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Aik, Yong Shi and 叶, 咏诗 (2020) 黄宏墨歌词研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Au Yong, Lai Peng and 欧阳, 丽萍 (2012) 孟子的仁政思想及其在现代的实用价值. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Beh, Chee Hou and 马, 子豪 (2018) 疾病上海——以《点石斋画报》为研究对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Beh, Yung Hooi and 马, 詠辉 (2021) 论温任平的离散书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Bok, Yann Ce and 莫, 雁慈 (2014) 金宝梅江公会研究(1906-2013). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Bong, Winson Sin Leong and 黄, 欣隆 (2022) 犀乡客狮:砂拉越古晋客家狮研究 : The Hakka lion in the land of hornbills: the Hakka lion dance in Kuching, Sarawak. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Bun, Yi Xin and 温, 瑜欣 (2024) 鲍照乐府诗中的“代言”与“自言”手法研究 : An Analysis of the ‘Mouthpiece’ and ‘Self-narration’ in Bao Zhao’s Yuefu Poetry. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Cha, Pei Yeow and 谢, 珮瑶 (2011) 马华离散文学研究——以温瑞安、李永平、林幸谦及黄锦树为研究对象. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chai, Jia Wei and 蔡, 嘉薇 (2020) 写实兼写意——论温任平《戴着帽子思想》的诗歌创作. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chai, Li Wei and 蔡, 丽微 (2021) 中国归侨记忆里的第二故乡:论杜运燮《你是我爱的第一个》的马来(西)亚书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Chin Shen and 陈, 静贤 (2012) 余英时宋代研究与钱宾四师承论析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chan, Choi Kuan and 陈, 翠君 (2016) 《古文渊鉴》与《唐宋文醇》评选柳文研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Mei Xuan and 陈, 美倩 (2021) 《古文关键》评选欧阳修文章之研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Shing Cheng and 陈, 欣情 (2013) 《儒林外史》角色析论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Chan, Siew Wen and 陈, 秀雯 (2011) 论朱天文作品中的成长叙事. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chan, Yin Wee and 陈, 盈薇 (2012) 探索盛唐山水诗中的生态观——以王维与孟浩然的“山”与“水”为考察中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chaw, Choon Bing and 周, 俊冰 (2011) 论《红楼梦》中贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗的婚爱悲剧. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheah, Yean Ling and 谢, 艳琳 (2020) 《倚天屠龙记》中灭绝师太的人物形象论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheeh, Hui Ling and 谢, 惠宁 (2019) 陶渊明诗歌中的饮者形象及其寓意. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chen, Hanbing and 陈, 含冰 (2023) 毕赣《地球最后的夜晚》的角色建构研究 : A study on the role construction of Bi Gan’s long day’s journey into night. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheng, Boon Hien and 钟, 汶轩 (2022) "干宝《搜神记》中人与鬼、妖婚恋故事的探析" : A Study on Love and Marriage Story between Human Being with Ghost and Goblin in Gan Bao’s Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheng, Chee Teng and 曾, 紫婷 (2015) 论张可久咏史怀古散曲. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheng, Wen Jing and 庄, 雯静 (2022) "论铁抗《试炼时代》、《白蚁》和《洋玩具》——抗战文学的创作风格" :A study of Tie Kang’s Shi Lian Shi Dai, Bai Yi, and Yang Wan Ju:War-resistance literature’s writing style". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheo, Wing Ming and 曹, 永铭 (2017) 论王阳明的现世关怀. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheong, Chi Kheng and 张, 芷琼 (2012) 宋代词坛“尊体”意识之研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheong, Wei Ean and 张, 维恩 (2023) 爱薇《我的人生:世事如云任卷舒》自传书写研究 : A study on the autobiographical writings of Ai Wei’s my life. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Cheu, Shao Min and 丘, 绍敏 (2023) 论书法简繁体之争——兼论马来西亚书法推广 : The controversy of simplified and traditional Chinese calligraphy— promote of Chinese calligraphy in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chew, Ning Xin and 周, 宁昕 (2013) 《石头记》神话结构考. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chia, Ze Ping and 谢, 芷评 (2012) 论阿牛电影《初恋红豆冰》的本土化研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chieng, Helen and 钱, 海伦 (2023) 论李永平《新侠女图》侠女形象的建构 : A study of constructing the heroine image in Li Yongping's ‘Xin Xiang tu’(New Portrait of a Female Knight). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chiew, Xiu Im and 饶, 秀韵 (2018) 《倚天屠龙记》中谢逊与张无忌父子之情论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Chee Chung and 陈, 志忠 (2012) 《通玄真经缵义》政治思想研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chin, Hoong Leong and 陈, 宏量 (2019) 我和你们共用了同一只兽:论鲸向海《犄角》中的同志诗. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Jing Ru and 陈, 敬儒 (2017) 陈寿《三国志》与西晋史学嬗变之枢纽. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chin, Wei Ning and 甄, 蔚宁 (2018) 历史与文学形象之间:汉、宋人对屈原的接受. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Yuon Loong (2019) 苏轼晚年岭南时期(1094-1100)及其“和陶诗”之研究 (A Study Of “Poems In Reply To Tao Yuanming” By Su Shi In His Later Years In Lingnan (1094-1100)). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Chin, Yuon Loong and 陈, 润隆 (2012) 苏轼《和陶饮酒二十首》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chin, Ziy Ying and 陈, 紫莹 (2018) 《倚天屠龙记》中张三丰与武当七侠师徒之情论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ching, Loo May and 郑, 茹梅 (2017) 白朴杂剧《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》与《裴少俊墙头马上》修辞格研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choi, Huan Shing and 蔡, 婉欣 (2013) 傅承得政治抒情诗的意象探讨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Chong, Chean Swee and 张, 搌瑞 (2014) 路人甲表演社——中文剧场的社会运动者. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chong, Shi Qi and 张, 施琪 (2021) 论陈川兴《泪纹与刀痕》的文化意象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chong, Yu Yun and 张, 瑜芸 (2015) 茅坤论韩愈、柳宗元之文. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choo, Chiu May and 朱, 秋楣 (2020) 刘知几《史通》论司马迁之史家修养. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choo, Choi Ju and 朱, 翠筑 (2012) 《诗经》弃妇诗的叙事学解读. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Choo, Pearl Hui Yee and 朱, 慧怡 (2018) 论黎紫书《余生》微型小说的社会和人性书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choo, Ying Wah and 朱, 英华 (2011) 论席慕容的诗歌主题--爱情与青春. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Aaron and 钟, 念伦 (2012) 张大春《城邦暴力团》的现代性侠义精神研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Shun Voon and 钟, 顺文 (2017) 论刘基《郁离子》“待王者之兴”. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Choong, Wei Hong and 田, 伟雄 (2013) 苏轼《进论》中两汉人物的研究与考辨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Choong, Ying Qin and 钟, 莹沁 (2012) 论陈果“后九七三部曲”中的身份认同书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chow, Hui Hong and 邹, 慧芳 (2012) 城市狭缝中寻觅“诗性空间” ——探索西西对自然的想像与书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chow, Ker Li and 周, 可荔 (2015) 宋子衡小说的悲剧性研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chow, Yoke Ting and 邹, 玉婷 (2019) 《西厢记》与《牡丹亭》的角色模式论. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Huiman and 蔡, 慧满 (2013) 德之贼也:孔孟之“乡原”探索. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chua, Mei Xin and 蔡, 美欣 (2017) 论方娥真《娥眉赋》诗集的生命意识和意象审美. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Pei Qi and 蔡, 佩琪 (2014) 王润华学术人生之研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Sheau Yun and 蔡, 晓云 (2012) 朱天文《荒人手记》阴性书写析论. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Chua, Ting Ting and 蔡, 庭婷 (2013) 宋代女词人之“梅”意象研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Chua, Zhe Qian and 蔡, 哲茜 (2013) 女性的哀歌——论姚紫中短篇小说中女性形象刻画与其社会意义. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Chung, Ching Wen and 庄, 靖雯 (2011) 西西小说中的"童心"研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ch’ng, Ee Cheik and 庄, 薏洁 (2011) 论马华文学的少数民族书写. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Ding, Rou Qian and 陈, 柔蒨 (2020) 陈季《金坛诗》用典研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Dong, Na and 董, 娜 (2016) 严歌苓小说的叙事伦理研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.


