Number of items: 798.
Chiou, Angeline Jing En and 丘, 静恩 (2023) 佛耶对话:从“苦”论共性与区别 : Dialogue between Buddhism and Christianity: the similarity and differences of the concept “suffering”. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Abd Rani, Umairah (2023) Sustainable fabrication of introgen-doped carbon quantum dots from elaeis guineensis empty fruit bunches for solar photocatalysis towards organic dyes. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Abt, Kathrin Linda (2023) Assessment of potential climate hazard in Switzerland using local climate model. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Adzham, Mahmud (2023) Analyzing the determinants of share unit computation for waterfront strata-titled residential building. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ahmad, Tanveer (2023) Recovery of low concentration ammoniacal nitrogen from aquaculture wastewater using oil palm fiber biochar. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ali Imran, Asri (2023) Political literacy level and political participation rate among Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Kampar campus media school students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Amretjit, Singh Khalae (2023) Factors that influence orgranization to engage with Ai-based tools. Final Year Project, UTAR.
An, Hui Ching (2023) Molecular detection of qnrA and qnrB genes in uropathogenic eshcerichia coli (UPEC) isolates from Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Chyh Dian (2023) Dessert mobile commerce application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, How Ying and Lee, Zi Yang (2023) Factors that influence intention to use recycled clothes among generation Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Jie Qian (2023) Evaluating students achievement in using scratch 3.0 to develop program. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Jing Huang and Ng, Wan Ping and Cheaw, Mei Teng (2023) The role of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control in shaping gen Z’s behavioral intentions towards gig economy participation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Kok Yew (2023) Rejuvenating chinese opera through the integration of technology: A qualitative study on Malaysian chinese youth acceptance. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Ang, Shi Wen and Tan, Nathalie Yi Huang and Lee, Pei Yan and Yow, Ying Yan (2023) The impact of covid-19 on the firms’ performance. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ang, Zhao Fen and 洪, 昭芬 (2023) 马华小说对女性角色的刻画与意识建构:The portrayal and the construction of consciousness of female characters in Malaysian Chinese fiction. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Anthony, Sharon Anthony Lai (2023) Investigating the factors affecting the speaking anxiety among ESL secondary students: Insights from a Malaysian secondary school. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Au, Antony Chee Hoe (2023) Factors influencing housing purchase decisions of millennials in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Au, Weng Chee (2023) Examining the adoption of chatgpt technology among academics in higher education institutions in malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Au Yong, Wai Tack (2023) Study of small-scale off-grid photovoltaic aquaponic system for domestic self-consumption application. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Aw, Ethel Miao Han (2023) Detecting covid-19 in x-ray images with deep learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bashar M. A., Tahayna (2023) A coherent knowledge-driven deep learning model for idiomatic - aware sentiment analysis of unstructured text using Bert transformer. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Bea, Khean Thye (2023) Forecasting news sentiment-oriented stock market based on sequential transfer learning approach. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Beh, Chun Siong and 马, 俊雄 (2023) 马华战后初期剧本的创作研究:以方修《马华文学作品选·戏剧 (战后)》为研究文本 : Mahua’s drama writings in the early post-war period: a case study of Fang Xiu’s selected Mahua’s literary works: post-war drama. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Beh, Teck Sian (2023) Deep learning for scene visualization and sentence-based image synthesis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bill Hundson, David (2023) Web-based image-Augmented Reality (AR) matching generator. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bong, Amy Yu Ling and Chua, Hwee Ling and Soh, Min Hang and Soh, Yen Sin (2023) A study on Malaysian’s intention to accept digital bank. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bong, Chia Sin and Tan, Justin and Lim, Karen Qian Wei and Loi, Chiang Hong (2023) Factors influencing job performance in Selangor’s construction industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bong, Elisa Tsyr Yin (2023) Nutritional compositions, total phenolics, antioxidant capacities, and students’ knowledge level about plant-based meat items. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bong, Xu Lin (2023) A study of awareness of cyber scams and cybersecurity among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Boon, Jun Yu and Chia, Yi Jing and Tan, Angel and Tan, Xiu Wei and Yong, Wai Yan (2023) Factors affecting credit risk in India microfinance institutions. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Bu, Kah Yee (2023) Characterization of bla-tem and bla-shv genes from bacterial isolates of various environmental soil samples in Kampar. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Chun Wei (2023) Design a stream deck by using microcontroller. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Hui En and Ong, Hwei Kei and Teo, Eu Jin and Wee, Jia Sing (2023) Organisational factors affecting job satisfaction among hypermarket employees in the retail industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Kah Siong (2023) Development of Nitrile Butadiene rubber-based coating material using waste tire powder for gasket application. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chai, Ker Li and Choi, Kee Fong and Keu, Lian Wen and Khoo, Wei Chin and Loo, Lily (2023) Embarking on the sustainable journey with corporate governance. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Li Xin (2023) Intention to consume cultured meatballs among the youths in Malaysia, a behavioural study. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chai, Ten Yee (2023) Property management service s’ effects on resident’s satisfaction with condominiumin Sungai Long. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Tze Uei (2023) Detection and prevention schemes for ddos, arp spoofing, and ip fragmentation attacks in smart factory. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chai, Wan Qi (2023) Effect of lactic acid as plasticizing agent on the tensile and biodegradable properties of corn cob powder/polyvinyl alcohol blend film. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Wing Kit (2023) Effect of social media addiction toward academic performance among university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Yating (2023) The impact of film censorship and its relevance to young adults in Malaysia today. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chai, Yee Wen and 蔡, 依雯 (2023) 论韩愈对佛教的排斥与接受 : On Han Yu's rejection and acceptance of Buddhism. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Emily Kai An (2023) Factors influencing coffee purchase intention among generation Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Han Wang (2023) Impacts of construction materials and site activities to the neighbourhood environment. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chan, Hern Xi (2023) Perception of conventional TV and OTT video streaming platforms among university students in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hoi Lun (2023) Media coverage of health crisis in Malaysia: A framing analysis of covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hong Wai (2023) Development and evaluation of a banknote reader for visually impaired people using deep learning-based object detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hong Yee (2023) Determinants of female final year students pursing as an entrepreneur. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Hooi Mui and Lok, Shirley Xiao Rui and Tee, Hui Lin (2023) The predicting effects of attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control on the intention towards food waste reduction behavior among Malaysian young adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Huey Min (2023) Impact of artificial intelligence (AI) system implementation in the construction industry: Case study of Klang valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Jia Jian and Vooi, Wen San (2023) Consumer’s behavioral intention towards drone food delivery. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Jin Yee (2023) Automatic marking system for programming subject. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Juan Yie (2023) The roles of paternalistic leadership in strategic internal communication. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chan, Jun Jie (2023) Voice feedback system with sentiment analysis at a University. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Khai Yee (2023) The impulsiveness of gen Z buyers. a study of buy-now-pau-later services. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Mercedes Simh Peh (2023) Development of instrumented bed monitoring system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Qi Thong and Chong, Weng Kit and Low, Ke Yin and Ngu, Qi Hao and Lok, Sherny Xue Ni (2023) A study of the transition from online to face-to-face learning during post-pandemic: From university students’ perspectives. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, See Yi (2023) Treatment of industrial textile wastewater using uf and mf membrane filtration. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Siew Chen and Liew, Xin Wei and Lim, Jia Yi and Man, Siong Kit (2023) Determinants of the intention to use financial robo-advisory in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Wei Jie (2023) Size fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles by using continuous flow low gradient magnetic separation technique. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Wen Jie (2023) Artificial intelligence for cloud-assisted object detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Wen Jun (2023) Detection of pathogenic bacteria in pigeon faecal samples. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Yi Fei (2023) Prevalence of fatigue,blood pressure, and its association to physical activity among post covid--19 university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Yi Kei (2023) Legal framework on poverty alleviation: Comparative studies among Malaysia and United States. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chan, Yin Yin (2023) Plant based synthesis and characterisation of iron- and silver-doped zinc oxide nanoparticles for sonocatalytic degradation of malachite green. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Chan, Zhi Xin (2023) Association between fatigue and psychological factors among undergraduate university students: a cross-sectional study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chandra Kumar, Ponmudi (2023) Comparative study of high voltage direct current and high voltage alternating current for power transmission system in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chang, Chew Cheen (2023) Phytochemical study of flavonoids from the leaves of muntingia calabura, synthesis of flavonoid mannich base derivatives and their anticancer activity against breast carcinoma cell lines. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chang, Chia Qi and Chee, Yong Er and Ch’ng, Dylan Seng Huan and Goh, Yong Dian (2023) Examining the factors influencing the consumer retention in Maybank's electronic banking services. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chang, Hao Jie (2023) Inventory management for automotive parts: An application development. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chang, Man Kien (2023) Plant-disease detection by using computer vision approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chang, Ping Yen (2023) UTAR community application for students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Jie Min and Lott, Sin Yee and Teoh, Yi Wen (2023) Relationship between mindfulness, resilience, work-family conflict and job performance among working adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Shi Kang (2023) The effect of binge-watching netflix dramas on Malaysia university students’ mental development: Value judgement and cognitions in real life. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Wai Sum and 谢, 蕙伈 (2023) 宋子衡小说的女性书写研究 : A study of female writing in song Ziheng's Fictions". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Wen Huey (2023) Web-based coffee shop with chatbot integrated. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Xing Ling (2023) Association between weekend warrior physical activity pattern and bmi with mental health status among utar Kampar university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheah, Yi Min (2023) Dc arc detection and interruption in photovoltaic power systems. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheang, Xin Yi and Lim, Jas Min and Ng, Kha Yong and Thor, Min Hui (2023) Online payment scam: What have caused it? Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheang, Yen Thung and Chuah, Yue Xuan and Goh, Kelvin Wei Jin (2023) Self-esteem, locus of control and hopelessness as predictors of depression among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chee, Hao Yang (2023) Online service selling web application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Bonian (2023) The usage of live streaming in affecting customer purchase intention. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Feng Jie (2023) Antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of cassia essential oil. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Hanbing and 陈, 含冰 (2023) 毕赣《地球最后的夜晚》的角色建构研究 : A study on the role construction of Bi Gan’s long day’s journey into night. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Jia Ling (2023) Effect of cooking methods and cooking oils on color, texture and antioxidative properties of brown rice. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Li Yin and Saw, Janice Woan Rong and Ding, Karen Zhi Wei and Lean, Ruo Yi (2023) Online fraud: Factors affecting consumers’ online purchasing behaviour in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Yao Yoon (2023) Factors for the adoption of modular construction/off-site construction in Klang Valley Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chen, Yu Wei (2023) Nutritional compositions, total phenolics, antioxidant capacities, and students’ knowledge level about plant-based meat items. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chen, Zi Ying and Law, Zi Yan and Liew, Xin Ci and Ong, Xuan Wen and Sarah, Xavier Anthony (2023) Understanding the effects of social media fake news on consumers’ brand trust and purchase intention. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheng, Alex Heng Siang (2023) Sustainable development and good governance towards digitalization: A quantile analysis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheng, Jing Wei (2023) A study of parenting sense of competence and parental stress in Selangor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheong, Kok Siong (2023) Face recognition for location detection of occupants in a building. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheong, Sync Yuet and Lee, Jing Ning and Ng, Qian Ning and Pan, Wei Xiong (2023) Satisfaction of financial services provided by Touch ‘n Go apps and commercial bank towards Malaysian. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheong, Wei Ean and 张, 维恩 (2023) 爱薇《我的人生:世事如云任卷舒》自传书写研究 : A study on the autobiographical writings of Ai Wei’s my life. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheow, Pui Kei and Lim, Jo Yee and Yap, Yee Qi (2023) Relationship among self-control, grit and academic procrastination among undergraduates in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Cheu, Shao Min and 丘, 绍敏 (2023) 论书法简繁体之争——兼论马来西亚书法推广 : The controversy of simplified and traditional Chinese calligraphy— promote of Chinese calligraphy in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Chen Keat and Ho, Yun Shin and Lai, Chong Keong and Yeap, Jing Ming and Yew, See Min (2023) The impact of globalization on income inequality: Evidence from ASEAN countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Ke Xin (2023) BGBP - A mobile application for diabetic self-management. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Li Wei (2023) Barriers in implementing the green building concept in greater Kuala Lumpur. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chew, Xiang Kai (2023) Customisable cloud-based IOT monitoring system with smartphone interface. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chew, Yi Wei (2023) Intention to use the deliver eat online food delivery app in Malaysia, a behavioral study among gen. