong, Suet May and Yew, Jiong Jun (2017) Managerial Perceptions towards The Role Of Public Relations: Public Relations Practices In The Malaysian Hotel Industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ching, Loo May and 郑, 茹梅 (2017) 白朴杂剧《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》与《裴少俊墙头马上》修辞格研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chok, Eu-Tjin (2017) A Novel Algorithm for Optimal Operation and Sizing of Generator-Photovoltaic-Energy Storage System for Minimizing Cost of Energy. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Chin Liang and Chow, Jia Loon and Lee, Jian Jun and Tiow, Jien Keat and Wong, Su Chin (2017) A Study on Job Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Extrinsic Motivation on Job Performance Of Teachers in Government Primary Schools in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Irene Yan Ling (2017) The characterization of isolated Bacillus Thuringiensis from blocks B, C, I and engineering workshop of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar campus. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Jia Kit (2017) Optimal designs of the variable sample size (VSS) X chart based on median run length and expected median run length. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Jia Ying and Chua, Hian Soon and Lwee, Kui Fang and Ng, Shih Yean (2017) Factors affecting generation Y consumers’ purchase intention towards organic products in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Seit Yin and Koh, Yen Sing and Lau, Kah Yin and Tew, Ching Mein and Yap, May Khee (2017) A Study of Employee Wellness Impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Affective Commitment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Wei Jian and Eng, Eu An and Ong, Jia Jing and Ngu, Jie Ying and Soon, Yi Ming (2017) What Drive the Second Purchase of Malaysia Insurance Comsumers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Wen Yang (2017) Autonomous RC Car Control Using Computer Vision. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Yeong Ping and Yee, Diana Chui Yen and Heng, Ai Sy and Cui, Xin and Yeoh, Shu Ting (2017) Organizational Commitment among Academic Staff of Private Universities in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Zheng Lun (2017) Automated Timetabling System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choo, Min Jun (2017) Marketing and Promotion Based On Selected Criteria System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Jiunn Shyong (2017) Competency Mapping: A Tool for Human Capital Development Excellence. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Jiunn Shyong (2017) Competency Mapping: A tool for human capital development excellence. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Shun Voon and 钟, 顺文 (2017) 论刘基《郁离子》“待王者之兴”. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chow, Hsing Zhu and Ewe, Cai Yung and Goh, Ee Min and Goh, Yi Ling and Khor, Bee Fun (2017) Perceived Organizational Politics Toward Job Outcomes In Manufacturing Industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chow, Jensine Qi Jiet and Beh, Ling Shen and Chong, Siew Yong and Chee, Shi Wen and Sham, Sook Yin (2017) Economic Analysis on foreign workers and economic growth: A panel evidence. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chu, Say Ying (2017) Characterization of Bacteriophage Ka isolated from hot spring at Kuala Woh, Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Eric Shi Khang (2017) Portable Surgical Bag Pack. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Ken Tat (2017) Feasibility Studies of Implementation of HVDC Distribution Network in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chua, Mei Xin and 蔡, 美欣 (2017) 论方娥真《娥眉赋》诗集的生命意识和意象审美. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Soo Sien (2017) 证严法师《静思语》⼉儿童教育理念之 体系探析. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chua, Ti Ling and Lau , Janice and Lee, Mei Hui (2017) A study on purchase intention towards convenience food products in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Xiang Ziang and Chia, Wan Siah and Lau, Sin Thean and Lee, Shu Lin (2017) Determinants of Halal Food Choice among Local Non-Muslim Tourists. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chung, Zhi Leong and Cheng, Chwee Ling and Gan, Pak Chuen and Liew, Siew Vern and Lim, Zhi Hong (2017) Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions and GDP by Sectors : A Study of Five Selected ASEAN Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ding, Jing Siang and Gan, Giap Gin and Lee, Jia Wei and Lee, Yuin Wuei (2017) Relationship between Inflation and Stock Return across Financial Crises: Evidence from Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Effie, Anak Nyanong (2017) Water Resources and Stormwater Management Strategies using Dual Function Rainwater Tank in Labu River Basin. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Eng, Lee Choo (2017) 槟城乔治市华人古迹的功能演变: 以郑景贵、张弼士及叶祖意故居为例 = The Evolution of the Functions of Chinese Heritage in George Town, Penang: Based on the Houses of Chung Keng Kwee, Cheong Fatt Tze And Yeap Chor Ee. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Foo, Kok Yun (2017) Investigation on the Effectiveness of Integrated Facts-Fuel Cells in Treating the Power Quality Issues in Hybrid Power Systems. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Foong, Sook Ching and Kong, Kee Lok and Looi, Seow Yan and Phua, Chee Seng and Wong, Jing Man (2017) Assessing Service-Learning Courses in a Malaysian Higher Learning Institution: A Study of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Foong, Swee Peng (2017) The Critical Success Factors for Renovation Projects. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Franklin, Okoli Kelechi (2017) Demographic Factors Affecting Bequest Perceptions of Older Adults in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Fung, Jun Ian and Khor, Zi Hui and Lau, Huey Ying and Lee, Chee Chung and Lew, Mei Jing (2017) Perceived Technology Readiness, Acceptance And Satisfaction On SMK (Sistem Maklumat Kastam / Customs Information System) By The Royal Malaysian Customs. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Zi En and 颜, 梓恩 (2017) 《三国志》与演义中之曹操形象比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Geeta, Davaidass (2017) Social Identities and Religiosity Differences in Patterns of Self-Disclosures of Malaysians. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Goh, Eu-Nice (2017) Fabrication of Carbon Nanofiber Thin Film Composite Membrane for Forward Osmosis and Pressure Retarded Osmosis Processes with Glycerol Draw Solution. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Mun Yee and 吴, 敏仪 (2017) 霹雳州辩论文化之形成与转变——以安德申杯为研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Sau Wei (2017) Factors Affecting Adoption of E-Payment among Private University Students in Klang Valley. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Goh, Theng Khai (2017) Development of Interactivity Game using Facial Landmarks. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Wen Qian (2017) Vapor Chamber Embedded With Hollow Condenser Tubes Heat Sink. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Yie Xien and 吴, 宜萱 (2017) 由乔峰到萧峰——论萧峰对自我身份的追寻. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gooi, Hao Ming (2017) Network Administration System for Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Over Software Defined Networking. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Guan, Yuancheng (2017) 蔡元培的女子教育观. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
H'ng, Jia Jia and 方, 常嘉 (2017) 论槟城義香饼家的创立、发展和挑战. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hang, Meng Hui and Choo, Zhi Wei and Law, Li Gent and Ooi, En Qian and Thong, Zhen Lun (2017) The Impact of Rule of Law and Press Freedom on Corruption: Conditionally Matters. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hau, Eunice Huey Wen (2017) 马来西亚闽南商人陈金福食品企业研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Hau, Lee Cheun (2017) Active Controller in Energy Storage System for Peak Demand Reduction with Limited Capacity. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Hee, Ching Mun and 许, 瀞文 (2017) 治家、怡情、消灾——论《聊斋志异》之狐性特色. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heligaa, Balasupramaniam and Lee, Wei Wei and Lew, Kok Wei and Phang, Ai Wen and Lim, Vivian Chen Woon (2017) Factors that Influence the Intention of Becoming a Medical Facilitator in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hemaroopini, Subramaniam (2017) Investigation of phytochemicals from calophyllum species for their cytotoxic and antioxidant activities. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Heng, Jue Jan (2017) Synthesis and characterisation of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO)/maleated starch blends. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hiew, Choi Wen (2017) Optimization of Xanthone yield in mangosteen pericarp crude extract obtained by microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hii, Eue Ee (2017) 顾城诗作中的意象研究 / A Study on Imagery in the Poetry Of Gu Cheng. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Hng, Huey Ping (2017) Investigation of green synthesized silver nanoaprticles using aqueous leaf extract of Artemisia Argyi for antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Ming Cheng (2017) Design and Characterization of a Smart Sun-Tracking System for Mobile Platforms. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ho, Qin Ying and 何, 星莹 (2017) 论基督教教会对山打根地区的贡献——以圣咪迦勒与诸天使堂为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Shu Cheow (2017) Studies on the Gene Expression of Human Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells and Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells under Different Culture Conditions. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Hoon, Samuel Tian En and 云, 天恩 (2017) 论“文史互见”视角下的“马共书写”——以金枝芒、驼铃、海凡为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hor, Li Gean and Eo, Jocelyn and Ng, Li Kiat and Ong, Yi Han and Tan, Xue Ying (2017) Determination of Real Exchange Rate: The Case of Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hwang, Judson Wong Shyh Long (2017) Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Particles Decorated Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Iddrisu, Mohammed Awal and Ang, Shi Jun and Lee, Tze Chin and Loo, Xiao Hui and Ong, Suat Hwa (2017) Malaysian Banks Efficiency after Merging: Evidence from Data Envelopment Analysis (Dea) and Financial Ratios Analysis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jong, Woan Shieng and 杨, 婉璇 (2017) 从《世说新语》论魏晋名士及酒之关系. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kaliswaran, Pannirselvam (2017) Study of Sensor Protein Expresssion in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kang, Kah How (2017) Development and optimization of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata)-carrot (Daucus carota) pasta sauce formulations using response surface methodology. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kee, Chris Jin Mu (2017) 释金明与马六甲香林华文小学研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Seet Kim Beng And Siang Lin Chinese School In Malacca. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kee, Cia Hee (2017) Malaysian Generation Y’s Acceptance Level towards Cosmetic Surgery. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kee, Ming Wei (2017) Enhanced Photodegradation of Dye Mixtures (Methyl Orange and Methyl Green) and Real Textile Wastewater by ZnO Micro/Nanoflowers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Keok, Kenny Yun Kiet (2017) The logistics factors that affecting the business performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia: evidence from Perak. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kho, Kim Kim and Lee, Sze Tean and Nisha, Robert Micheal and Ong, Si Min and Ting, Ming Jiunn (2017) Why Clean Air Source of Electricity? A Panel Analysis on CO2 Emission and EKC Hypothesis in 17 Major Nuclear Generating Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Hong Yeah and Chan, Sweet Ly and Leong, Chun Fei and Ng, Kah Mun and Siam, Wei Choo (2017) High Performance Work System (HPWS) and Turnover Intention in Malaysia Retail Industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Hooi Teng and Guok, Khor Wei and Lim, Kia Sing and Lim, Zhi Liang and Ooi, Saw Cheng (2017) A Study on Factors That Affect Effectiveness of Communication in Hotel Industry in Penang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Jia Sheng and Neoh, Kah Wai and Tan, Hui Xuan and Teh , Oliver Qing-Sheng (2017) Online influential factors on hotel brand image and customers’ behavioral intention. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Yie Woon (2017) Investigation into the effects of IL-17 and Lauric acid on Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) expression in human HEPG2 cells. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khor, Shea Li (2017) A study on performance and risk-return relationship of industries in KLSE. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Koh, Chin Woon (2017) Effects of Mindfulness on the Emotional Intelligence of Project Team Members. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Koloseni, Daniel Ntabagi (2017) The practice of information security: An analysis of government employees in Tanzania using the Health Belief Model (HBM). PhD thesis, UTAR.