Ee, Chin Huan and 余, 洺谦 (2018) 论陈大为诗歌风格之嬗变(1991-2013). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Eng, Sher Lee and 吴, 雪俐 (2019) 困境与抉择:论查建英的留学生文学书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Fam, Wen Qi and 范, 文绮 (2022) "《射雕英雄传》中梅超风的人物形象研究" :A Study of the Image and Characteristics of Mei ChaoFeng in Legends of the Condor Heroes". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foo, Kai Ting and 胡, 凯婷 (2011) 林徽因小说中的生命意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foo, Yen Ling and 符, 燕玲 (2013) 《太平广记》女仙类研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Foo, You Wei and 符, 莜韦 (2019) 论《儒林外史》吴敬梓的自传书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Foong, Chee Yin and 冯, 芷芸 (2012) 论梁智强电影中的“新加坡性”. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Fu, Li (2018) 文学教育视角下中国人民教育出版社高中语文课本选文的嬗变 (1949-2007)/ The Transmutation of People’s Education Press Senior Middle High School Chinese Textbooks from the Perspective of Literature Education (1949-2007). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Goh, Chia Lih and 吴, 佳俐 (2021) 翁菀君《文字烧》 的饮食书写研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Chye Poh (2019) 林连玉诗文中的大我与小我精神 (The Individualistic And Collectivist Elements Of Literary Works By Lim Lian Geok). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Goh, Man Hua and 符, 嫚鷨 (2016) 朱熹“淫诗”说探析——以《二南》及《郑风》为研究对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Mun Yee and 吴, 敏仪 (2017) 霹雳州辩论文化之形成与转变——以安德申杯为研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Shuna and 吴, 舒娜 (2013) 香港同志电影/小说的翻译性——《蝴蝶》之比较研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Goh, Shwu Han and 吴, 淑涵 (2014) 唐律妇女地位探究:论离婚、再醮与财产继承权. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Yee Chuin and 吴, 翊君 (2016) 徐持庆《敲梦轩诗稿》之广州情结研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Yie Xien and 吴, 宜萱 (2017) 由乔峰到萧峰——论萧峰对自我身份的追寻. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Goh, Yik Ping and 吴, 玉彬 (2012) 胡曰皆——怡保锡矿家研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Goh, Ying Ming and 吴, 颖敏 (2016) 丰子恺《护生画集》探讨——以戒杀素食观为主. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Hee, Ching Mun and 许, 瀞文 (2017) 治家、怡情、消灾——论《聊斋志异》之狐性特色. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hee, Poh Yee and 许, 宝仪 (2016) 南宋至明初——李师师形象演变考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Heng, Xin Yee and 林, 芯妤 (2023) 《论语·学而》首章探微 : The study of book Ⅰ.1 of “The Analects of Confucius”. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Heng, Yih Ling and 王, 依玲 (2011) 论张贵兴雨林小说中的暴力式情欲书写——以《群象》、《猴杯》与《我思念的长眠中的南国公主》为论述中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Heng, Yue Shi and 王, 悦诗 (2011) 论钟晓阳小说的语言艺术. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hew, Le Yan and 丘, 妮艳 (2011) 周作人散文中的"真实". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hiew, Sin Ning and 丘, 心灵 (2012) 探讨张大春《我妹妹》中对虚构与文学功能的反思. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hii, Eue Ee (2017) 顾城诗作中的意象研究 / A Study on Imagery in the Poetry Of Gu Cheng. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Ho, Rebacca Chin Shiu and 何, 静修 (2012) 从《史记》世家论司马迁笔下的春秋霸主. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ho, Xin Ni and 何, 欣霓 (2015) 萧红小说死亡书写研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Hon, Xu Hong and 韩, 旭红 (2013) 游川与现代诗刍论——从启蒙到演绎. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Hoo, Poh Yi and 何, 保豫 (2014) 论两《唐书》中无传的大唐使节王玄策. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Huang , Jiazheng and 黄, 嘉正 (2023) 论沈从文的湘西巫文化书写——以《神巫之爱》为例 : Shen Congwen's writing on Xiangxi Witch Culture: A case study of “The Shaman's Love”. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Jong, Carmen Shin Yi and 杨, 欣宜 (2023) 论李忆莙《春秋流转》女性形象的建构 : Discussing the construction of female characters in Lee Yoke Kim’s ""The Circulation of the Spring and Autumn. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Jong, Ning Oii (2018) 砂拉越古晋华人饮食名称 的语言特色研究 (A Linguistic Study On The Names Of Chinese Food In Kuching, Sarawak). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Jong, Woan Shieng and 杨, 婉璇 (2017) 从《世说新语》论魏晋名士及酒之关系. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Kang, Sze Wen and 江, 诗雯 (2012) 香港童话镜像——《麦兜》电影系列的社会反思主题研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Chris Jin Mu (2017) 释金明与马六甲香林华文小学研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Seet Kim Beng And Siang Lin Chinese School In Malacca. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Kee, Kuang Yong and 纪, 广荣 (2014) 《稼轩词》菊意象研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Syh Her and 纪, 似荷 (2012) 从《蒙马特遗书》论邱妙津的死亡. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Xin Chi and 纪, 心琪 (2022) "戴小华《忽如归》家族书写研究; A Study of the Family Writings of Dai Xiao Hua’s Hu Ru Gui". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kee, Yue Hui and 纪, 月慧 (2011) 钟怡雯回忆性散文风格论. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kek, Xin Ru and 郭, 心茹 (2021) 论马华小说在身份建构上的“自我”与“他者”. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kiu, Ivy Grace King Lui and 邱, 锦蕾 (2012) 论张爱玲《秧歌》与《赤地之恋》的反共意识书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Koay, Seok Kean and 郭, 淑娟 (2012) 马来西亚九皇爷信仰的多样性:槟城二条路斗母宫个案研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Koh, Fay Lu and 许, 慧茹 (2021) 论马华同志小说的负面情感书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Koh, Wen Hui and 许, 文辉 (2014) 论欧阳修散文中的谏诤意识——以北宋庆历初期为中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kok, Ker Wei and 郭, 可薇 (2021) 论方路散文的感伤基调. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kok, Shee Loon and 郭, 书麟 (2015) 论林幸谦离散书写中的创作转变与认同意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kon, Miew Loon (2017) 论文字学在马来西亚国小华语学习的作用. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Kong, Ee Hie and 江, 忆慧 (2011) 《红楼梦》丫环论析——以袭人、晴雯、鸳鸯、平儿和紫鹃为观察对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kong, Yan Kae and 江, 炎凯 (2013) 司马迁的儒学与法治思想. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Kong, Yoke Kai and 江, 翊嘉 (2011) 马来西亚初中华文教学研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Koo, See Jin and 顾, 斯进 (2012) 弘一律师文学研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Kor, Mei Chee and 许, 美琪 (2013) 苏轼通判杭州的际遇与文学创作之考辨. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Ku, Wan Syuen and 邱, 婉萱 (2020) 梁武帝慈悲思想探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Lai, Choy and Lai, Yoke Choy and 黎, 煜才 (2016) 《诗经》的“风”与马来班顿:形式和内容的比较. PhD thesis, UTAR.