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chi, Lin Ching and Chia, Xin Yan (2023) Determinants of the continuous purchase intention towards epidemic prevention products among Malaysia’s adult post-pandemic. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Jing Ying and Kong, Weng Yan and Lau, Yen Shan and Liew, Kai Jun (2023) In the current global economic climate, what are the factors that will affect the ringgit exchange rate. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Sook Jing (2023) Simulation of 4G network in healthcare. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Wan Thing and Koh, Kah Fong and Ng, Wee Kit and Yap, Zheng Hee (2023) Linkage between behavioural factors and investment intention among youth in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Wei Qiang (2023) Medical appointment application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chia, Zhen Yik (2023) Telco recommendation based on speed test data. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chieng, Helen and 钱, 海伦 (2023) 论李永平《新侠女图》侠女形象的建构 : A study of constructing the heroine image in Li Yongping's ‘Xin Xiang tu’(New Portrait of a Female Knight). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chiew, Deng Hau and Jong, Bong Chu and Low, Tzuu Liang and Tan, Moh Hao (2023) The factors that affect the career choices of the young generation in private universities in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chiew, Jing Cheng (2023) Deep learning inference on edge device: Traffic violation detection using OpenVino. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chiew, Yew Yi (2023) How research and development expenditure affects economic growth. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Chee Peng (2023) Labour shortage in Malaysian construction industry: Factors affecting recruitment and policy recommendation. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Ching Cheon (2023) A techno-economic analysis of thermochemical conversion of solid wastes for biofuel production in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Jia Hui (2023) Forecasting model of crude oil price instability in asean-5 countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Jia Jin (2023) Genetic diversity of pathogenicity islands (PAIS) of uropathogenic escherichia coli (UPEC) strains from Perak, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Ke Li and Tan, Xin Tong and Tang, Jia Hooi and Toh, Khai Li (2023) The influencing factors of online banking fraud awareness in UTAR Kampar. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Pey Mian (2023) Development of non-ICT company procurement and shipment portal using referenced mobile application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Simone (2023) Legal framework on gender equality in the workplace: Comparative study in Malaysia and India. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Wen Cong (2023) Development and validation of the adolescent family functioning scale in Malaysia. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Xue Yi and Lee, Shuo Zhe and Tieu, Jan Nie and Yew, Yee Mei (2023) Does financial inclusion help in alleviating poverty in United States? Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Yi Heng (2023) Uncovering communities in complex networks using ant colony optimization. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chin, Yik Chun (2023) Development of aquaculture feed for oxyeleotris marmorata using hermetia illucens pre-pupae biomass. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chin, Ying Hui (2023) Photocatalytic degradation of dimethyl phthalate and low-density polyethylene film over Dual Zscheme Zinc Oxide/Bismuth Tungstate/Spinel Ferrite under sunlight irradiation. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Ching, Kai Xuan (2023) Emotion regulation among undergraduates in Malaysia: Distress tolerance, mindfulness, and positive reappraisal. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ching, Wai Yan (2023) Effects of DBT emotional regulation skills training program on depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms and emotion regulation skills among Malaysian youth. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ching, Ying Tian (2023) Factors influencing word of mouth generation in the medical tourism industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Agnes Wen Lin (2023) Effective use of artificial intelligence by Malaysian manufacturing firms to enable sustainability 4.0. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Boon Yoong (2023) Optimal orientation and tilting angle of pv panels considering shading and temperatute effects. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Careen Kai Lyn (2023) Microbiological analyses and students’ attitudes and perceptions towards microbiological risks of plant-based meat items. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Chun Hong (2023) Factors influencing consumer intention to adopt social media for planning food tour in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Esther Yee Xin (2023) Paper-based sensor for water-soluble gases detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Heng Xu and Chow, Whye Shing and Divya Sri, K. Vasu (2023) Factors affecting retirement planning behaviour among working adults in the private sector: the case of Pulau Pinang, Kuala Lumpur, and Johor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Jack Yee and Kong, Zao Yi and Sang, Jun Yao and Wong, Li Wen (2023) A study on the determinants of teacher retention in Chinese primary schools in Johor, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Jing Voon (2023) Immersive AR pet game with hand motion. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Joe Yee and Goh, Jenny and Tan, Mei Qin and Teo, Khai Pin (2023) Factors influencing tourist’s intention to travel for food-related tourism in Penang, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Karen Kah Yee (2023) Online buying behaviour during special sales: A case study on the buying behaviour of malaysian university students during online double-double sales. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Kok Chung (2023) Development of dual-layer membrane and metal organic framework for gas separation to improve indoor air quality. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Poh Kien (2023) Application of solar photovoltaic technology in the construction industry: Case study in Perak State. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Pui See (2023) The Malaysian millennia’s intention to use mobile payment systems– extending the mobile technology acceptance model. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chong, Shu Hua and Loh, Wei Zhen and Ooi, Hui Jing (2023) An investigation on factors influencing stress among UTAR students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Siow Yen (2023) Real-time hand gesture recognition system to interpret sign language. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Thim Kit and Yap, Felicia Jia Yi and Lim, Xin Yi and Teen, Jia Jia (2023) The viewpoint from psychology: Attitudinal impact of young adults’ intention on retail equity participation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Xin Yi and Tang, Chui Ting and Yap, Mei Ting (2023) Determinants of inflation on the economy of Asean. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Yao En (2023) E-wallet using NFC mobile application development. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Yiing Sheah (2023) Video surveillance: Item monitoring against theft. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Zhao Kang and Poon, Wei Xiang and Tea, Pei Wen and Wei, Ling Liang (2023) The factors that influence the customer satisfaction through using the facilities of electric train service (ETS) in Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Zheng Yang (2023) Isolation and characterization of entomopathogenic fungi from selected recreational forests in the Kinta region, Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chong, Zi Cheng and Leong, Mun Heng (2023) Factors influence domestic senior tourism in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choo, Cai Xuan and Lai, Pei Qi and Ling, Hui Li (2023) The evaluation of work engagement among generation Z that involved in logistics business organizations in Selangor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choo, May Yan and Ng, Chloe Chu Yin and Cheong, Claryce Yong Qing (2023) The relationship between gender role attitudes, attitudes toward childbearing, family functioning and attitudes toward marriage among young adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choo, Sen Lin (2023) Factors that drive brain drain of generation z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chooi, Wei San (2023) Malaysia small medium enterprises (SMES) strategic orientation and access to financial technology (fintech) financing moderate by entrepreneur innovativeness. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Choong, Cai Wen (2023) Factors influencing purchase intention towards green cosmetics in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Chiau Yee and Lim, Yong Cheng and Ng, Sin Ring (2023) Analysis of factors that influence budget practices among college students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Joe Wei (2023) Mobile application for online exam management system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Samuel Chee Sum (2023) The mediating roles of social comparison orientation and fear of missing out on young Malaysia user’s self esteem. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choong, Xin Yee (2023) Relationship between social support and social connection in the use of social media by UTAR students in Sungai Long campus. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chow, Chi Ving and Tan, Genevieve Xin Yii and Tan, Min Xin (2023) A study of the intention to use robo-advisory services in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chow, Hor Yan (2023) The association between psychological distress, sleep quality, and night eating syndrome (NES) among undergraduates in University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar campus. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chow, Wai Kean (2023) Development of a comprehensive dashboard for academic management in higher learning institution. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Chow, Wen Chung and Diu, Jia Suan and Tneh, Sin Lin (2023) Personal growth initiative, self-efficacy and social support as predictors of life satisfaction among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Choy, Jia Qi (2023) Evaluation of an electric vehicle (EV) disposal process and benchmarking on the EV technology. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chu, Isabel Xin Lyn (2023) The impulsiveness of gen Z buyers in Tiktok live: a study of the competitive arousal model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chu, Kai Xin and Wye, Sheng Khang (2023) The relationship between interpersonal conflict, organizational citizenship behaviour and turnover intention among workers in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Jing Yi (2023) A study of relationship between stress, depression, pornography consumption among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Siew Hwee (2023) Removal of lead from water using liquid-liquid extraction process. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Wan Ying (2023) The factors affecting employee retention among young graduates. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Xin Jie (2023) The future of building information modeling: An exploratory study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chua, Zi Le and Phang, Chi Yee and Tan, Li Wen and Tang, Wei Kang and Yap, Hao Yi (2023) Social media influence and sexual content: A perception study on sexual behaviour among generation Z. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chuah, Shian Huey and Koh, Jih Cheng and Puah, Irene Zheng Ying and Liew, Ka Seng and Liu, Yuan Kai (2023) The rise of buy-now-pay-later (BNPL) service in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chuah, Wenn Jing (2023) Digital assistant for E-commerce website. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chuah, Xin Hui and Nyiau, Zhi Wen and Wong, Le Jie and Wong, Mei Zhen (2023) A study on job stress affecting the job performance of the retail pharmacy employees in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chuah, Yu Ru and Goh, Ai Vin and Ooi, Hui Tian (2023) The adoption of automation in Schenker Penang Logistics Centre 5 (plc5) warehouse: A case study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chueh, Di-An and Hen, Cavin and Lim, Ya Xuan (2023) Perceived stress, resilience, self-esteem as predictors of life satisfaction among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chung, Zheng Hang (2023) Factors influencing intention to use"buy online pickup in-store (bopis)" service for purchasing clothing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Chuo, Sing Ern (2023) Thermal stability enhancement of mapbi3 film by incorporating poly(methyl methacrylate) additives and encapsulation layers for perovskite solar cell application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ciputra, Tanaka (2023) Determinants of e-commerce adoption in Kuala Lumpur: testing the mediation effects of perceived ease of use nd perceived usefulness. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Darren, Peter and Yong, Penny Pei Nee and Quah, Yan Yee and Woo, Yin Lin (2023) The intention to adopt parcel lockers as a last-mile delivery services in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Dhurvinash, Shanmugam Sundram (2023) The relationship between social anxiety, social media use and resilience among university students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Du, Miao (2023) Perception of young adult towards tiktok and douyin application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Elochukwu, Chekwube Cyprian (2023) Insights of young entrepreneurship aspirants towards sustainable entrepreneurship in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Emmanuel, Samwel Mtani (2023) Local communities’ intention to create cultural tourism destinations in southern Tanzania tourist circuit: extending the full version of theory of planned behaviour. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Eng, Emily Le Yi (2023) Strength properties of latex based rubberized concrete with 15 kg/m3 steel fiber. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Eng, Shi Yee (2023) The impact of short-form video as electronic word-of-mouth on consumer visit intention: a comparison between Tiktok and Instagram. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Er, Boon Xin and Gan, Jie Min and Hing, Yoke Shan and Shen, Yu (2023) A study of Malaysians’ intentions in using RFID tag as an electronic payment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Fan, Wei Hong and 范, 玮峵 (2023) 论周星驰电影的功夫元素 : A study on the Kung-Fu elements in Stephen Chow’s movies. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Farhan, Bashir (2023) Theoretically assessed framework for cyberbullying prediction: a study on undergraduate students from universities in Malaysia using pls-sem and neural network approach. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Fong, Daniel Weng Yew and Loh, Jason Jia Shun and Tan, Chou Hong and Tan, Sin Rou (2023) Does the existence of income inequality contribute to the volume of carbon dioxide emission? An analysis on selected southeast Asia countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Fong, Eng Cheong (2023) Post covid-19 pandemic perception and purchase behaviour of Malaysians towards consumer goods. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Fong, Karr Keet (2023) Development of gantry-based UTAR Hospital linen tracking through RFID using python. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Fong, Patrick Heng Yin (2023) Feasibility of artificial intelligence in improving sales and service of insurance agents in the life insurance industry of Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Fong, Yin Dee (2023) Creative edutainment virtual museum application for Lembah Bujang using exploratory approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Fong, Yin Ling and Loh, Chuan Kit and Loh, Zheng Yu and Tan, Jia Le (2023) Factors affecting the job performance of academic staff in private universities in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Fong, Yip Kean (2023) Pet adoption and re-home mobile application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Foo, Alexander Hong Leong (2023) The mediating role of job satisfaction on the relationship between workplace stress and turnover intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Foo, Shawn Shao Enn (2023) Unveiling the cost differential: drivers behind the incremental costs of green office building construction in Kuala Lumpur. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Foo, Yee Zen (2023) The use of Douyin and beauty self satisfaction among emerging female adults in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Foong, Jing Qi (2023) International business students understanding and learning approach towards courses based on bloom’s revised taxonomy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Foong, Theen Wui (2023) Development of IoT-based agriculture monitoring framework using node-red. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Han Xin and Lim, Sye Wei and Loh, Poh Wai and Then, Min Kong (2023) Hedging capability of cryptocurrencies toward U.S. stock market returns: Does structural change matter? Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Hing Long (2023) Centralized crypto exchanges (CEX) website. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Jing Rou and 颜, 静柔 (2023) 王安石《上仁宗皇帝言事书》中的人才观 : Wang Anshi’s talent ideology of the statement to Emperor Renzong. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Ka Yee and Mah, Pei Bao and Ooi, June Chi and Tung, Jye Yi and Wong, Zhi Seng (2023) The impact of crisis communication in social media on netizen behaviour: A case study of Zus coffee crisis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Kian Yu (2023) Video anomaly detection with U-Net temporal modelling and contrastive regularization. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Ming Hong (2023) Development of a syncope classification algorithm from physiological signals acquired in tilt-table test. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Wei Ni and Lim, Jia Xuan and Lim, Shi Pei and Yoong, Nicole Huai Li and Lim, Rebecca Xinyi (2023) Cashless society: A study on intention to adopt e-wallet by the young adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gan, Yuyun (2023) Traffic noise prediction in bandar mahkota cheras using calculation of road traffic noise (CORTN). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Giam, Phoebe Xin Rou (2023) Determinants of university students' intention to become an entrepreneur. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Giam, Tia-kaztenie Hui Zhi (2023) Facial recognition system for crowd security. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gloria Prasanna, Neelamekan (2023) The influence of cultural dimensions on entrepreneurial intentions. A gen-z Malaysian Chinese perspective. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Ee-I and Ku, Yue Kei and Lee, Xin Qi (2023) Need frustration and internet gaming disorder: The mediating role of gaming motivations. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Fion E Qing and Goh, Jerene Yin Yin (2023) The influence of perceived value on the satisfaction of generation Z towards e-loyalty programs in the fashion industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Jiunn Jye (2023) Establishment of human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells expressing interleukin-12 and assessment of their effect on lung adenocarcinoma cells. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Goh, Qian Feng (2023) Factors affecting brand loyalty in Malaysia retail industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Yee Shan (2023) Sexting motive on sexting behaviours among emerging adults in Malaysia: The moderating role of gender and relationship status. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Goh, Yee Sin (2023) Indoor hydroponics farming system monitoring via internet of things (IoT). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, You Sheng (2023) Android-based smart energy monitoring system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Yuki (2023) A study on smart parking system using IOT technology in shopping mall. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Goh, Zi Wei and Lee, Hao Xian and Lee, Jun Han and Tan, Jing Yang (2023) The relationship between retirement planning behavior and risk tolerance among urban adult employees in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Gui, Shelby Chin Fung (2023) The influence of celebrity politician’s tiktok towards young voters’ voting behaviour. Final Year Project, UTAR.
H'ng, Ivan Zheng Quan (2023) What to eat today. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Han, Haw Ze (2023) Comparison in terms of the legal framework of gender equality in education between Malaysia and United States. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Haw, Mei Kei (2023) Triggers of Malaysian consumers’ impulse purchase during live streaming. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Haw, Ying Huei and Lee, Nie and Yashnevathy, Govindasamy (2023) Parent-child relationship, perceived social support, perceived discrimination as predictors of well-being among LGBTQ emerging adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
He, YuanHanQing (2023) A comparative study of hospital patients' satisfaction in China and Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hee, Yuan Ni (2023) Comparatively child labor legislation in Malaysia and Australia affecting education policy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hen, Zi Wei and Teeba Suriya, Kumar and Wong, Wan Ching (2023) Problematic pornography use, body image, and relationship satisfaction among Malaysian young adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heng, Han Quan and Lim, Chan Hong and Wee, Theo Daniel Xin Lik and Yep, Zhen Yi (2023) Determinants of unemployment among fresh graduates in Malaysia before and during Covid-19 pandemic. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heng, Jia Min and 王, 嘉敏 (2023) 下霹雳佛教会对安顺华人社区与宗教信仰的影响(1987-2023): A study of Hilir Perak Buddist Association on the Chinese Community and Religious Belief in Teluk Intan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heng, Jie You (2023) Online private tutor finder system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heng, Wei Ni (2023) Adoption of AI technology in education among UTAR students: the case of Chatgpt. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heng, Xin Yee and 林, 芯妤 (2023) 《论语·学而》首章探微 : The study of book Ⅰ.1 of “The Analects of Confucius”. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Heri, Gasper Mulamula (2023) The effect of tax planning and earnings management on firm performance with moderated role of audit quality and dividend policy: Evidence from east African listed companies. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Hiew, Khai Hang (2023) A semantic based software redocumentation using ontology with distributed processing techniques. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Jayee and Lee, Xin Yee and Loke, Xin Yi and Tang, Yee Ting and Teh, Poh Wen (2023) A study of news media frame on halal crisis in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Jeng Hung (2023) Raspberry Pi based Cyber physical system for driver monitoring. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Ji Kenn (2023) Social network for Utar alumni. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Ransom Wan Jie (2023) Development of quaternary system pes polymeric hybrid membranes with blending method: study on the effect of powdered activated carbon and nanosilica. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Sin Ni and 何, 欣倪 (2023) 怡保灵仙岩的旅游与宗教功能 : The tourism and religious function of Ipoh Ling Sen Tong Temple. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Wai Lun (2023) Smart event attendance system using facial recognition. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ho, Xiao Qi (2023) Breakfast consumption patterns, knowledge, attitude, and practice among dietetics and non-dietetics UTAR students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hon, Jin Kang and Loh, Yi Xuan and Wong, Yun Tinn (2023) Investigation of Malaysian youth’s intention to participate in the gig economy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hoo, Juliana Ju Yun and Ng, Samantha Hui Li (2023) Intimate partner violence and psychological distress among couples in Malaysia: The role of Stockholm syndrome. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Huang , Jiazheng and 黄, 嘉正 (2023) 论沈从文的湘西巫文化书写——以《神巫之爱》为例 : Shen Congwen's writing on Xiangxi Witch Culture: A case study of “The Shaman's Love”. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Hwan, Tiong Piow (2023) The impact of covid-19 on residential preference in Klang valley. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ivus, Chan Jiong and Loh, Wen Feng and Wong, Sze Xian and Yap, Pei Chin (2023) The correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the employee's performance in SME Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jannatul, Ferdous (2023) The impact of women directorship on firm performance in Malaysian energy industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Jee, Jia Earn (2023) House renovation service application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jenny, Parameshvara Deva and Nee Ng, Gek Pheng (2023) Clinical and genetic studies of keratoconus: A case control study. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Jiang, Chengjun (2023) Audio files comparison with wavelet transform. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jong, Carmen Shin Yi and 杨, 欣宜 (2023) 论李忆莙《春秋流转》女性形象的建构 : Discussing the construction of female characters in Lee Yoke Kim’s ""The Circulation of the Spring and Autumn. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jong, Pei Yii (2023) Ethical behaviour towards sustainable corporate governance in anti-money laundering and counter financing: Awareness, knowledge, and intentions among DNFBPs in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Jong, Qian Biao (2023) Multi-Robot Path-Planning algorithm for automated parcel sorting centre with ring road layout. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Jung, Bo Eun (2023) Perceived impact of BTS’ ‘love myself’ campaign in the lives of Malaysian engaged fans. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Justus, Gratian Mwemezi (2023) The drivers of bank credit flow to Agro-processing SMEs in Tanzania: the supply side perspectives. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Kalhoro, Maryam (2023) Determining factors to use urban rail transport in greater Kuala Lumpur: A behavioral framework. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Kam, Kai Heng (2023) Performance evaluation of starfive visionFive V1 board. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kan, Vivian and Ngo, Da Long and Wong, Jia Man (2023) Determinants of psychological well-being among single young adults in Malaysia: Attitudes towards singlehood, stereotypes and social support. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kang, Shu Yi (2023) Effective detection of purchasing intention for online shopping. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kang, Yi Jin (2023) Characterization and process optimization study on physicochemical and functional properties changes in oil isolates dried under various temperature and time. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Karim, Sherif Mostafa Hassan Ibrahim (2023) Optimal reservoir operation system based on artificial intelligence and metaheuristics algorithms. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Kay, Ee Tong and Neow, Choo Kean and Ooi, Mun Yee and Yang, Zhi Xin (2023) Ethical leadership, organizational citizenship behaviour and work life balance among government secondary school teachers in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kean, Soh Zhe Herng (2023) An application for identifying movies from plot with word embeddings and deep learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kee, Kelvin Ming Ern (2023) Portable low-cost water purification system for populations in developing countries and emergency use. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Keith, Kittivongsak Vongsuthep (2023) Investigating the enrichment of health literacy through product labeling : a comprehensive case study on young adults in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kek, Ming Xuan (2023) Removal of phenol from water using hydrophobic eutectic solvents. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kho, Hui Yi (2023) Appraising the opportunities and challenges of modular construction in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kho, Wen Yi and Ng, Ting Xuan (2023) Factors influencing generation Z’s purchase intention of second-hand clothing in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khong, Eng Mun (2023) The influence of online learning readiness on student retention in Malaysian private higher education institutions. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Khong, Pek Yao (2023) Synthesis, characterization, conformational study and antibacterial activity of N-acylhydrazones. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Sin Ye (2023) Assessment of red blood cells morphology and the associated factors among young Chinese students pursuing tertiary education. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khoo, Yee Leng (2023) Leverage digital tools in construction project during the pandemic and transition to endemic. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khor, Jia Cheng (2023) AI-image processing and image recognition for intelligent prawn farming. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khor, Pey Wen (2023) Design and development of latex cups collector robot V3 (mechanical). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khor, Xin Tian (2023) The impacts of social media advertisement on consumer purchase behavior among generation z. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Khor, Yun Chi and Tan, Jia Lin and Tan, Jin Jie and Toh, Jing Wen (2023) An analysis of food security in Malaysia: Does fertility rate matters? Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ki, Eileen Li Sze (2023) Removal of dye using powdered activated carbon coated on polyurethane foam. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koay, Yenn Nee (2023) Front end design (logic synthesis) of Risc-V processor using design compiler. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Koay, Yeong Lin (2023) Optimising neural network training efficiency through spectral parameter-based multiple adaptive learning rates. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Koay, Ying Yin (2023) Subjective wellbeing, religiosity, and voting intention: The case of Malaysia. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Koh, Hao Zhe (2023) Design of small tag antenna for embedded RFID tracking system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koh, Kaa Ven (2023) To buy or not to buy: Critical factors for c2c business model in internet and social commerce. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koh, Khai Yuan (2023) The readability of selected verses in the book of mark 2:1-12: Preference of Malaysian Christians between NIV and NKJV. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koh, Ronald Lee Xiang (2023) Identity prediction with uncovered facial features while wearing mask. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koh, San Aseana (2023) Antioxidant activity and cytotoxic effect of frankincense essential oil. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koh, Xin Ning and 许, 欣寧 (2023) 北美电影中的中式母女关系呈现——以《面子》、《瞬息全宇宙》、《青春变形记》为例 : Exploring the portrayal of Chinese mother-daughter relationships in north American cinema - a case study of saving face, everything everywhere all at once, and turning red. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kok, Chien Liang (2023) Uncovering the drivers of employee retention in hospitality industry in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Huei Huei (2023) Population genetic structure of a bamboo hybrid (×Gigantocalamus malpenensis) in Perak, Malaysia, and implications for silviculture. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kong, Jessie Jing Wei and Ng, Phei Yin and Thum, Weng Yew (2023) Need satisfaction and internet gaming disorder: The mediating role of gaming motivations. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Kit Yi (2023) A study on the effectiveness of feedback guidelines in improving students’ writing skills in SMJK Yuk Kwan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Si Wei (2023) A study on facebook and instagram as marketing platforms for small and medium-sized businesses (SMES) among UTAR students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kong, Suet Hua (2023) Inno corr management system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koo, Kai Yan (2023) Fear of missing out(FOMO) and the usage of social media towards young adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Koo, Li Sin (2023) Performance Study of Multiple Linear Facet Concentrator Solar Distillation System. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ku, Yew Sheng (2023) Optimal control strategies for dengue transmission in Selangor, Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kuek, Dewayne Hui En (2023) A study of smartphone addiction, fear of rejection and interpersonal communication skills as preditors of social connectedness among Malaysian undergraduate students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kuek, Ming Shuen (2023) Effect of governance and foreign aid on poverty eradication. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kuek, Shu Hui (2023) The role of natural language processing in improving customer service and support in E-Commerce. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kumutha, Mani (2023) Employees’ perception towards the implementation of corporate governance principles: A Malaysia perspective. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Kwan, Kah Lok (2023) Online appointment booking and patient health tracking system for traditional Chinese medicine. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Kwok, Zhi Jun and 郭, 芷君 (2023) 霹雳哲仁新村堂号研究 : The research on surname emblems in Jering Village, Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Eva May Wah (2023) A study of factors influencing green purchase intention among consumers in Selangor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Hoi Yin (2023) Mobile RFID linen monitoring for UTAR hospital. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Scott Yong Luo (2023) Second-hand car price monitor system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lai, Vivien Mei Yen (2023) Meta-heuristic approaches for reservoir optimisation operation and investigation of climate change impact at Klang gate dam. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Lai, Wei Shen (2023) Factors influence university student to take Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) as career choice. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lam, Wing Yee and 林, 颖宜 (2023) 论龚万辉《人工少女》的魔幻写实书写 : A study of magic realist in Gong Wan Hui's Ren Gong Shao Nu. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lam, Xin Mi (2023) A 3D educational mobile application for femoral shaft fractures. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lashanth, Kularajah (2023) Product vs process approach: effectiveness in teaching narrative essays. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Latha, Subramaniam (2023) Digital divide among Malaysian tertiary students and its impact on online learning during the covid-19 pandemic. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lau, Jacqueline Chung Ling (2023) Google classroom: Perception and acceptance of online learning among Malaysian secondary school teachers. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lau, Kai Yee (2023) The effectiveness of the implementation of collaborative writing and students’ perception on the strategy. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lau, Pei Ying and Rosita Anne, Rajanthiram and Sabrina, Abdul Karim and Teoh, Yuan Chi (2023) Analysis of human and artificial intelligence influencing cyber threats in Malaysian financial sectors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lau, Zheng Liang (2023) Machine learning for data classification in construction project planning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Law, Isaac Lik Jun and Leong, Syn Jieh and Tan, Hor Yinn (2023) Self-control, chronotype, and future time perspectives as predictors of bedtime procrastination among Malaysian young adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Law, Yunshi and 刘, 韵诗 (2023) 论翁菀君《月亮背面》女性意识下的“形”与“神 : A study on “Form” and “Spirit” of Jamie Ong's the Backside of the Moon with Perspective of Feminine Consciousness. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Law, Zhi Pin (2023) Solid acid catalyst derived from spent coffee ground for biodiesel production via esterification of oleic acid and methanol. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Ang (2023) Developing extended ISA on RISC based processor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Brendon Chuin Yuen (2023) The AR based digital heritage learning application for Lenggong Valley using constructivism approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Chee Wah (2023) Diet manager. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Choon Kit and Lee, Men Li and Lim, Wei Lun and Ong, Su Zhen and Wee, Guo Sheng (2023) Adoption of digitalised banking among generation Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Choy Ying (2023) Drivers of tablets used by Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) academicians: The technology acceptance model perspective. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Choy Ying and Zainal Abidin, Nur Balqishanis (2023) Technology acceptance model (TAM) on the drivers iPad used by university academicians: a conceptual model. Universitas Internasional Batam.
Lee, Chun Hoong (2023) Stress mental health symptom assessment mobile application for young adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Jia Jet (2023) Speech-to-text and sentiment analysis for a hotel feedback system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Jia Wing (2023) Development of students' social interaction in virtual environments. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Jia Xin and Ng, Huoi Zhia (2023) The impact of hofstede’s cultural dimensions on investment intention among Malaysia workforce. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Kah Seng (2023) The motives for instagram usage and the topics of interest among students In Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Kar Chun (2023) Raspberry Pi based cyber physical system for vehicle monitoring over internet. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Kar Tien (2023) Smart door access system with AI security and IoT application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Kian Huang (2023) Multi-camera face detection and recognition in an unconstrained environment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Min Khuan (2023) Development of pole-and-knife springs system for harvesting oil palm fruit. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Ming Jie (2023) A study of social media influences the intention and motivation for doing cosplay in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Pei Fun (2023) Evaluation on the financial efficiency of listed logistics companies in Malaysia using enhanced data envelopment analysis model with operational risk. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Pei Xin and Ong, Zhi Yi and Tiew, Chong Yi (2023) Effect of tax changes on economic growth in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Rong Wei (2023) Social media political usage and political interest of UTAR students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Shao Ken (2023) Batch and optimization studies of ciprofloxacin removal from aqueous solution by spent tea leaves. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Theresa Wen Yan (2023) Enhanced notes capture using super resolution technique on tecogan. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Uen Chian (2023) Factors influencing gen Z tourism destination choice behavior using social media. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Vincent Wen Sheng (2023) Vacant parking space detector for UTAR Kampar campus using YOLOv4. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Wan Qi (2023) Determinants of working adult' organic food purchase intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Wei Jun (2023) Predicting open space parking vacancies using machine learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Wei Sheong (2023) Optimisation of bioleaching of Malaysian and Chinese Kaolin. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Wen Xian and Lim, Nya Hia and Lim, Vivian Yan Yi (2023) Awareness on online financial scam: A study in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Wen Zhe (2023) Optical simulation approach as a technique to determine the efficiency of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation in surface disinfectant. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lee, Woon Ming (2023) Stock market equity advisory tool using analytic hierarchy process and single-layer perceptron neural network. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Woon Shin (2023) Localization for autonomous car using deep learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Xin Wei (2023) The influence of teachers’ self-efficacy on work engagement: A study of preschool teachers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Xin Ying (2023) A study on patient data sharing acceptability among Malaysian with data mining techniques. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yee Sin (2023) Biodiesel production using ionic liquid as catalyst. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Yingyan and Ling, Hsih Xin and Ng, Zhi Inn Gloria (2023) The relationship between environmental awareness and university students' green entrepreneurial intention in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zhan Shin (2023) Investigation of the mechanical properties changes for multimaterial composite 3d printing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zhen Sheng (2023) Development of a low-cost food scrap and grease separator. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lee, Zi Yi (2023) Legal framework on affordable health: Comparative study between Malaysia and United States. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Legasree, Ravi Chandran (2023) Understanding the psychological well-being of covid-19 survivors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leng, Kai Yi (2023) Farm management information system (Crop planning and tracking modules). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Lerk Yung and Liew, Yee Hang and Shin, Bin Shyen (2023) The relationship between smartphone addiction, internet gaming disorder (IGD), and sleeping problem (Insomia) among young undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Pou Yee (2023) Development and evaluation of a wood classification system usinga low-cost miniature nir sensor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Qi Ye (2023) Battery management system for automated guided vehicle. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Rong Chuan (2023) Design and implementation of smart wireless campus network based on lora and wi-fi. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, See Kei (2023) The moderators affect on social media addiction globally. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leong, Vern Kei (2023) Veterinary clinic management system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leow, Mun Hong Steven (2023) A correlation-embedded attention approach to mitigate multicollinearity in foreign exchange data using LSTM. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Leow, Pei Hui (2023) IOT-based smart socket system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leow, Pei Yi (2023) Ingredients tracing using blockchain for rapid product recall. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Leu, Kim Fey (2023) A multiplexed gene expression study on nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with xiao xian xiong decoction. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Lew, Tian Pei (2023) Facial recognition attendance system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Li, Xin Yan and Hew, Hui Teng and Loh, Shao Heng (2023) Relationship between dark triad personality, moral disengagement and cyberbullying among undergraduate student in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lian, Shunding (2023) Customer Relation Management (CRM) system for Customer Service Management. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liang, Chooi Ling (2023) Interrelationship between factors affecting job satisfaction and employee engagement among lecturers. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liang, Pei Lin and Wee, Vincent Yong Jian (2023) Factors affect the adoption of mobile investment services in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liang, Sharolynne Xiao Tong (2023) Impact of silver nanoparticles on the nutritional properties of spirulina platensis. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liaw, Si Jian (2023) Construction of z-scheme Bi2WO6/SnS2 heterojunction photocatalyst for simultaneous rhodamine b degradation and Cr(VI) reduction under sunlight irradiation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Li Wen (2023) Microalgae cultivation in stabilized landfill leachate for simultaneous treatment and biomass production. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Pei Zhi (2023) Work-from-home influence on the commercial office demand: Evidence from Klang valley after the pandemic. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liew, Shuhui and 刘, 忬惠 (2023) 《错轨的月光—余秀华的性别与身体书写》: Misguided Moonlight--Yu XiuHua’s gender and corporeal writing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Son Jiin (2023) Emerging interior architecture and design practices enabled by remote working: opportunities and challenges. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liew, Vui Seong and Ting, Man Ling and Zou, Cheng (2023) The effect of game-based learning on performance and motivation of university students: An exploratory study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Wei Zheng (2023) Designing an IoT-cloud solution for precision aquaculture. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liew, Ying Ying (2023) Critical factors for generation Z intention to pursue higher education. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Amanda Xin Yi (2023) A study of the relationship between perceived social support, self-efficacy, and academic stress among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Bryan Fu An and 林, 福安 (2023) 《天龙八部》中段延庆论析 : A study of Duan YanQing In Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Ching Yee (2023) Online greeting card website. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, En Siang (2023) The object recognition for augmented reality (AR). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Esther Shi Lin (2023) Preliminary study on the physicochemical and microbiological qualities of overripe tempeh. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Fo Xiang (2023) Development of UTAR hospital RFID linen monitoring through gantry using java. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Jing Hao (2023) Evaluation of time series models for stock price prediction. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lim, Jun Peng (2023) Modern fruits web store with personalized recommender system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Ka Yee (2023) Experimental and theoretical study on microalgae harvesting process by using continuous flow low gradient magnetic separation (lgms) approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Kai Jun (2023) Compressive strength forecasting of rubberized lightweight foamed concrete with fresh density of 1250 kg/m3 during the hardening process utilizing elastic wave method. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Kar Yap (2023) Developing composite filament from recycled polypropylene and agriculture waste for fused deposition modeling. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Ke Yee (2023) Factors affecting the rate of employee retention in service industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Kiang Ping (2023) The factors affecting food security in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lim, Kwee Chein (2023) Silver vanadate and graphitic carbon nitride composite for the removal of oxytetracycline. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Lucas Ye-Kai (2023) Understanding social media and its influence on interpersonal communication and behaviour among Malaysian youths. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Peh Nee (2023) Awareness, knowledge and attitude toward colorectal cancer among students in Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar, Perak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Pei Li and 林, 佩丽 (2023) 男子作闺音——云里风笔下女性书写研究 : A study of female writings in literature by Yuen Li Fung. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Rui Wen (2023) Factors affecting green purchase intention among university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Shi Yuan and Lim, Yit Han and Loh, Carmen (2023) A study on materialism, anxiety and gender differences in compulsive buying behaviors among young adults in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Song Wei (2023) Performance analyses of various photovoltaic power plant based on local spectral irradiances in Malaysia using genetic algorithm. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Sze Huey (2023) Firm and internal environmental factors that affect employee performance in MNCS. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Wei Fang and Ng, Chien Yi and Ong, Ting Wei (2023) Relationship between loneliness, self-esteem, and binge eating among undergraduates in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Xin Jie (2023) Personal retirement advisory tool with income classification in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yen Khai (2023) Positioning flying wireless base stations for optimal communication coverage. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, You Yi (2023) Development of fire protection duct for the safety-relevant circuits. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yu Pin (2023) Wafer map defect pattern classification using deep learning model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yu Tong (2023) An investigation on the functional properties of 1600 kg/m3 foamed concrete with calcium stearate. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Yu Wei (2023) A study of how UTAR Sungai Long Campus undergraduates utilise social media in the search of internship opportunities. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Zheng Jie (2023) Impact of automated valuation model on valuation for residential property. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Zhi Qian (2023) Building loyalty through satisfaction: Costa coffee self service vending machine. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Zhi Wei and Yong, Yeu Chin (2023) Does social media marketing affect brand awareness? A study of cosmetic products among gen Z in Kuala Lumpur. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lim, Zi Wei (2023) The influence of corporate governance on financial performance in the hospitality industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lim , Rachel Bei En (2023) Consumers acceptance towards augmented reality beauty shopping application in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Limbang, Eddie Jr (2023) The relationship between lunch break autonomy and employee creativity: Positive affect as a mediator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lin, Ziyi (2023) Using gamification as a teaching tool to manage EFL learners' speaking anxiety. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ling, Joanne Soon Ning (2023) Comparative study of virgin and acid washed activated carbons for adsorption treatment of textile wastewater. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ling, Sze Huey (2023) Exploring political participation of Malay first-time voters and the Tiktok role in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ling, Teck Ping (2023) A study on Malaysia’s gig workers in food delivery services. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ling, Thong Ern (2023) A Study of Preschool Teachers’ Perceived Stress And Their Job Satisfaction. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ling, Xin Wei (2023) Solar panels cleaning robot. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ling, Yi Jun (2023) Underwater species-constrained fish detection using multi-frame image information. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liow, Jia Ying (2023) A comparative study: exploring the food security in Malaysia and Singapore. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liu, Dongdong (2023) The sustainable development of hotel buildings in China. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liu, Jing Yi (2023) Investigating factors influencing Malaysians’ intention on use mobile payments service. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liu, Ni Qiao (2023) Assessment of future rainfall patterns in Cameron Highlands using the statistically downscaled local climate model. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Liu, Xiyu and 刘, 晰雨 (2023) 论赖声川《如梦之梦》角色中的人格分析与“超我”意识 : A study of personality analysis and superego consciousness in the characters of Stan Lai's Dream of a Dream. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Liu, Yongchuang (2023) Intention to use electric vehicles in Malaysia, a modification theory of acceptance study. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Lock, Yee Sin (2023) Evaluation of knowledge and attitude related to anemia among female utar undergraduate students: a cross-sectional study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, How Zheng (2023) Gamers’ acceptance model of Esports – the roles of gratification and service mechanisms. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loh, Jing En (2023) Back End Design (Automatic Place and Route) of RISC-V Processor using IC Compiler. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loh, Jit Kai (2023) Generation and characterisation of mesenchymal stem cell (msc)-like cells from induced pluripotent stem cells (ipscs) along with their co-culture effects on lung cancer cell line, h1975. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Loh, Pui Yee (2023) Factors influencing the intention to use buy now pay later in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Yi Ling (2023) IOT database for non-structured data type. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loh, Yi Wen (2023) Exploring the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in tertiary education: students' perspectives on non-human lecturers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lok, Samantha Tian Wen (2023) Meeting scheduler with secured privacy web application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loke, Kah Huey (2023) Factors influencing investment decision-making in stock market among millennials in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Jia Jun (2023) Impact of digital marketing on consumer behaviour among generation Z in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Ka Fei Vieri (2023) Power management for ambient energy harvesting in passive integrated circuit. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Kai Liang and Lee, Jun Han and Tan, Hong Liang and Tan, Kean Hong (2023) Factors that affect employee motivation towards the retail industry in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Meng Jun (2023) Intention to buy eco- friendly packed product among Malaysian. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Loo, Wai Hong (2023) Influence of social media marketing on brand equiry, eWoM intention, and choice intention in higher education institution. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Bryan Keng Seong (2023) Video surveillance: Front-yard monitoring. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Chee Wei (2023) How effectively does social media influence Malaysian consumers to purchase electronic vehicles (EVS) using the Engel-Blackwell-Miniard model (EBM). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Low, Chia Hui (2023) Facial and skincare service system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Cui Bun (2023) Maximizing the value of generation Z in the workplace by knowing their communication habits and attitudes. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Kah Yue (2023) Validation of the mental health literacy questionnaire (MHLQ) among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Low, Ming Chi (2023) Examine digital ecosystem in the Malaysian construction supplychain. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Pei Yu (2023) The impact of live streaming commerce to MSMES' performance: a comparision between Tiktok and Facebook. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Pui Nee and 罗, 佩妮 (2023) 论李煜与李清照词的亡国书写 : The writing of national subjugation in Li Yu’s and Li Qingzhao's Ci Poetry ". Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Weng Liang (2023) A Mobile travel application with itinerary planner for Kampar tourism. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Xin Yi (2023) The parasocial relationships between social media fitness influencers and youth fitness behavior in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Low, Ze Xian (2023) Development of a wearable glove for virtual reality application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lum, Li Kai (2023) A road capacity assessment study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Lum, Yat Kwai and Ng, Hui Yen (2023) Impact of employer branding on Malaysian gen Z’s intention to apply to local SMES. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ma, Yong Zhuang (2023) Ergonomic issue on student’s health during virtual learning in the post-pandemic age. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Magenthiran, Shasmita (2023) Investigating challenges in conducting micro-teaching among English education (ED) undergraduates in a Malaysian private university. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Maithilli, Kalaiselvan (2023) Political polarization and post 15th general election in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Mak, Vee Vien (2023) Investigating the implementation of information and communication technology-based English language teaching in Chinese independent high schools in west Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Manishaa Sri, Mahendran (2023) Impact of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the nutritional composition of haematococcus pluvialis. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Mannudhini, Kumar (2023) A study of Malaysian secondary school student’s perspectives on the challenges faced in ESL reading comprehension. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Mok, Shao Jun (2023) Structural performances, thermal insulating and fire resisting abilities of rubberized concrete wall panel utilizing magnesium oxide board as the skin layer. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Muaid, Abdulkareem Alnazir Ahmed (2023) Traffic control strategy for adaptive signal controller based on reinforcement learning and local communication channel. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Muhammad Waqas, Nadeem (2023) Detecting and mitigating botnet attacks using deep learning in software-defined networks. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Muthukannan, Murugesh (2023) Design and optimisation of single-layered on-metal tag antennas for ultra-high-frequency radio frequency identification. PhD thesis, UTAR.
N.Rajandhiran, Shreevishal (2023) Object based segmentation and analysis using deep learning algorithm for cats and dogs images. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Na, Yi Chun (2023) Parallelizing web scraping to improve performance and scalability. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nagadewi, Balasubramaniam (2023) The interpretation of non-verbal communication in selected Tamil Malaysian movies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Navaneethan, Paranjothi (2023) The factors influencing homebuyers' perspectives towards eco-friendly housing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Neo, Yao Yong (2023) An investigation on the functional properties of 1400 kg/m3 foamed concrete with calcium stearate. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Alicia Zi Qin and Jong, Ally Fang Yee and Choong, Wen Yee and Lee, Ming Yi and Nagadarshyini, Maniam (2023) Social media as a source of political information: First-time voters and the influence of social media on political interest. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Benedict Boon Yew (2023) To play or not to play: How video games motivate gamers in Malaysia to play. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Chee Kwan (2023) Inadvertent effects of various media on UTAR students' English proficiency & fluency. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Chi Hui and 黄, 子慧 (2023) 唐诗中那一抹红——以王维与杜甫的诗歌为考察中心 : The red in Tang Poetry: A study centered on the poems of Wang Wei and Du fu. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Ching Woon (2023) Perception on the implementation of building information modelling (BIM) in facility management (FM). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Ch’ng Sim and Tan, Yi Xuan (2023) Determinants of customer satisfaction with artificial intelligence-enabled social media marketing in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jamie May Ling (2023) Possible genetic determinants of gentamicin resistance in listeria monocytogenes. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Jia Poh (2023) Associations between socio-demographic factors and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) among UTAR Kampar undergraduate students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jia Qi (2023) A study on online consumer behaviour of impulsive buying and online consumer satisfaction during festival season in Malaysia among of UTAR student. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jia Wei (2023) A phenomenological exploration of counselling students’ experiences with group counselling sessions. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jin Siang (2023) Development of coordinating algorithm for rendezvous task of mobile robots. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jin Yuan (2023) Simultaneous wastewater treatment and bioelectricity generation with constructed wetland incorporating microbial fuel cell. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jun Ming and Tan, Keng Han and Wong, Ka Kin and Yeoh, Wei Loon (2023) The effects of emotional intelligence, rewards and recognition, and workload on work engagement among academic staff in a Malaysian private university. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Jun Yuan and Ng, Zhang Rong (2023) Intention to use augmented reality apps for education – a behavioural study among Malaysian generation Z. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Kah Mun (2023) Digital advertising fraud prediction using OLS regression. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Kay Yau (2023) The impact of job satisfaction, organisational commitment, work-life balance and pay and reward towards employees’ turnover intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Kee Siang (2023) Sound transmission behaviour, fire resisting properties as well as structural performance of full scale rubberized lightweight foamed concrete using magnesium oxide board as the skin layer. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Ker Nie and Thong, Mei Xin (2023) Tourists’ visitation intention to Pangkor island in Malaysia, a behavioural study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Khai Xi (2023) Isolating chitin and derivatizing chitosan from dead adult black soldier fly. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Kok Leong (2023) Development of a compact light detection and ranging module. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Lorraine Ruo Yen (2023) Physicochemical properties of rice bran oil-based oleogel system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Shin Huan (2023) Develop and enhance an automated flow (Open Debug (OD)) for the Periodic System Management Interrupt (PSMI) when a failure is captured by Open Debug (OD) using Python. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ng, Suat Yin (2023) Factors that affect employees motivation among young graduate. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Suet Eng (2023) Face recognition for identify verification in exams locations. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Warren Cin Yen (2023) Mobile hotspot tethering and payment system using NFT. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Wei Bin (2023) Features on reshaping modern office resilient for time-crisis. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Wei Yuan (2023) Development of a smart edge device for fire detection. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Xiao Jing (2023) The postural effect of different types of load carriage in ergonomic during walking gait. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Xue En and 吴, 雪恩 (2023) 马来西亚国中和独中华文课本中儒家思想教育研究 : A study on the education of Confucianism in Malaysian national and independent secondary school Chinese textbooks. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Yan Sze Jacquelyn (2023) Effects of different oven drying methods on the nutritional value and lactic acid bacteria load of eudrilus eugeniae. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng, Yen Lan (2023) New Media and mental health literacy among young adults. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ng , Kah Lok (2023) The impact of strategic management towards corporate performance - a case of Malaysian. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nga, Jia Jun (2023) Master-controlled networking for mobile robotic application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ngeow, Shin Yee (2023) The impact of board diversity on company performance: Panel data evidence from public listed companies in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ngiam, Kee Tiong (2023) Constructing an air quality detection system using embedded system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ngu, David Teck Joung (2023) Design and simulate RISC-V processor using verilog. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ngui, Jun Kit (2023) Compressive strength forecasting of rubberised lightweight foamed concrete with fresh density of 1350kg/m3 during the hardening process utilising elastic wave method. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ngwee, Jia Ler (2023) Technology aided learning application for wetlands ecology using constructivism approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nishanthi, Muthu Chalvan (2023) Board diversity and financial performance: Evidence from Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Norfatiha, Rahim (2023) testing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Nur Allisa Sabrina, Amin (2023) Wide-supply integration CMOS DC-DC converter for energy harvesting applications. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Nur Amalina, Mat Jan and Muhammad Fadhil, Marsani and Loshini, Thiruchelvam and Nur Balqishanis, Zainal Abidin and Ani, Shabri and Sarah A'fifah, Abdullah Sani (2023) Mitigating infectious disease risks through non-stationary flood frequency analysis: a case study in Malaysia based on natural disaster reduction strategy. Geospatial Health.