Kon, Miew Loon (2017) 论文字学在马来西亚国小华语学习的作用. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kong, Hong Feng (2017) Treatment oOf Palm Oil Mill Effluent using Combination of Microbial Fuel Cell and Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Hong Tatt (2017) Healthcare Monitoring System for Elder. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Theen Hoy and Lai, Xiao Jun and Lee, Yuen Ee and Ling, Hui Chin and Loh, Li Hoon (2017) Factors That Affect Lecturers’ Turnover Intention In Private Universities Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koon, Meng Kit (2017) Determinants of Mobile Phone to Adopt Personal Cloud Online Data Service in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kuan, Pei Hui (2017) An Empirical Assessment on Customers’ Preferences towards Coffee House. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kuek, Vincent Ze Hui and Cheng, Cynthia and Loo, Carmen and Wong, Lei Yeing and Tses, Kar Kit (2017) A Study of The Factors Affecting The China Tourist Arrival in the United States. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kung, Khai Jhun (2017) News Framing: A Comparative Study of Bersih 3.0 and Bersih 4.0 in the Star and Malaysiakini’S News Articles and Opinion Columns. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kwong, Sen Min and Tan, Haw Shyan and Tan, Heng Siang and Tan, Xin Ying and Tung, Mun Yee (2017) Determinants of Stock Market Performance in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Ee Pei and Beh, Chek Zheng and Heng, Kai Wen and Liew, Li Kuan and Lim, Jia Xin (2017) The Awareness of Employees for the Health Screening Benefits Provided By Socso Upon 40 Years Old. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Shu Zhen and Chai, Wai Shan and Chan, Jing Ci and Chiar, Siou Ying and Tan, Yean Shin (2017) Is living standard in urban areas better than rural areas? Evidence from educational factor in Indonesia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Yen Lung (2017) Indexing-First-One Hashing based Cancellable Iris Template Generation. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lam, Chen Riang (2017) Mobile Cloud Computing Solution for Visualization of Road Roughness. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lam, Yu Yi and Lee, Shun Li and Ong, Juey Jia and Tan, Wei Chian (2017) Young Generation's Purchase Intention towards Fashion Apparel. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lan, Jing Ren and 刘, 竞仁 (2017) 虚云和尚的戒律思想析论. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lau, De Kuan (2017) Attitude towards Money and Materialism among Malaysian Generation Y. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lau, Kah Fai and Kuek, Shin Min and Lee, Cheng Yoong and Lim, Shea Nee and Tan, Choon Hong (2017) The Impact of Capital Structure and Agency Costs on Firm's Profitability of Industrial Sector in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lau, Yeong Cherng (2017) Application Comparison between Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS 21) and Quality Assessment System in Construction (QLASSIC) for Construction Project. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lau, Yih Teete and 刘, 砡娣 (2017) 论《文选》不收之诗尺度. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lean, Thean Min (2017) Factors Affecting Corporate Image of the Hotel Industry in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lean, Thean Min (2017) Factors Affecting the Corporate Image of the Hotel Industry in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Amanda Jing Yi and Chia, Ann Min and Choong, Li Woi and Foo, Kar Yan (2017) Customers' Satisfaction Towards Online Banking In Malaysia : A Primary Data Analysis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Chai Mun (2017) The Design and Development of Computer Aided Learning Application for Science Domain (Learner Centered Approach). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Han Jie (2017) Sales Reminder and Tracker Mobile Application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Jong Wey (2017) Coherence of Light-Matter Interaction. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Khai Yi (2017) Aloha-Based Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) System With Early Frame Adjustment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Kwan Hyen (2017) Determinants of Returns on Malaysian Real Estate Investment Trusts (MREITs). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Lie Ren and Lee, Jia Ling and Lim, Chee Jin and Lim, Pei Yien and Ong, Chun Kit (2017) The Role of Macroeconomic Factors in United States' Housing Price. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Ming Ja (2017) Framework of Cloud-Based ERP for Malaysian IT Company: Migration of Traditional On-Premise ERP to Cloud Based ERP (Microsoft Dynamic 365 CRM- Sales Module). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Sen Xin and Chye, Jin Yin and Chin, Chiu Yin and Liew, Wen Ying (2017) Travel Motivation among Muslim Tourists in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Shin Rou (2017) Design and Characterization of Novel Patch-Based Reflectarrays. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Wang Yi and 李, 宛仪 (2017) 论《饮水词》中的双重性别. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Wen Dick (2017) Large Integer Arithmetic in GPU for Cryptography. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Woan Shiang (2017) Stakeholder Management for Sustainable Event Management in Malaysia Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (Stem) Educational Event. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Woh Chun and Lim, Cheong Sheng and Chui, Wei Jeat and Phoon, Hon Mun and Visalashi, Madasamy (2017) Acceptance Of Islamic Banking ; A Research on Malaysian Working Adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Xin Ni and 李, 欣霓 (2017) 论吉打海珠屿大伯公庙的形成、信仰和发展(1862-2017). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Xin Nie and Teo, Wee Wing and Wang, Shin Cheng (2017) Segmentation of the middle eastern and chinese tourists in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yan Xin and Sow, Wei Teng and Teoh, Kai Wei and Yap, Yee Lin (2017) Determinants of Financial Satisfaction. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yeow Keat and Ng, Yee Ling and Soon, Chiew Yi and Thou, Li Yee (2017) The Relationship between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Performance in Thailand. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yoke Yee and Lim, Hui Xin and Lim, Sock Hun and Quek, Yie Tien (2017) Income Distribution and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yong Hong (2017) Drying Characteristics and Quality of Lemon Slices Dried Undergone Coulomb force Assisted Heat Pump Drying. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yong Hoong (2017) Deindustrialization: A Bless or Curse For Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Zheng Gang (2017) Digital Fitness Diary For Healthy Lifestyle. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zhi Jiang (2017) Denial of Service Mitigation Using Nat Load Balancing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zi Wei (2017) Development of Holonic Workforce Allocation in Electronics Assembly. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zizun (2017) Determinants of gold price in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Leong, Adam Weng Kai (2017) Synthesis and Characterisation of Bi-Metallic Promoted Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalysts using Ultrasonic Method. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Lai Chew (2017) 论何乃健书写中的生活体验与思想建构 / A Study of Ho Nai Kin’s Life Experiences and the Construction of Philosophical Views in His Writings. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Leong, Mei Yee (2017) Effects of Anodization Electrolyte on the Formation of Nanoporous Titanium Oxide (Tio2) for Photocatalytic Application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Weng Fai (2017) Synthesis of Magnetic Catalyst from Palm Oil Fronds for Biodiesel Production. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leow, Siew Yng and 廖, 秀莹 (2017) 嘉应人对怡保社会与经济的贡献:以霹雳嘉应会馆为案例(1900-1985). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lew, Shen Ho (2017) Malaysian's Purchase Intention towards Paid Mobile Apps. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liew, Chee Tien and Loo, Yie Wen and Tai, Chin Ling (2017) Food security analysis: Macroeconomics view in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Hong Thye (2017) Investigation on the Overvoltage Surges and Its Prevention and Protection. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liew, Yao Qin (2017) Face Recognition in Criminal Investigations (Uncontrolled Environment). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liloshna, Lakshmanan and Lydia Sharmila, Geoffery Felix and Manikandan Nair, Balakrishnan Nair and Tushaline, Sahseetharan (2017) A Study on the Predictions of Financial Distress in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Chai Yan and Lim, Chung Jian and Ng, Sau Kuen and Sai, Jia Yan (2017) 4NTECHNOLOGIES LLP: Business Plan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Chin Ming and Law, Shan Ren and Ho, Kar Keen and Ong, Ding Chi (2017) Implication of financial crisis and bank specific towards profitability of Commercial Banks and Islamic Banks in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Chuen Yang (2017) Monitoring the coefficient of variation through a variable parameters chart. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Hong Guan (2017) S.M.A.R.T Home - Security Monitoring Automation Remote Technology Home. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Hong Jian (2017) Human Tracking System with Energy Harvesting From Piezoelectric Material. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Liew Jiun and Lim, Sze Kee and Loh, Zhang Chee and Tan, Ying Ying and Wong, Fong Theng (2017) Flexable Sdn. Bhd. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Seng Hooi (2017) Tracking and analysis of EEG activation across brain lobes in an oddball task. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lim, Shuyi and Moh, Cui Fong and Tay, Wen Yi and Tiong, Lee Wen and Wee, Wei Mei (2017) Macroeconomic Effect of Housing Price In Japan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yan Kang and Ng, Zhi Zhong and Sim, Su Yee and Tan, Yih Ming and Tei, Tze Chuan (2017) Income Inequality, Democracy And Rule of Law Grease or Sand of The Corruption Wheel. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yen Teng (2017) The Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Financial Performance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ling, Keng Zheng (2017) Comparing the Project Success Factors Perceived by the Project Managers of Different Industries in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ling, Stella Sye Chee (2017) The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Customer Retention among General Practitioners in Perak: A Case-Study of International Pharmaceutical Company. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loh, Le Han and Khoo, Miaw Ru and Lee, Yin Zi and Tan, Jia Mei and Wong, Pui Khuan (2017) The Determinants of House Prices from Macroeconomics Perspective in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Siew Hoi and 骆, 小慧 (2017) 论霹雳州安顺十二碑国民型华小的发展、现况与挑战(1946-2016). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Sin Yi and Chai, Yiang Shin and Cheow, Mei Xin and Chye, Chai Hui and Yau, Lei Yi (2017) Social Impacts Legalization Of Drugs and Prostitution. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, William Soon Hee and Chow, Siang Wah and Kwan, Wan Sing and Ng, Sue Jing and Ng, Zhi Yaw (2017) Malaysian Youth’s Perspectives on Investing in Stock Market. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Win Tson (2017) Performance Comparison and Life Cycle Analysis for Constants Speed Chiller and Variable Speed Chiller. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loh, Zhen Yu (2017) Factors Affecting Prices Of Singles in Cardfight !! Vanguard. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loo, Hui Teng and Ang, Hui Lian and Chan, Joo Yee and Goh, Yen Wei and Tan, Shin May (2017) The Determinants of Credit Risk in Five Selected Southeast Asian Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Zhang Bin (2017) Improved Path Loss Simulation Incorporating Three-dimensional Terrain Model Using Parallel Co-processors. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Low, Mei Peng (2017) Linking Entrepreneurial Orientation and Internal Corporate Social Responsibility to Employees’ Intention to Leave in Small Medium Sized Enterprises: The case of Malaysia. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Lu, Cai An (2017) Traffic Scene Anomaly Detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lum, Yan Wei (2017) Design, Fabricate, and Characterization of Portable Fibre Acoustic Sensor for Water Pipeline Monitoring Purposes. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Mah, Pui Ting and Chai, Chui Leng and Pawn, Yi Wen and Ang, Sean Xiang En and Soon, Zhong Li (2017) The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction on Co-Branded Credit Card In Ipoh and Kampar Area. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Mah, Wah Lai (2017) A Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain Computer Interface System for Patients with Motor Disabilities. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Mandari, Herman Eliawaha (2017) The influence of government support and awareness on M-Government adoption in rural Tanzania: The mediating role of perceived characteristics of innovation. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Mohammad Izarul Haq, Awang (2017) Investigation and Development of a Control and Monitoring System to Detect Possible Fault in Distributed Storage Battery for Electric Vehicle. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Mohd Yusairy, Mohd Yusri (2017) Analysis of Cost Comparison for the Production of 1kw Energy for both Internal Combustion Engine and Electric Vehicle. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Mooi, Zhi Yin (2017) Mobile social media shopping: an exploration from consumers‘ perspective. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
New, Jeng Mun (2017) Enabling Eidetic Memory through Image Capturing and Tagging Using Google Vision API. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Audrey Cher Di (2017) Magic Squares with Additional Properties. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Choi Wan (2017) Pharmacognostical and physicochemical investigation of local commercial honey. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Choon Kuan and 黄, 春鑵 (2017) 不一样的童话——乙一《夏天、烟火、我的尸体》、《GOTH断掌事件》、《ZOO》的暗黑特质. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Hin Fung (2017) Investigation into the effects of Interleukin-17 and Lauric acid on PPARy expression in human HEPG2 cells. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jian Qin (2017) A hybrid optimization method in solving nurse duty roster problem. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Joo Siang (2017) Automatic Weapon Detection in Videos. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jun Jie (2017) Perceptions oOf Maintenance Management for Aquaponic System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Suk Ting (2017) Employees’ Financial Condition towards Intention to Perform: Mediated By Financial Stress. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Wai Hau (2017) Design and Characterization of L-Probe Reflectarray and Transmitarray. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Wen Yih (2017) Phytochemical study on the leaves of Muntingia Calabura and its antibacterial activity. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Yi Hui and 黄, 仪惠 (2017) 论邓秀茵长篇小说特色. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, You Sheng and 黄, 佑盛 (2017) 雪兰莪班达马兰新村闽南童谣之整理与比较研究:一个2017 年的搜集成果. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Yun Kwan (2017) The Effect of Cratoxylum Cochinchinense Lour (CCL) On Global Mrna Gene Expression In Hepg2 Liver Cancer Cells. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ngiou, Wen Yee and 阮, 榅荑 (2017) 论海岩小说悲剧人物书写——以《永不瞑目》、《玉观音》及《拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nguyen Nhi, Nguyen Phan (2017) Expression and Biological Role of the Chromosome 19 Microrna Cluster (C19MC) in Stem Cell Pluripotency. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Obianuju, Onubogu Nneka (2017) Wide Acceptance Angle Optical Fiber based Daylighting System Using Two-Stage Reflective Non-Imaging Solar Concentrator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Obianuju, Onubogu Nneka (2017) Wide Acceptance Angle Optical Fiber based Daylighting System using Two-Stage Reflective Non-Imaging Solar Concentrator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Bao Sheng and Ang, Sin Yin and Lee, Ying En and Leong, Yew Wai and Lim, Chee Herng (2017) Influence of Macroeconomic Variables on Stock Price Index: Evidence from Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Chin Yung (2017) 国中与独中历史课本人物的比较研究(1999-2012). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Chun Hao (2017) Characterization of Shigella Flexneri specific bacteriophage infectivity under antibiotic stress. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Foo Howe (2017) Integration of Artistic Performance Spaces in Urban Fabric. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Hui Huang (2017) An Action Arcade Web Based Game-Slime Attack Plus (Slime Invader). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Kang Shen (2017) Acoustic Vibration Fiber Sensor for Pipeline Leakage Detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Michelle Ern Rui (2017) The barriers of adopting green supply chain management in small medium enterprises: an empirical study on food and beverage manufacturing firms in Selangor, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Nicholas Cher Xian (2017) Removal of Copper Ions from Synthetic and Industrial Wastewater Using Cation Exchange Resin. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Wei Wah (2017) A study on the effects of Lauric acid on ROS formation and CYP2E1 mRNA expression in alcohol-induced HEPG2 cells. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Zhan Hao and Cheong, Emylia Ai Lin and Chong, Kim Seong and Teoh, Yoon Chee and Yong, Chee Min (2017) Customer Satisfaction on Penang Hawker Centre, Malaysia: The Perception of Penang Tourists. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Charis Kai Yun and Ch'ng, Kai Xian and Ding, Sing Huei and Leong, Sook Yang and Ooi, Sue Jane (2017) Ouantitative Easing and Okun's Law in United States. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Chia Ler (2017) Phylogenetic analysis of Gasteracantha, Thelacantha and Macracantha spiny orb-weavers (Araneae; Araneidae) in peninsular Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Kai Yong (2017) An investigation into CG Principles and Firm Performance. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ooi, Nicole Ker Qi (2017) Study of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Montmorillonite composites enhanced by carbon nanotube. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Yee Ming and Lim, Win Ly and Neoh, Ee Tien and Lau, Yee Yong and Tee, Pei Rou (2017) The Linkage between Stock Market Returns of Singapore And Other Asean-5 Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Zet Fong and 黄, 泽锋 (2017) 《初刻拍案惊奇》中人物形象所反映的晚明商业化社会现象—以商人、市民、女性为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Opeyemi, Olowo Emmanuel (2017) Perceptions of the Use of Wechat among Malaysian Chinese Students in Private Universities in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Pang, Jing Wen (2017) Optimization on the extraction of bacteriophage endolysin against Shigella Dysenteriae from crude phage lysate. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pang, Mei Jun and 彭, 美君 (2017) 严歌苓《金陵十三钗》的基督教教义书写:以妓女的罪与救赎为讨论中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pang, Shiau Tau (2017) 知知港华人聚落的形成与发展. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Pang, Sook Theng (2017) Numerical Investigation of Malaysian Stocks using Order One Universal Portfolio Strategies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Phoon, Jun Hoe (2017) DC-DC Converter for IOT Devices. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Phua, Cher Ye and Ang, Wen Huei and Chua, Hwee Een and Hong, Yi Wen and Peng, Siew Chen (2017) Does Domestic Stock Market Returns Depends on the Stock Market of its Major Trading Partners? : Evidence from Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Poon, Wai Keong (2017) Leachability of iron in cement with rice husk ash (RHA) using whole block leaching. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Poon , Hong Tat (2017) 霹雳州客家人的丧葬习俗研究——以金宝镇为个案研究 / Hakkanese Funeral Culture in Perak: A case Study in Kampar Town. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Qiu, Shiming and 丘, 仕铭 (2017) 论朱元璋 「圣贤 」与「盗贼 」之性——以元末群雄 到明初士人为中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Quek, Huei Vern (2017) Synthesis of solid acid catalyst from rubber seed shells for biodiesel production. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Quek, Jian Ai (2017) Process Behavior of Flower-Like Ag-Zno Micro/Nanostructures in Uv-Visible Light Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Saranya, Thangarajah (2017) A Study on the Performances of Univariate and Multivariate Synthetic Charts. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Saw, Qing Sheng and Lim, Chin Yi and Mok, Yeu Jean and Chin, Zu Den and Tey, Yin Le (2017) Study Of In-Service Training, Job Promotion, Working Environment and Work Passion on Job Performance among the Primary Schools‟ English Teacher in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Seah, Chia Lok and Tan, Yi Xin and Ong, Kah Yong and Lim, Chew Hoong and Choong, Jia Bin (2017) Factors that affect non-Muslim customers preference against Islamic deposit products in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sek, Boon Yin (2017) 古隶字形演化研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Shew, Jun Kit and Chuang, Gao Yan and Lim, Chee Hong and Lim, Kah Kit and Sia, Hooi Lian (2017) Prediction of Financial Distress among Companies in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Siew, Cheng Li and Chuah, Ling Er and Koo, Ying Tong and Ng, Jia Xin and Cheng, Wai Loon (2017) Study on the Relationship between Talent Management and Employee Retention in Telecommunication Industry in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Siew, Kar Hoe (2017) Multifunctional Bike Assist System for Cyclist. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sim, Zhong Liang and 沈, 忠量 (2017) 黄诗桄与马来半岛北部华乐发展初探. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Son, Calvin Zhia Jie (2017) Dynamic Document Management System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Ching Pau (2017) Segmentation-free licence plate recognition using deep learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Douglas Cheng Feng and Ong, See Chun and Shui, Jun Cheng and Yeoh, Shi Hao and Yong, Tun Xian (2017) Oil Price-Output Nexus: A Comparison of Indonesia and Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Wai Hoe and 苏, 玮豪 (2017) 花间词风格研究——以李珣为探讨对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tai, Jun Jie and Loke, Hui Yi and Lim, Yean Teng and Wong, Justine Yee Mun (2017) Effect Of Macroeconomic Variables Toward Inflation In Malaysia's Economy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Ann-Yew (2017) Factors of personal bankruptcy: a case study of Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Beng Liong (2017) Design and Implementation of a 32-Bits Lite Version ARM ISA CPU. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Chia Yi and 陈, 嘉怡 (2017) 国家政治与文化环境底下的华语电影. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Ei Leen (2017) Sustainability Reporting Initiative in the Malaysia Construction Industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jia Keat and 陈, 佳杰 (2017) 马来西亚华人春节习俗研究——以武拉必新村为个案. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jun Sheng and Ooi, Phei Wen and Sim, Zhi Wei and Ng, Sing Yi and Tang, Wei Mun (2017) Risks and Vulnerabilities of Shadow Banks: The Case in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Ke En (2017) Genotyping and partial functional characterization of an obesity GWAS loci Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 2 (FAIM2) rs7138803. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Khui Ching and 陈, 姽蓁 (2017) 论黄春明小说的底层人物书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kok Hoong (2017) Online tools for analyzing metagenomics data. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kok Wei and Chua, Li Yen and Low, See Leng and Tiang, Yi Ming and Yeap, Xin Yi (2017) The Determinants of Labor Productivity in United Kingdom. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Lee Siang (2017) Mediating Role of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) in the Relationship between Motivation and Performance: A Study of Employees in the General Insurance Industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Leng (2017) Relationships among Perceived Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility, Internal Corporate Social Responsibilities and Organisational Commitment in the Service Industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Li Jig (2017) Dynamic Tree Based Anti-Collision Algorithm for RFID System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Siao Hui and 陈, 晓慧 (2017) 论潘雨桐《河岸传说》的生态意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Ting Ying (2017) Relationship between Work Motivation and Work Self-Efficacy, and Motivating Factors of Generation Y. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Woei and Lee, Jing Yi and Soo, Jun Wen and Lai, Kwong Min and Wooi, Xin Yan (2017) The Impacts of Free Trade Agreements (FTA)s on Malaysia's Exports: An Evidence Study from Gravity Model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Woei Siong and Chiam, Yee Ping and Khor, Ching Yuh and Lee, Zhi Heng and Chew, Sheau Huey (2017) Greenie Innoware Sdn Bhd. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Xi An (2017) A study on the factors affecting Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) final year business undergraduate students’ adoption decisions in mobile commerce. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Yau Boon (2017) Parking and Vehicle Control Application on Campus. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yee Qing (2017) Shelf Life Study of Homemade Noodles Incorporated with Bell Pepper (Capsicum sp.). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yin Shen (2017) Wireless Control of Anti-Theft Solar Photovoltaic Module. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Zhao Tong and Pang, Yun Chi and Wong, Kah Wei and Wong, Vi Vian and Wong, Yin Shan (2017) Unveiling the Mask of Sovereign Default. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan , Hao Qiang (2017) Secure Image Watermarking Schemes Based On Digital Holographic Interferometry Technique. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tang, Tee Yang (2017) Development of Hand Cycle for Children with Cerebral Palsy (Wheelchair Propulsion Motion). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tang, Zhi Xuan (2017) Study on Performance of Energy Storage System on Power Grid for Frequency Regulation. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tay, Chin Inn (2017) Removal of ciprofloxacin from aqueous solution using guava leaf powder. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tay, Yee Ning and Tan, Cindy Hui Ying and Lew, Susan and Tan, Xin Wei and Chea, Siew Mun (2017) The Relationship between Work Environment and Job Satisfaction in Hotel Industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Bin Shun (2017) Online Academic Appointment Scheduling System. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Thian Lai (2017) Secondary school principals’ leadership styles and teachers’ organizational commitment in Perak state, Malaysia. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Teh, Wen Shun (2017) Adsorption-photocatalysis of malachite green using titanium dioxide and empty fruit bunch derived-activated carbon. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teng, Sze Le (2017) Computer Aided Instructions (CAI) Mathematics Using Learner Centered Approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teo, Kwee Hoo (2017) 汉魏晋哀悼诗文学特征研究 / The Literary Characteristics Of Elegy Of Han, Wei And Jin Dynasties. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teo, Yee Rui (2017) A Study on Univalent Functions and First Order Ordinary Differential Equations. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teoh, Keat Yin (2017) Effect of citrus sinensis peel characteristics on the properties of polyvinyl alcohol film. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teoh, Shalon Sin Yong (2017) Cloud-Based Mobile Travel Journal Application With Map Tracing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tew, Joo Heng and Lee, Kelly Jia Xin and Lau, Hooi Ching and Hoh, Yan Chun and Woon, Shun Poh (2017) Linkage between the Role of Knowledge and Economic Growth: A Panel Data Analysis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tey, Chia Ching and Chai, Jun Seng and Chong, Wei Loon and Lee, Xin Ying (2017) The Volatility Spillovers between China Agricultural Commodity and World Energy Markets During Crises. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tey, Tiny Chiu Yuen (2017) Exploring the Antecedents of Behavioural Intention to Use Technology among Undergraduates. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Thiruchelvan, Sinnappan (2017) Working Environment and Its Influence on Employees' Performance: A Case Study of an Oils and Gas Vendor Company in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Thiyraash, David (2017) Aquarium Monitoring System-From Sensor to Web. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ting, Ling Ling (2017) Detection of Water Pipeline Leakage using Time and Frequency Signal. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Toni, (2017) Energy-Saving Data Abstraction and Reformation Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Vimalraj, Shanmugam (2017) The Impact of Boardroom Tussles on Financial Performance of Malaysian Public Listed Companies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wan, Ann Jian and Chum, Yi Ning and Law, Suet Yan and Lee, Leong Hock and Chew, Ting Fong (2017) International Spillovers of Monetary Policy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wang, Kah Wei (2017) The Influence of Neurexin 1 Gene Variants on Cognitive Ability in Multiplex Schizophrenia Families. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wang, Tze Koon (2017) Comparative Study between Azimuth-Elevation and Tilt-Roll Sun-Tracking Systems in Range of Motion. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wei, Dik Kai (2017) A Study on Univalent Functions and their Geometrical Properties. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Chun Keat and Koo, Angel and Koh, Gen You and Ng, Li Hong and Ng, Yong Kang (2017) The Nexus of Rice Market-GDP Growth in China, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Vietnam. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Chung Shung (2017) Bi-Metallic Promoted Vanadyl Pyrophosphate Catalyst for Partial Oxidation of Light Paraffin to Maleic Anhydride. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Foong Kiew (2017) 辜鸿铭的翻译思想 —— 以《论语》为例. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Kah Wei Anthony (2017) Antioxidant properties of wild Nelumbo nucifera (lotus plant) grown in Ipoh. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Kok Wei (2017) E-Commerce Website for Low Vision Users in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Sharon He Yong (2017) Mining the ride-hailing service: A Malaysia case. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Shin Chet and Chew, Pei Shan and Chew, Yi Tau and Mok, Jia Ying and Sim, Shi Ying (2017) Regional Development of Specification and Employment Developmant in Sabah and Sarawak : An Analysis with Shift Share Techniques. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Sindy Chun Mun and 黄, 春文 (2017) 槟岛地缘组织保存籍贯文化的策略与困境:以台山宁阳会馆与南海会馆为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Suet Leng and Bong, Soo Chee and Khor, Saw Peng and Wong, Kian Li (2017) Financial Awareness among Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Undergraduate Students in Kampar Campus. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Suk Yein and Wai, Shee Mei and Yew, Keng Soon and Yong, Xue Yee and Puah, Jin Ming (2017) The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Foreign Labor Force In Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Weng Kin (2017) Point of sale with enhanced inventory management. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Weng Shen (2017) The Engineering Properties And Durability Performance Of Alkali-Activated (Pofa-Ggbs-Pfa) Ternary Hybrid Geopolymer Composite. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Win Tatt (2017) Unicat: Enhancing E-Commerce Module in Hybrid Platform Mobile Application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Yi Ni and Chin, Janice Chee Ying and Lee, Ying Ying and Tang, Jia Qi (2017) More Freedom More Stable? A panel Study on Press Freedom, Institutions and Political Stability. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Yun Xuan and 王, 韵媗 (2017) 论《石头记》的文学继承——以魏晋至唐代文学为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wu, Yani (2017) 论汉文化词语在马来西亚对外汉语教材中的应用 / The Application of Chinese Cultural Words in Malaysian Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language’s Textbooks. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Xiao, BoYu and 肖, 博予 (2017) 未完成的运动:陈独秀与儒学的重估. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Xiong, YiWei (2017) 四川省邛崃市山区留守初中生教育状况的调查研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yang, Jiaming (2017) 韩剧《冬季恋歌》和《大长今》对中国电视剧发展的影响研究 / The Influence of Korean Dramas’ Winter Sonata and Dae Jang Geum to the Development of Chinese TV Drama. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yap, Kah Shing (2017) Formula optimization on match butter: A response surface methodology study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Pei Hong and Teoh, Yit Sean and Tan, Hui Joo (2017) Intention to Revisit Penang: A Study of Push and Pull Factors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeap, Beulah Yian Ran (2017) Preliminary screening of crude extracts of Calophyllum species for cytotoxicity, antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yee, Jhun Mun and Lee, Lip Foong and Ng, Wai Kee and Tan, Chun Hui and Tan, Jay Shen (2017) Managerial Confidence Level and Dividend Policy: Evidence from ASEAN Developing Countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeo, Shen Yee (2017) Optimum Replacement Ratio of Reincinerated Palm Oil Fuel Ash (Repofa) Mortar without Sacrifice its Properties. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeong, Kheng Kheng and Kheng, Mun Yee and Leong, Shin-Ying and Tan, Hui Qi (2017) Consumers’ Acceptance Towards Location-Based Social Networking Services. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yew, Xin Yu and 游, 欣瑜 (2017) 霹雳州怡保永定人的移居与发展(1872-1961). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yim, Wai Kei (2017) UTAR Carpooling Application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yip, Yoke Teng (2017) 从《海峡华人杂志》(1897-1907) 看峇峇式中华性之塑造过程 / A Study on the Formation of Baba-Style Chineseness through the Straits Chinese Magazine (1897-1907). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yong, Josephine Pui Mun and Lau, Shirley and Lim, Nesylia E-Yun and Yap, Chung Sheng (2017) Factors that influence generation Y’s cinematic experience towards the selection of cinema in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Pui Chee (2017) The Role of Talent Management in Employee Retention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yong, Zi Jun (2017) Papan Landfill Leachate Treatment using a Sequencing Batch Reactor and Coagulation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Young, Wei Loong (2017) Visual Management, Performance Management and Performance Improvement: a case study of an oil and gas company. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Zaha, Ahmed (2017) The Impact of Material Management on Construction Project Delivery in Maldives. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Zhang, Yi Wen (2017) 中国打工文学的冲突书写——以“五个火枪手”的作品为例. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR .
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 00:35:36 2025 MYT.