Lai, Chui Mun (2018) 从《任雨农全集》探知任雨农的教育思想(A Study Of The Educational Thoughts From The “Complete Works Of Ren Yunong”). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lam, Phui Yee and 林, 佩怡 (2018) 元杂剧“婢女”角色功能论:以《西厢记》、《货郎旦》、《调风月》为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lau, Yih Teete and 刘, 砡娣 (2017) 论《文选》不收之诗尺度. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Law, Yunshi and 刘, 韵诗 (2023) 论翁菀君《月亮背面》女性意识下的“形”与“神 : A study on “Form” and “Spirit” of Jamie Ong's the Backside of the Moon with Perspective of Feminine Consciousness. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lay, Min Kei and 赖, 敏琦 (2015) 从《论语》所见隐者观孔子进退出处抉择. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lean, Thow Keat and 林, 道杰 (2012) 游离于都市的边缘叙述——论彭浩翔导演《志明与春娇》与《春娇与志明》电影中都市社会的边缘叙述. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Leau, Cheng Cheng and 廖, 菁菁 (2018) 论明清男色白话小说的叙事结构. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Han Ying and 李, 浛颖 (2014) 王维与李白隐逸思想比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Hew Yee and 李, 晓宜 (2019) 马华小说中的自杀书写研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Huey Jy and 李, 金芝 (2011) 马六甲兴化社团的角色及其功能之研究 (1945-2000). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lee, Jia Sin and 李, 嘉欣 (2012) 从《漱玉词》探讨李清照词史地位及婉约词宗之定位. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Lei Lei and 李, 蕾蕾 (2012) 探讨马来西亚华人的爱国意识忧患——从激荡作坊到黄明志. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Li Wei and 李, 尉帷 (2011) 张爱玲《传奇》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Liwey and 李, 俐苇 (2011) 曾巩在越州. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Shu Yi and 李, 淑仪 (2018) 小黑与奥特曼·布迪的荒诞小说比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Siew Hui and 李, 小慧 (2013) 柳宗元“师道”观念嬗变历程之考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR .

Lee, Wang Yi and 李, 宛仪 (2017) 论《饮水词》中的双重性别. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Wei Cheong and 李, 伟彰 (2011) 论马华现代游记书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Wooi Kent and 李, 伟健 (2012) 简论隆雪华堂青年团从传统华团到公民实践与功能. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Xin Jie and 李, 心洁 (2013) 论纪大伟《感官世界》中情欲书写与酷儿化. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Xin Li and 李, 欣妮 (2012) 寻找已失去的民族记忆——论魏德胜电影“海角七号”的空间意义. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lee, Yi Shuen and 李, 宇萱 (2021) 白居易的牡丹与菊花诗研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lee, Yin Le and 李, 殷乐 (2013) 笠翁戏曲理论研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lei, Jia Heng, Bryant and 黎, 家恒 (2021) 论马华与马来文学的“513”政治抒情诗. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Leong, Hui Jia and 梁, 慧佳 (2019) 汉诗中的民俗文化及其功能. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Leong, Lai Chew (2017) 论何乃健书写中的生活体验与思想建构 / A Study of Ho Nai Kin’s Life Experiences and the Construction of Philosophical Views in His Writings. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lew, Mei Yee and 刘, 美仪 (2014) “恶”的追索之旅——论远藤周作《丑闻》中“恶”的蕴涵. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lew, Siew Hwee and 廖, 筱慧 (2013) 务边高州会馆研究(1946-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Li, Nan and 黎, 楠 (2016) 李霁野、祝庆英《简•爱》译本 主人公第一人称称谓语研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.