Nur Balqishanis, Zainal Abidin and Nur Amalina, Mat Jan and Ainin Zakiah, Othman and Loshini, Thiruchelvam and Lim, Shun Jinn and Sarah A’fifah, Abdullah Sani and Nurul Ikma, Haris and Nurhanim, Abdul Aziz (2023) Five-Year Bibliometric Analysis of Education 4.0 and Direction for Education 5.0 Future Research. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research.
Nur Balqishanis, Zainal Abidin and Nur Intan Liyana, Mohd Azmi and Loshini, Thiruchelvam and Mohd Rashid, Ab Hamid and Ainin Zakiah, Othman and Abd Hadi, Mustaffa (2023) The innovation capabilities model in higher education institutions: a conceptual framework. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2023).
Nurul Adlina, Johari (2023) Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) charge pump with temperature variation for self-powered applications. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Nurulfaraiza, Ariffin and Veera Pandiyan, Kaliani Sundram and Mohd Hafiz, Zulfakar (2023) Halal purchasing: a qualitative in-depth interview towards small and medium food enterprises (SMFEs). Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business, Accounting, Finance and Economics (BAFE 2023).
Nurulfaraiza, Ariffin and Veera Pandiyan, Kaliani Sundram and Mohd Hafiz, Zulfakar (2023) Systematic literature review of Halal purchasing in value chain management. A qualitative research era from 2011 to 2022. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal.
Nyeow , Pei Ni (2023) Factors affect employee productivity in Malaysia manufacturing industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Oh, Jing Yi and 胡, 婧怡 (2023) 论北宋朝廷对佛教发展的支持 : A study of the spread and development of Buddhism in the Northern Song Dynasty. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Huee Pin (2023) Association study and meta analysis of nrg 1 genes (rs2954041) with schizophrenia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Jenny Xiao Thong (2023) Relationship between screen time, physical activity level and sleep quality among male and female students from University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) during transition to covid-19 endemic. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Jing Xian (2023) Computational study of solar furnace system for the application in solar pyrolysis of mixed plastic waste. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Lip Wei (2023) Web and mobile app development for smart vehicle entrance & exit. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Ruby Fang Yi (2023) AR display content in fridge. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Shu Wen (2023) The effects of social media on interpersonal communication among university students in Klang Valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Sin Hui (2023) Synthesis of poly (Diallyldimethylammonium Chloride) coated iron oxide for the degradation of e. Coli via fenton-like degradation. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Wei Chi (2023) Dissection of synechococcus rubisco large subunit sections involved in heterologous holoenzyme formation in escherichia coli. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Xuan (2023) Heterozygous mthfr c677t polymorphism (rs1801133) is associated with higher total cholesterol/ high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio in habitual coffee drinkers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Yee Chiun (2023) The relationship between emotional regulation, peer support and aggressive behaviour among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Zhan Hao (2023) Adoption of corporate governance best practices and existence of compliance committee affecting company performance: The case of top 100 Malaysia listed companies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Ong, Zhi Hui (2023) Hedonic price model on the effect of mass rapid transit (MRT) station development towards housing price. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ong, Zhi Ying (2023) Machine learning based route optimization for the travelling salesman problem with pickup and delivery. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Onubogu, Nneka Obianuju (2023) Theoretical and experimental study of erbium-doped fiber laser chaotic conditions in response to acoustic vibrations for pipe leakage monitoring. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Ooi, Jia Xiang and Pang, Xiao Tong and Teng, Zi Xuan (2023) The adoption of smart warehouse in Shah Alam: A qualitative study on the decisive factors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Jing Quan (2023) Flexible graphene/cellulose composite for multimodal sensing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Joe Yee (2023) “Era with war of talent”: Impact of HRM practices on employee retention among Malaysian SMEs. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ooi, Kee Shen (2023) GNV group – The story behind a dream of wedding. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Oon, Aaron Chern En (2023) Investigating the stresses and detailing on load bearing transfer wall with opening based on finite element method. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Oon, Bennet Wei Sharn and Chan, Chen Meng (2023) Impact of perceived e-service quality towards customer engagement on e-commerce platform among generation Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pan, Albert Kit Kee (2023) Tik Tok & 18 votes: Post GE 15 analysis among young Chinese voters in P49, Tanjong, Penang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pan, Hui Xin (2023) Factors affecting digital entrepreneurial intention among females. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pang, Chi Chong (2023) Hotel recommendation system with machine learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pang, Hui Er (2023) Building inter-storey drift under pseudo dynamic load. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pang, Khar Yee (2023) A comparison between public hospital and private hospital facilities preerence among genaration z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Parn, Kim Wai (2023) Safety and efficacy of oral epigallocatechin gallate in attenuating hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats via modulation of the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Pathma Devi, Veerasingam (2023) Exploring the organizational resilience and sustainability of the service related industries during and after covid-19 pandemic. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Peh, Hong Bo (2023) Dysun - An activity-aware smart IOT light using human activity recognition. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Phang, Jun Sen (2023) Water quality monitoring in aquaculture to increase fish growth performance based on sensor outcomes. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Phang, You Kang (2023) Investigation of the combined methods of filtration, copper oxide nanoparticles and microalgae on palm oil mill effluent (POME) treatment. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Phua, Jia Ying (2023) Association between physical activity and depression with body dysmorphic disorder among UTAR undergraduate students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Phua, Yeong Nan (2023) Design and characterisation of broadband microstrip reflectarray antennas. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Poh, Xiou Hui (2023) E-ticketing pothole road system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Poy, Yi Ler (2023) Modelling of multi-robot system for search and rescue. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Priyadarsini, Palaniapan (2023) Project management during covid-19: the relevance of human skills and the infrastructure project performance in Klang Valley Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Pua, Casandra Kei Ying (2023) Factor affecting customer satisfaction in e-commerce. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Pua, Wei Yi (2023) Exploring the cultivation effects of anime consumption in developing parasocial relationships among Malaysian university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Purnimal, Jayabalakumar (2023) Green marketing for brand credibility: The impact of green lifestyle branding among Malaysians. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Quah, Hong Yi (2023) Intervention pilot study: effects of breakfast oatdrink consumption on bowel function and health parameters among UTAR Kampar female university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Quek, Hui Ling (2023) Influential factors of online scam awareness among generation X in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Raphael Joe, Joachimdass (2023) Crude herbs usage among patients with hypertension living in a suburban setting of Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Roshinie, Saravanan (2023) Difficulties faced by UTAR undergraduates during oral presentation in English as a form of assessment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ruan, Yulu and Wong, Wei Yuan and Arvind, S.Santhaselvan and Lim, Anthony Kang En (2023) The influence of university – Students relationship on attitude, word of mouth, and academic performance. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sai, Mei Ying (2023) Influence of sugar and stevia to the cariogenicity of oral streptobacilli. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sam, Jian Him (2023) A transparent and immutable voting system utilizing blockchain. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sangeetha, Elango (2023) A unified meta based machine learning model for sustainable manufacturing using characterization and regression of machinng data. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Satish, Prabhagar @ Nagaiah (2023) Global currency monitoring system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Saw, Wei Chin (2023) Intelligent control of streetlights based on sensor fusion using fuzzy clustering. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Saw, Yoke Teng and Tin, Ley Hui (2023) Factors that influence Malaysia generation Z consumers’ purchase intention during flash sales promotion. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Seah, You (2023) Smart attendance system with Iot based face recognition using deep learning approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
See, King Li (2023) IOT office assistant system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
See, Ying Mei (2023) Association of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) body constitution, waist circumference and fasting blood glucose with hnf1a and capn10 polymorphisms. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Seow, Ai Na (2023) Investigating international tourists’ behavioural intention for medical tourism in Malaysia: the influence of destination trust, threat and coping appraisals. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Seow, Lai Yeow (2023) The role of technology orientation and big data analytics (BDA) adoption on the business performance among Malaysian SMEs: Mediating role of competitive advantage. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Shee, Eyvonne Yu Qian (2023) Green mixed surfactant nanoemulsion formulation of cytokinin NPK fertilizer for cultivating ceylon spinach (Basella alba). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sheikh, Abdul Hameed (2023) Intrusion detection models using enhanced denoising autoencoders and lightgbm classifier with improved detection performance. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Shum, Pui Lam (2023) The association between personality traits and readiness to change among working adults in service sector: Organizational commitment as a mediator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Sia, Chee Yan (2023) Knowledge and practice on vaping among undergraduate students in a private university in Kajang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sii, Elysha (2023) Chatgpt adoption in university education: a dual perspective of healthcare educators and students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sim, Aloysius Jing Xian (2023) A study of metaverse acceptance among Malaysian undergraduate media students based on the technology acceptance model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sim, Derrick Wei Khang and 沈, 伟康 (2023) 砂拉越古晋潮州人民俗文化研究-以人生礼俗为例 : The Teochew folk culture in Kuching, Sarawak with rites of passage as examples. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sim, Hui Yee (2023) A study on the relationship between parents’ educational level and their involvement in children’s learning in Johor. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sin, Yi Feng (2023) Volatility connectedness of major cryptocurrency: The role of geopolitical risk. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Singh, Sukhdeep (2023) Parents’ influence on ESL learners’ English language proficiency. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Siow, Jasmine Jie Yin (2023) A study of examine the potential association between student-teacher relationships with preschool teachers’ stress in Klang valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Siti Nur Hanani, Mohd Rizal (2023) Evaluation of Security Metric for Artificial Internet of Things Smart Locking System. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Soo, Chamaine Min Xin and Lew, Swit Wah and Liew, Chi Yun and Lim, Yun De and Ng, Jia Wen (2023) Malaysian expectation towards digital banking. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Elaine Jia Xuan and Lee, Chia Suen and Leong, Chai Yan and Lin, Fan Hui (2023) Service-learning (SL): A case study of challenges faced by learners at a private higher learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Wan Rou and Gong, Steven Lian Kang (2023) Factors influencing the purchase intention of green products among gen Z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soo, Yee Jean (2023) A study on the popularity of k-pop among teenagers in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soon, Cai En (2023) Recontriving culture/nature dualism: An ecofeminist reading of selected Terry Pratchett’s Witches series. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Soon, Christine Wei Ting (2023) Political information on social media and its impact on first-time voters among Malaysian youth. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soon, Ming Siang (2023) Direct ink writing of alumina threedimensional structures. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soon, Yu Siang (2023) Smart bidding modern antique eShop. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Soong, Vai Ven (2023) Factors of social media influencer on online purchase intention among generation Z. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Su, Yi Wen (2023) Personal AI-powered conversation and grammar-checking chatbot. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Sujatha, Anbalagan (2023) The effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on turnover intention among employees in the Malaysian banking industry: Job satisfaction as a mediator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Syafiq Aiman, Noorhaizan (2023) A study on exhaustion numbers and complete decompositions of subsets of some finite groups. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Syurene, Mohd Shukri (2023) English language learning style preference of UTAR students versus the teaching style preference of UTAR lecturers: A cross-sectional study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tai, Yu Bin (2023) Anti-magic labeling on a class of sparse graphs. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tai, Yuen Zheng (2023) A study on effects of social media influencers on university students purchasing decision. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tam, Weng Theng and Foo, Noreen (2023) Determinants that influence the acceptance of generation Z in Malaysia towards complementary and alternative medicine. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tamilarasi, Tanabalan (2023) Instagram adoption and impact on communication skills: A study of university students in klang valley. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Aireen and Bong, Qiao Xuan and Cheam, Zia Ee and Yan, Pheng Liang and Yen, Jian Yew (2023) Social media predict behavioural belief, normative belief and control belief among university student in Malaysia on prevention of sexual harassment behaviour. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Celeste Kir Nie (2023) Year 6 primary school students’ motivation and perception towards learning English. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Ching Ting (2023) The framing of ‘Muslim women hijab’ issue in Malaysia: A content analysis of Malaysian mainstream newspapers. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Chun Guan (2023) Image processing based object measurement system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Devi Kia Swee and 陈, 家瑞 (2023) 砂拉越古晋潮州人祭祖文化研究 : The Teochew ancestral worship culture in Kuching, Sarawak. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Hannah E-Ling (2023) Probability distribution construction via deep learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Hui Hui (2023) AI chatbot system for educational institutions. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jei Ru and Tan, Yu Xuan and Tong, Chia Chian (2023) The investigation of perception and satisfaction on e-hailing service among undergraduate students of Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jia Yuin (2023) An analysis of queer representation in Zen Cho’s Black Water Sister. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jing Hong (2023) A low cost all-sky imager for shortterm forecasting horizon of solar irradiance. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Jing Xuan and 陈, 静萱 (2023) 论《古诗十九首》意象之审美价值——兼论其与古诗教学运用 : The study on the aesthetic value of imagery in nineteen ancient poems and its application in teaching. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, John How (2023) The influence of social media advertisement on consumer purchase intention in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Jui Aik (2023) A process model of knowledge-wealth creation: The processes of knowledge creation and strategy innovation among successful Malaysian chinese entrepreneurs from zhuāng zǐ’s perspective. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Kah Hsing (2023) Residence parcel drop box with multi-layer authentication using cyber physical system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kai Qin (2023) Machine learning for email filtering and categorising. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kai Wen (2023) Examine digital transformation in the Malaysian construction industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kai Wen (2023) Impact of covid-19 pandemic on physical interaction among university students in UTAR. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kia Kheng (2023) Interactive augmented reality aided software for physics education using exploratory approach. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kok Han (2023) Development of hotel price monitoring application using low code platform. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Kristin Mei Ping and He, Jing and Tan, Yuen Huey (2023) The mediation effect of self-objectification from selfie behavior to body esteem: A relationship between selfie-behavior, self-objectification, and body esteem among female undergraduates in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Mae San (2023) Uses and gratifcations approach: importance of social media influencers' exposure to young adults in Malaysia's tourism industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Meng Sheng (2023) IKEA furniture finder. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Mun Bin (2023) High-efficiency, wide-input-supply oscillator for switched capacitor converter in CMOS technology. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Pei Xin (2023) Investigation of a 3 nm Strained Fin Field-Effect Transistor (FinFET). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Sherene Yu Lin (2023) The impact of celebrity endorsements in advertisements on Malaysian consumers’ purchasing intention: A parasocial interaction perspective. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Sier Mei (2023) Drivers and barriers of green manufacturing implementation in Klang valley, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Su Hua (2023) Development of personal finance mobile application with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for automated receipt management and expense tracking. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Swee Mee (2023) Thematic choice in selected Malaysian Malay women’s short stories: a representation of Malaysian Malay female identity from a systemic functional perspective. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Tar Wei (2023) Development of battery charging station for automated guided vehicle. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Wei Lun (2023) Development of power conditioning circuit for reliable use of battery on automated guided vehicle. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Wei Pang (2023) Understanding Klang valley shopper’s attitude toward online shopping platforms. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Weng Cheong (2023) Design and development of novel polypropylene based aluminium-air battery system. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Tan, William Wey Lian (2023) Determinants of customer’s loyalty: An empirical study of Malaysian retail banking industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Wilson (2023) Application of game-based learning in developing metacognition for facilitating English for specific purpose (ESP) vocabulary acquisition: A case study. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tan, Xuan Ni (2023) Korean wave in Malaysia: A study on purchasing behaviour of Malaysian youth. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Xuan Qing (2023) Hand blood vessels pattern recognition. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yi Xuan (2023) Real time junction recognition using image matching. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yi Ying (2023) Synthesis, characterisation, conformational study and antibacterial activity of N-acylhydrazone and its derivatives. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yong Jinn (2023) Effects of greenwashing on financial performance in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Yong Ming (2023) Right track - A google map companion using junction recognition. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Zhi Lin and Lian, Wye Loon and Chau, Keen Zhi (2023) The roles of foreign direct investment inflow in carbon emission: A Malaysian perspective. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Zhi Yuan (2023) Application development of VCare circle for Utarian. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Zi Jun and 陈, 籽均 (2023) 声声叹秋风——刘长卿诗歌中的听象研究 : Sighing for autumn wind:A study on the auditory images in Liu Zhangqing’s poetry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tan, Zitang (2023) Design of soft robot for maneuvering in tight spaces. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tang, Adriano Chin Hoong (2023) Data driven e-crm model on active online engagement for smes in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tang, Jian Yang (2023) Bitcoin price prediction using machine learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tang, Scully Zy Ing and Tan, Yie Xuan (2023) Perceived ethicality and its impact on consumer loyalty: An empirical study on sharing economy platforms. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tang, Sheng Hui (2023) Study on lightweight concrete with coconut shell and kenaf fibre. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tang, Shun Xin (2023) UTAR landscaping with Virtual Reality (VR). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tang, Yee Mun (2023) Enhanced oil recovery from palm oil mill effluent using ultrasonication technique for biodiesel production with two-step esterification and transesterification process. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tang, Zi Weng (2023) LKC FES syllabus management portal. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tay, Bee Sim (2023) Public transport route optimization with reinforcement learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tay, Boon Yan (2023) Wi-fi analyzer for users to optimize current network. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tay, Gordon Zhi Wei (2023) Examine digital maturity in construction supply chain. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tay, Yong Tang (2023) IoT smart energy monitoring system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tee, Jia Lin (2023) Human activity recognition via accelerometer and gyro sensors. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tee, Tiffany Liang Jing (2023) A production inventory model with item recovery. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tee, Xiang Yi (2023) Cybervictimization and depression among Malaysian adolescents: Sense of coherence as a moderator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teh, Boon Hin (2023) Auto raise hand in Microsoft teams (API/Extension). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Chai Yin and 郑, 彩萤 (2023) 论梁靖芬《野风波》的人物以及地方书写 : The character and local writings of Liang Jin Fen's Wild Waves. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Kai Wen (2023) Mobile tour guide application with on-site attraction recognition for Kampar Temples. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Ming En (2023) Ride with me - Ride-sharing application with opportunistic AI. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Shirley Ling Jie (2023) Employee's perspective: an empirical study of training effectiveness. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Sin Yie (2023) Knowledge and attitude towards polysystic ovary syndrome among female undergraduate students in a private university in Kajang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teh, Xin Rou and Tam, Jing Yi Evelyn and Yap, Xue Li (2023) Social media use and self-esteem as predictors of the risk of experimentation with e-cigarettes among university students in Malaysia: Resistance to peer influence as mediator. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teng, Wen Jun (2023) Verification of Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline (MIPS) Processor using Self-Checking Testbench. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teo, Ke Sin and Wong, Yin Wai (2023) The determinants of Augmented Reality (AR) marketing affect purchase intention in the beauty and makeup industry among gen z in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teo, Lim Ang (2023) Association of dietary intake and lifestyle with body mass index and body fat percentage among University Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar student. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teo, Zhi Enn (2023) The impact of watching tv drama series on English learning among university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teoh, Melanie Ruochy (2023) A study of preschool teachers’ job satisfaction and their turnover intention in Penang. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teoh, Shen Khang (2023) A scene invariant convolutional neural network for visual crowd counting using fast-lane and sample selective methods. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Teoh, Vivian Vi Yuan (2023) Effect of environmental, social, and governance factors on firm value: A study on information technology companies in the United States. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Teoh, Wen Qi (2023) The effectiveness of CBT approaches on big five personality and internet aggression among undergraduate students: A single subject study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Teow, Yi Jia (2023) Malaria parasite detection from human blood smear images using deep learning techniques. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tham, Shu Wen (2023) Factors influencing consumers' intention and attitude towards eating green. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Thanabal, Navamani (2023) Efficacy and enactment of variable speed drive in various electrical induction motor application. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tharani, Sockalingam (2023) Language learning strategies preferred by extrovert and introvert students in English as a second language. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Thaw, Jia Yee (2023) Volatility of the USD: Effects from economic policy uncertainty, monetary policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Thong, Bao Chye (2023) The impact of social media celebrity endorsement on Malaysian university students' consumption behavior. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tiew, Keh Yeng (2023) The influence of electronic word of mouth (ewom) on the purchase intention of technological gadgets. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ting, Kai Zin (2023) Design and fabricate real-time internet of things (IoT) monitoring system for floating solar photovoltaic (PV) system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Ting, Qiao Thong (2023) The conceptual model for the real-time navigation in Augmented Reality (AR) technology for mobile platform. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tiong, Caryne Jing Ping and 张, 靖萍 (2023) 王安忆《长恨歌》都市生活下的女性悲剧 : Female tragedy in city life in Wang An Yi's The Song of Everlasting Sorrow. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tiong, Wei Jie (2023) Customer analysis with machine vision. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tneh, Brenda E Tjeen (2023) Characteristics of soil stabilizers and their effect on heavy metal mobility in soil. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tneh, Xuan (2023) Numerical analysis of the ducted ventilation and jet fans systems in an enclosed car park. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Tnek, Shiin Wei (2023) Android-based diet consultant. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Toh, Ling Yun and 杜, 凌盈 (2023) 金庸武侠小说的佛理研究——以《侠客行》石破天为例 : A study of Buddhist teachings in Jin Yong's martial arts novels - a case study of Shi Potian in the Chivalrous Journey. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Toh, Wei Xuan (2023) Customer segmentation on clustering algorithms. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tok, Hui Mei (2023) Impact analysis of the Malaysia’s economy on the palm oil stock returns in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia through NARDL model. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tong, Kah Pau (2023) Speech to text with emoji. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tong, Yong Yao (2023) Synthesis, characterization, and reactivity studies of η 5 -cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl 4- (dimethylamino)phenyldiphenylphosphine iodide and di(µ2-chloro)(η 5 -cyclopentadienyl)4- (dimethylamino)phenyldiphenylphosphine iron-palladium iodide. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tor, Liqin (2023) Development of a smart assistive stick for visually impaired people. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Tu, Shiyi and 涂, 诗怡 (2023) 探讨佛教仪式文化研究——以梅州客家香花为例 : An investigation into the ritual culture of Buddhism - a case study of the Meizhou Hakka fragrant flower. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Vachiera, Jong Jut (2023) Factor affecting reading comprehension of Malaysian secondary school students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Veshallini, Ravindran (2023) The influence of perceived of usefulness perceived ease of use and perceived security on repurchase intention. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Vignnesh, Ravindran (2023) The quadry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Vimalan, Rengganaten (2023) Identification and functional analysis of a circular rna circznf800 involved in regulating colorectal cancer stemness properties. PhD thesis, UTAR.