Lieu, Lui Meng and 刘, 瑞民 (2011) 苏轼“独铭五人”考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Chung Zhen and 刘, 崇贞 (2024) A. 沙莫·赛益Sungai Mengalir Lesu中文译作《悠悠河水》中的文化翻译 : The cultural translation in the chinese translated work of A. Samad Said's Sungai Mengalir Lesu. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Mok Lan and 刘, 慕岚 (2011) 浅析《剪纸》的怀旧意识与拼贴形式. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Shuhui and 刘, 忬惠 (2023) 《错轨的月光—余秀华的性别与身体书写》: Misguided Moonlight--Yu XiuHua’s gender and corporeal writing. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liew, Wing Wei and 刘, 咏慧 (2022) "边缘者身份之殇:论李碧华的历史书写" ;The Tragedy of Marginal Identity: A Study on Li Bihua's Historical Writing". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Chia Pei and 林, 嘉培 (2014) 人之生存情态与生存领悟的再现——诠释《空之境界》小说中的生命哲学书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Chia Yen and 林, 佳彥 (2019) 香港城与人:也斯《后殖民食物与爱情》书写研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Edeline Yan An and 林, 彦安 (2012) 隆雪华青与废除大专法令运动. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Hoei Shian and 林, 惠湘 (2015) 李商隐与女冠诗. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Jie Ling and 林, 洁琳 (2018) 《小女贼》系列绘本的图像叙事和语录修辞. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Jong Shin and 林, 永信 (2011) 庄子与克里希那穆提的知识论比较. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Katherine Pui Ting and 林, 佩婷 (2020) 古诗词在古装剧里的效用——以《步步惊心》与《后宫·甄嬛传》为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Kiau Pei and 林, 巧贝 (2013) 论柳宗元治柳的政治革新思想流变. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Lee Fah and 林, 丽华 (2012) 吉隆坡客家人与循人学校的发展. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Lim, Phaik Gek and 林, 碧玉 (2013) 探讨槟榔屿福建话特色的形成. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Su Tian and 林, 苏恬 (2013) 《南洋商报·读者文艺》(1976-77)的散文类型和主题分析刍论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lim, Sze Qin and 林, 芷晶 (2020) 爱薇与那泽·哈新·莫哈末的儿童小说比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Wai Woon and 林, 慧雯 (2012) 叶蕾的散文研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Lim, Wan Thing and 林, 婉婷 (2018) 《老炮儿》中六爷的形象与悲剧. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Wei Han and 林, 伟汉 (2012) 朱熹之孟子诠释. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lim, Zhi Kee and 林, 智琪 (2013) 《太平广记》所见僧俗文化考. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Lin, Qiong and 林, 琼 (2014) 莫言新历史小说《檀香刑》之中国清末历史书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ling, Boon Xiu and 林, 文秀 (2018) 论《册府元龟》之嵇康史料与身份定位. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ling, Esther Eng Chze and 林, 恩慈 (2016) 论朱熹文道观的文学意义. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Liu, Xiyu and 刘, 晰雨 (2023) 论赖声川《如梦之梦》角色中的人格分析与“超我”意识 : A study of personality analysis and superego consciousness in the characters of Stan Lai's Dream of a Dream. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Liua, Suet Yan and 廖, 萱茵 (2020) 论鲁白野《马来散记》及其续集中的身份认同与叙事策略. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loh, Jia Xin and 罗, 加馨 (2013) 论陈金声对19世纪新甲社会的影响与贡献. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Loh, Say Chung and 骆, 世俊 (2012) 传承、扎根与开拓——论商晚筠、潘雨桐和黄锦树小说的中心意象. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Loh, Yee Mu and 卢, 裕穆 (2021) 阮籍《咏怀诗》的神话意象及其精神世界. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Loi, Choy Yee and 雷, 采仪 (2013) “流离”者黄宜君——论黄宜君散文的忧郁风格与流离书写研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Loke, Mei Thing (2019) 马来西亚的粤剧发展——以蔡艳香为案例研究 (The Development Of Malaysian Cantonese Opera: A Case Study Of Choy Yim Heong). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Loo, Yin Teng and 罗, 燕婷 (2012) 向、郭《庄子注》研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Loo, Zi En and 吕, 子恩 (2020) 张贵兴《野猪渡河》面具书写与蕴涵研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Chui Yin and 刘, 翠茵 (2015) 论黎紫书《告别的年代》和黄碧云《烈女图》女性书写的比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Pui Nee and 罗, 佩妮 (2023) 论李煜与李清照词的亡国书写 : The writing of national subjugation in Li Yu’s and Li Qingzhao's Ci Poetry ". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Sheau Hui and 刘, 晓惠 (2014) 开元时期,唐玄宗的形象——以史传及唐五代笔记小说为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Low, Siew Han and 刘, 晓娴 (2011) 他者的城市:香港——张爱玲笔下的后殖民都市图像. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Lua, Hong Wen and 赖, 虹彣 (2013) 韩少功小说中丑象书写——以《马桥词典》为研究核心. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.


Ma, Feng and 马, 峰 (2015) 马来西亚、新加坡、印尼华文女作家小说比较研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.


Ng, Chi Hui and 黄, 子慧 (2023) 唐诗中那一抹红——以王维与杜甫的诗歌为考察中心 : The red in Tang Poetry: A study centered on the poems of Wang Wei and Du fu. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Choon Kuan and 黄, 春鑵 (2017) 不一样的童话——乙一《夏天、烟火、我的尸体》、《GOTH断掌事件》、《ZOO》的暗黑特质. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Franca Li Ying and 吴, 俐颖 (2018) 论吴岸诗的古晋书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Kah Leong and 伍, 家良 (2013) 金庸小说武功描述的老子思想——以《笑傲江湖》之“独孤九剑”为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Kai Yee and 伍, 凯懿 (2021) 贺淑芳小说的社会意识探讨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Kin Yue and 吴, 健茹 (2011) 李清照词的悲愁美. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Michell Wen Qian and 吴, 汶倩 (2022) "论王维对陶潜诗文的接受——以《桃花源记并诗》和《桃源行》为例 ; Determine the Acceptance of Wang Wei against Tao Qian by using Tao Hua Yuan Ji Bing Shi and Tao Yuan Xing". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Shiau Chuen and 黄, 晓君 (2011) 小说、翻译、电影——《海上花列传》互文本研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Suk Bian and 黄, 淑敏 (2013) 务边海南会馆研究(1902-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Ng, Thang Thang and 黄, 婷婷 (2011) 苏轼词的比喻美. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Xiao Tong and 吴, 晓童 (2016) 稼軒信州詠物詞的“物我關係”考辨. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Xue En and 吴, 雪恩 (2023) 马来西亚国中和独中华文课本中儒家思想教育研究 : A study on the education of Confucianism in Malaysian national and independent secondary school Chinese textbooks. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Yi Hui and 吴, 怡蕙 (2018) 论淡莹中、晚期诗歌的主题思想. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Yi Hui and 黄, 仪惠 (2017) 论邓秀茵长篇小说特色. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ng, Zhen Ni and 伍, 甄妮 (2018) 黄锦树《雨》的魔幻写实与后设书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ngiou, Wen Yee and 阮, 榅荑 (2017) 论海岩小说悲剧人物书写——以《永不瞑目》、《玉观音》及《拿什么拯救你,我的爱人》为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ngwe, Xian Ning and 阮, 欣宁 (2020) 论许通元及其同志小说. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Ong, Ee Wen and 王, 義雯 (2018) 论马华微型小说的主题与风格(1970-2017). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ong, Xiao Qi and 王, 筱琦 (2012) 唐诗中的西施接受研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Oong, Ren Jie and 汪, 壬捷 (2014) 90年代槟城中文剧场的发展——北岛戏子剧团的个案研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Oun, Hong Liang and 温, 宏量 (2013) 政治的疯癫与文明——论2000年马华AB党争. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Ow, Chooi Xin and 胡, 翠欣 (2020) 《唐书志传》中李世民的艺术形象探索. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Pan, May Shin and 潘, 美欣 (2013) 南北宋咏物词探析——以苏轼与姜夔为研究对象. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Pang, Jonathan Le Tian and 冯, 乐天 (2022) 马华小说情色书写比较研究,以黎紫书与黄锦树为对象: A Comparative Study on Erotic Writings in Malaysian Chinese Fiction: Li Zishu and Huang Jinshu. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Phang, Qi Chuen and 彭, 淇铨 (2021) 文学自觉与双性同体:论宋代女词人的创作意蕴. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Poon, Hong Tat and 盘, 宏达 (2012) 《老残游记》俗语研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.



Qiu, Shiming and 丘, 仕铭 (2017) 论朱元璋 「圣贤 」与「盗贼 」之性——以元末群雄 到明初士人为中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Quek, Tong Ern and 郭, 彤恩 (2015) 《海上花列传》:空间建构与小说叙事论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Sam, Yan Shan and 沈, 雁珊 (2013) 论上古至夏商先民对天、帝与祖的理解. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Seah, Yin Get and 佘, 莹玉 (2012) 论虹影长篇小说的“另类”女性话语. Final Year Project, UTAR.

See, Su Peng and 薛, 锶萍 (2011) 扬雄《法言》中之内圣之学论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

See, Wei Xin and 施, 炜欣 (2018) 黄锦树的后设小说研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

See, Zhun Jiat and 施, 谆杰 (2016) 曹操诗文创作与建安文风嬗变之研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Sek, Boon Yin (2017) 古隶字形演化研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Shum, Sek Yen and 岑, 锡源 (2014) 东周兵阴阳研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Sia, Hooi Ling and 谢, 慧玲 (2011) 现代汉语中的熟语研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Siew, Ting Yi and 萧, 婷忆 (2011) 宋代韩愈传本接受研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Siew, Ying Lin and 邵, 滢琳 (2022) "论傅承得《赶在风雨之前》、《有梦如刀》诗风转变' ; A study on the Changes of Poh Seng Titt's Gan Zai Feng Yu Zhi Qian, You Meng Ru Dao Poetic Style". Final Year Project, UTAR.

Sim, Derrick Wei Khang and 沈, 伟康 (2023) 砂拉越古晋潮州人民俗文化研究-以人生礼俗为例 : The Teochew folk culture in Kuching, Sarawak with rites of passage as examples. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Sim, Wen Qin and 沈, 汶沁 (2018) 周子善诗文创作中的“日侵记忆”书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Soo, Wai Hoe and 苏, 玮豪 (2017) 花间词风格研究——以李珣为探讨对象. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Tan, Chia Yi and 陈, 嘉怡 (2017) 国家政治与文化环境底下的华语电影. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Hil Sa and 陈, 秋杉 (2014) 被粉饰的形象:《点石斋画报》 考察西方女性择偶之视野. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Hui Ying and 谭, 荟颖 (2012) 全民梦工厂——香港无线电视剧之结构探索. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Jee Chin and 陈, 奕进 (2015) 草丛身影——论鲁迅《野草》的身体书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Jing Xuan and 陈, 静萱 (2023) 论《古诗十九首》意象之审美价值——兼论其与古诗教学运用 : The study on the aesthetic value of imagery in nineteen ancient poems and its application in teaching. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Kai An and 陈, 凯安 (2013) 形声字研究——《说文》形声字及未收入声符之文字. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tan, Khui Ching and 陈, 姽蓁 (2017) 论黄春明小说的底层人物书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Kim Yu and 陈, 钧幼 (2021) 论陈川兴《泪纹与刀痕》的抒情书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, May Ling and 陈, 美玲 (2011) “新题乐府”的发生轨迹——从杜甫到元白. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Phei Loo and 陈, 佩如 (2011) 《红楼梦》“笑”的美学研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Shi Hui (2011) 论《稼轩词》的女性抒写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Siao Hui and 陈, 晓慧 (2017) 论潘雨桐《河岸传说》的生态意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Sie Nie and 陈, 思旎 (2014) 余华《第七天》的锤炼. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Siok Phing and 陈, 淑萍 (2011) 青楼文化研究——以《海上花列传》为探讨文本. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Xu Yuan and 陈, 旭缘 (2020) 论王润华《新村》的后殖民书写和南洋想象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Yee Mei and 陈, 芋媚 (2019) 《论语》中的 “勇 与 其修养方法. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Yi Jing and 陈, 贻瑾 (2014) 陈大为的散文研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tan, Zi Jun and 陈, 籽均 (2023) 声声叹秋风——刘长卿诗歌中的听象研究 : Sighing for autumn wind:A study on the auditory images in Liu Zhangqing’s poetry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tang, Kah Eng and 郑, 佳音 (2012) 白朴杂剧《唐明皇秋夜梧桐雨》和《裴少俊墙头马上》的接受学审视. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Tang, Kow Hwa and 邓, 高华 (2011) 《韩非子》法思想中的道德观. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Tay, Desmond Yee Hang and 郑, 宇航 (2018) 靖康魂踪:从《夷坚志》论「鬼」之功能. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tay, Khay Xin and 郑, 凯馨 (2020) 稼轩词英雄人物用典——以带湖时期为主. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tay, Yong Lean and 戴, 扬羚 (2013) 陈征雁《钟馗夜访》与姚拓《还阳》的嘲讽意识比较. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tee, Beng Lee and 郑, 名烈 (2011) 永春扬美郑氏宗族在马来西亚的重建与发展. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Tee, Fei Yin and 郑, 慧颖 (2021) 梁志庆儿童诗的书写技艺与主题研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tee, Lilian and 郑, 丽莲 (2015) 张溥论“二潘”之比较研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tee, Woen Ning and 郑, 芝遴 (2019) 论传统书法在现今社会的转型和承传价值. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tee, Yih Qi and 郑, 艺祺 (2021) 论蔡谈《悲愤诗》 中的女性意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Teng, Choon Yong and 丁, 俊勇 (2015) 辛金顺诗文之空间书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Teo, Jie Min and 张, 洁敏 (2019) 《诗经》中“桑”的意象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Teo, Kwee Hoo (2017) 汉魏晋哀悼诗文学特征研究 / The Literary Characteristics Of Elegy Of Han, Wei And Jin Dynasties. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Teoh, Joo Tong and 张, 铢桐 (2011) 中国软实力:2008年京奥个案研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Teoh, Soo Yee and 张, 舒仪 (2013) 论双溪槟榔港口育才华小的校史——一个社区的集体记忆. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Teow, Yong Long and 萧, 永龙 (2011) 陶渊明形象研究——以人物与编年为中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tey, Tracy Pin Pin and 郑, 彬彬 (2014) 太平公主的政治心态转变. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tie, Hsin Chieh and 池, 心洁 (2013) 论北村《我和上帝有个约》的基督教思想书写. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tieu, Kai Ping and 张, 凯彬 (2013) 篆书的简化与繁化——以石鼓文为研究对象. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Tiew, Chii Long and 张, 启龙 (2011) 论曹雪芹的宿命观——以《红楼梦》前八十回之诗词为考察中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Toh, Ling Yun and 杜, 凌盈 (2023) 金庸武侠小说的佛理研究——以《侠客行》石破天为例 : A study of Buddhist teachings in Jin Yong's martial arts novels - a case study of Shi Potian in the Chivalrous Journey. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Tu, Shiyi and 涂, 诗怡 (2023) 探讨佛教仪式文化研究——以梅州客家香花为例 : An investigation into the ritual culture of Buddhism - a case study of the Meizhou Hakka fragrant flower. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Wai, Chein Mun and 韦, 倩雯 (2013) 欲望、权力、自私——侯文咏《白色巨塔》中人性弱点的研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wan, Jian Vern and 范, 雅雯 (2021) 论商晚筠小说的姐妹情谊书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Chee Yin and 王, 子茵 (2011) 论马致远杂剧中的女性形象. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Ching Hui and 黄, 竞辉 (2014) 论敦煌本《坛经》与宗宝本《坛经》对佛性与人性的诠释演变及差异. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Foong Kiew (2017) 辜鸿铭的翻译思想 —— 以《论语》为例. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Wong, Hoong Cheong and 王, 鸿章 (2012) 戴表元哀祭碑铭文中的虚词研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Jing Ning and 黄, 靖宁 (2016) 生死相许:赤练仙子的爱恨痴狂论析. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Kin Yi and 黄, 建宇 (2013) 育才与培元百年校史比较刍论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Wong, Lee Kim and 王, 丽琴 (2012) 许鞍华《天水围二部曲》叙事技巧探析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Poh Chee and 黄, 宝琪 (2011) 马华文学中峇峇娘惹的形象刻画. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Sin Mun and 黄, 善雯 (2013) 论霹雳州幸氏宗亲会的成立、组织和发展(1996-2013). Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Siow Yin and 黄, 晓云 (2012) 马华现代诗的类型与分析——以1976年《南洋商报》副刊为个案研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Sze Mun and 黄, 诗敏 (2012) 中国电影中的“文革”叙事 ——以《蓝风筝》(1993)、《霸王别姬》(1993)、《活着》(1994)为视镜. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Wong, Teck Li and 王, 德益 (2012) 陈子昂形象与定位考辨——唐代古文家的视角. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Wai Kuan and 黄, 荟如 (2014) 动地吟主题研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Xue Er and 黄, 雪儿 (2018) 论吴岸的浪漫书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Yeow Liang and 黄, 友亮 (2016) 清刘山英《信心应验录》研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Yu Wun and 黄, 友文 (2019) 论《三遂平妖传》的伦理重建. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wong, Yun Xuan and 王, 韵媗 (2017) 论《石头记》的文学继承——以魏晋至唐代文学为例. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Wu, Yani (2017) 论汉文化词语在马来西亚对外汉语教材中的应用 / The Application of Chinese Cultural Words in Malaysian Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language’s Textbooks. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.


Yan, Hongcheng and 闫, 洪诚 (2023) 《射雕英雄传》与《神雕侠侣》中洪七公形象研究 : A Study on <The Legend of The Condor Heroes> and <Divine Condor, Errant Knight> of Hong Qigong’s Image. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yang, Jiaming (2017) 韩剧《冬季恋歌》和《大长今》对中国电视剧发展的影响研究 / The Influence of Korean Dramas’ Winter Sonata and Dae Jang Geum to the Development of Chinese TV Drama. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yang, Qihui and 杨, 淇惠 (2023) 晏殊《珠玉词》“燕”意象探析 : The swallow imagery in Pearls and Jades, Yan Shu’s collection of Ci poetry. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Kah Yen and 叶, 嘉恩 (2012) 能言的多栖鸟——试论余光中散文的英式语法,句法与修辞实验. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Kwai Chin and 叶, 桂晶 (2015) 从《快园道古》看张岱的“谐谑”内蕴. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Samantha Chu Er and 叶, 楚儿 (2019) 林玉玲《月白的脸:一位亚裔美国人的家园回忆录》中的家园书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yap, Shuan Chyi and 叶, 浚琪 (2013) 苏辙晚年研究——从“颓然”到“淡然”的心态探析. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yap, Soh Leay and 叶, 素丽 (2012) 苏轼黄州书信文学与交游研究. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Yap, Yu Lin and 叶, 昱琳 (2019) 马华小说的荒诞意识研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yashvini Mathilda, Krishnan (2023) A study on the usage of textism through WhatsApp and the influence it has on one’s writing skills among undergraduates. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeap, Sin Mun and 叶, 纤妏 (2014) 论陈征雁剧本《父与子》和《新的课程》中的悲剧意识. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yee, Yi Cheng and 余, 依程 (2019) 论《射雕英雄传》和《神雕侠侣》段智兴思想的发展与转变. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeo, Chia Chia and 杨, 佳佳 (2011) 政府的教育政策对砂拉越华文教育发展的影响(1841-1989). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yeo, Joe En and 杨, 茹恩 (2023) 邓观杰《故事的废墟》中的“废墟”意象 : A study of Ruin Images in the stories of My Wonderwall by Teng Kuan Kia. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeo, Kak Soon and 杨, 家顺 (2011) 西周“孝”本义考 ——兼论孔子对“孝”观念的丰富与发展. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeoh, Yui Shan and 杨, 育珊 (2015) 论黄锦树《鱼》的叙事策略. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yeow, Sze Min and 尤, 思敏 (2015) 从王安石学记文体论其早期教育观念(1042-1067). Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yew, Jia Min and 游, 嘉敏 (2012) 隆雪华青的公民实践——以吉隆坡旧飞机场路义山搬迁为个案研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yew @ Yeoh, Yen Hong and 尤, 彦弘 (2011) 论虹影小说中的女性主义书写. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yin, Jen Nee and 尹, 贞霓 (2012) 黑色幽默的创伤书写——以余华的《兄弟》为研究文本. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies.

Ying, Yard Sang and 殷, 毓伸 (2014) 《太平广记》报应故事研究. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yong, Fong Leng and 杨, 凤玲 (2012) 马华儿童读物的接受与影响研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

Yong, Siew Chen and 杨, 秀珍 (2014) 从实兆远双九节的形成和意义——探讨基督教会与实兆远社区的互动关系. Final Year Project, UTAR.

Yong, Yiing Yi and 杨, 颖怡 (2013) 漫游在资本发达和社会乱象的城市——论李永平《朱鸰漫游仙境》的街道漫游. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

Yu, Yuxia and 余, 玉霞 (2020) 论金庸武侠世界之世俗化——以《鹿鼎记》为中心. Final Year Project, UTAR.


Zhang, Di (2019) 中国儿童汉语句末语气词获得研究 (Acquisition Of Sentence-Final Particles Among Chinese Speaking Children In China). PhD thesis, UTAR.

田, 雨 (2023) 萧红小说对东北方言的使用研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

董, 浩泉 (2023) 论严歌苓散文的日常生活书写. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.

陈, 欣情 (2013) 《儒林外史》角色析论. Final Year Project, Institute of Chinese Studies .

黄, 俊玮 and Wong, Jun Wei (2023) 论丁云《赤道惊蛰》的魔幻写实 : A study of magical realism in Ding Tun's novel's chi Dao Jing zhe. Final Year Project, UTAR.

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