Wan, Kimberly Jia Xian and Mak, Wei Teng (2023) A study of the mediating role of self-esteem between parent-child relationship and psychological distress among undergraduate students in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wang, Li Khang (2023) Evaluation of the impact of lean tools on safety performance in Malaysia’s manufacturing firms. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wee, Cindy Zi Wei (2023) AI-infused web décor shop. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wee, Xin Rhu (2023) Exploring the implementation of smart technologies in the construction industry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wen, Bao Jun (2023) The effects of project manager’s soft skills on success of the project in the Malaysian construction industry. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Chui Yi (2023) Influence of consumer's knowledge in skin care product on purchase intention. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Clara Chia Ci (2023) Determination of the role of synechococcus rubisco residue val-425 in chimeras. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Jasper Wei Sheng and Kong, Kah Wai and Hew, Winnie Song Lin and Yong, Siew Ling (2023) A study on the impact of emotional intelligence and resiliency on stress management among academic staff in Malaysian private universities. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Jia Hui (2023) Impact of environment, social and governance on investors’ investment decision in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Kai Jie (2023) Office IT - An augmented reality application with visual and auditory interaction ability to design and construct the office indoor environment. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Liana Jing Yi (2023) The moderators affect on the usage of mobile banking in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Ming Zhe and 黄, 洺舴 (2023) 二战前新山华社五帮共和现象之研究 : A study on the coexistence phenomenon of the five provinces in Johor Bahru Chinese Society before the World War II. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Mun Qi (2023) Malaysian university students’ exposure to k-culture through the media. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Qin Yi (2023) Chatbot for clothing recommendations. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Ruxin (2023) Factors contribute to default in service charge payment for strata residential in Klang valley area. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Siew Ching (2023) Microbiological analyses and undergraduate student’s attitudes and perceptions towards microbiological risk of plant-based meat items. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Tack Hwa (2023) Die defect detection for integrated circuit using deep learning object detection techniques. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Teng Wei (2023) Online clothes selling and donation management system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Wai Yik (2023) Strength properties of lightweight foamed concrete with 30 kg/m3 steel fiber. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Wei Jie (2023) An interactive multimedia courseware for primary school student to learning english language. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Wei Sern (2023) Organizational leaders’ personalities on employees’ job motivation in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Wei Thong (2023) Effect of working conditions on occupational good health and well-being in construction industry in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Wen Kang (2023) Development of a thermoelectric generator system for IoT applications. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Wen Li (2023) Synthesis, characterization and antioxidant activity of 1,2,4-triazole and its Schiff base derivatives. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Winnie Yee Ching (2023) The relationship between esg and corporate financial performance during the covid-19 crisis. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Xen Yang (2023) The effect of esg on financial performance among Malaysian public listed companies. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Xin Yan (2023) Continuance intention to use e-wallet as a payment instrument among generation z in Malaysia– a behavioural study. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Yen Khai (2023) Inverse problem in image processing: Image restoration. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Yi Xuan (2023) Cooperative magnetophoresis of magnetic nanoparticles under hydrodynamic regime: Experimental and theoretical study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wong, Yong Kent (2023) The relationship between career adaptability and work stress among employees in Kuala Lumpur: Job satisfaction as a mediator. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Wong, Zong Qi (2023) Development of zirconia ceramic based feedstock for additive manufacturing technology. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Wooi, Zhuang Ru (2023) Job-Applicant matchmaking system using natural language processing. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Xu, YuChen (2023) Markov chain-mixed exponential model for daily rainfall in Hong Kong. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yan, Hongcheng and 闫, 洪诚 (2023) 《射雕英雄传》与《神雕侠侣》中洪七公形象研究 : A Study on <The Legend of The Condor Heroes> and <Divine Condor, Errant Knight> of Hong Qigong’s Image. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yang, Qihui and 杨, 淇惠 (2023) 晏殊《珠玉词》“燕”意象探析 : The swallow imagery in Pearls and Jades, Yan Shu’s collection of Ci poetry. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Guan Ji (2023) Effectiveness of Internet-delivered Group Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IGBCBT) on depressive symptoms among undergraduates students in Malaysia: A single group study. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Jee Yan (2023) Artificial intelligence(AI) in business and economics research: trends and future. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Le Ting (2023) The roles of information and communication technologies, green innovation, and globalization in driving carbon emissions in g-20 countries. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Si En (2023) Cultivation theory: The effects of prolonged exposure to k-idol on impressions of k-culture among Malaysian university students. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yap, Wai Hoong (2023) The intention to purchase plant-based meat among generation Y in Malaysia. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yashvini Mathilda, Krishnan (2023) A study on the usage of textism through WhatsApp and the influence it has on one’s writing skills among undergraduates. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yau, Jia Xin (2023) A comparative analysis of anti-phishing website techniques: identifying optimal approaches to enhance cybersecurity. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yean, Yi Yu and 袁, 一由 (2023) 马来西亚本土化客家山歌研究: 以锡矿业为内容线索 : Hakka Tin Miners and their everyday lives: A Study on Localised Hakka Folk Songs in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeo, Agnes Zhan Xuan (2023) Meaning in life, parental monitoring, perceived parental support and family relationship among adolescents in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeo, Joe En and 杨, 茹恩 (2023) 邓观杰《故事的废墟》中的“废墟”意象 : A study of Ruin Images in the stories of My Wonderwall by Teng Kuan Kia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeo, Joey Joo Sii (2023) Development of a wearable self-powered sensor using triboelectric mechanism for human-machine interaction. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeo, Xin Yi (2023) Impact of influencer marketing on consumers’ purchase intention. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yeo, Yee Teng (2023) The relationship between sugary-sweetened beverages (SSB) intake, anthropometric indices and fasting blood glucose (FBG) level among male and female students from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) Kampar. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeoh, Shin Yun (2023) Employee onsite task assignment management and tracking app. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeoh, Zi Xiang (2023) Assessment of soil erosion based on satellite remote sensing data. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yeong, Shu Wee (2023) The impact of e-commerce platforms' live-streaming features on Malaysian young adults' purchasing behavior. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yew, Jun Sen (2023) Do you want to buy an electric vehicle? examining the consumers' purchase motivation of electric vehicles. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yew, Jun Yi (2023) ARGrocery: An Augmented Reality-Assisted grocery shopping mobile application. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yii, Kuo Chong (2023) Data visualization for text-based documents. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yin, Kar Kin (2023) Epoxy-related defect detection on pcb of wireless earbuds with transfer learning. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Chung Wei (2023) Develop an augmented reality measuring tool for marine life. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Edmund Jung Lin (2023) Youth awareness on financial fraud in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Li Jonn (2023) In-building facial recognition check-in system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Shan Ting (2023) Perceptions of youths towards traditional and modern approaches to parenting in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Shih Nee (2023) Elucidation of possible iron reduction mechanisms in kaolin bioleaching by bacillus species. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yong, Xin Yi (2023) Floating aquaculture sensor station. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Yan Shee (2023) Agronomic characteristics and pollen morphology among tropical sweet corn hybrid varieties. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Yu Hong (2023) IoT data analytics for operational status tracking in the agriculture field. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yong, Zi Yee (2023) Understanding tourists' motivation on wellness center in Malaysia. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yoong, Zhi Lin (2023) Online customized printed t-shirt booking system. Final Year Project, UTAR.
You, Cheng Chun (2023) Enhanced self-organising map model for surface reconstruction of unstructured data. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Young, Benjamin Ken Yip and 杨, 健业 (2023) 巫启贤歌词研究(1983-2000): A Study of Eric Moo’s Lyrics(1983-2000). Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yow, Jia Hao and 邱, 家豪 (2023) 《儒林外史》中作者与评者之间的反应文本探析 : Analyzing the textual interplay between the author and critics in the scholars. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yu, Kar Hing (2023) Virtual reality for lecture halls and classroom in UTAR. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yu, Lydia Yun Fei and Ting, Ching Err (2023) Understanding the determinants of users' continuous intention in smartwatches: An empirical study on Malaysian users. Final Year Project, UTAR.
Yu, Shun Yao (2023) A study of retrofit strategies on historic building in China towards sustainable development. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Yuen, Hawk Leong (2023) Development of a novel antibacterial peptide pam-5 via combination of phage display selection and computer-assisted modification. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
Zhang, Zhen (2023) A study of construction safety management in GanZhou, China. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
何, 欣霓 (2023) 论盛唐的书法审美流变. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
何, 芝垒 (2023) 新冠疫情背景下中国汉语新词语探究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
刘, 文杰 (2023) 历史思想的文学叙述:《儒林外史》人物形象析论. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
刘, 晓曼 (2023) 秦刻石李斯书法研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
刘, 玲 (2023) 论老舍小说中的“忍”. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
寇, 泽玉 (2023) 汪曾祺与林语堂饮食散文的比较研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
张, 丽花 (2023) 欧洲电影节获奖中国电影的女性形象:以中国第六代导演为讨论中心. PhD thesis, UTAR.
张, 祖兴 (2023) 马来西亚槟城潮剧的发展:从老赛永丰到潮艺馆的研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
朱, 茜 (2023) 当代中国灵性文学中 神圣与世俗的对抗与调解研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.
杨, 娟娟 (2023) 中国传统习惯法在马来亚华人社会的移植与践履(1877-1957). PhD thesis, UTAR.
江, 翊嘉 (2023) 新加坡与马来西亚闽籍华商兴学办教理念的实践与传承: 以陈嘉庚、李成枫、杨忠礼为例. PhD thesis, UTAR.
涂, 胜喜 (2023) 卢胜彦当代著作中灵应故事的书写范式与文化阐释. PhD thesis, UTAR.
王, 永雪 (2023) 现代汉语心理动词的语义构词研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.
田, 雨 (2023) 萧红小说对东北方言的使用研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
萧, 婷忆 (2023) 明代唐宋派选本中的韩愈文章论析. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
董, 浩泉 (2023) 论严歌苓散文的日常生活书写. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
蒋, 瑀宸 (2023) 张先词用典研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
蔡, 慧棋 (2023) 金宝基督教华人卫理公会宗教事业发展研究(1903-2021). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
邓, 洁 (2023) 清代刘沅对宋明理学之批评与展开研究. PhD thesis, UTAR.
邝, 美月 (2023) 马来西亚华小一二年级新旧华文课本与活动本词汇比较研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
郑, 翔鹏 (2023) 海南人南天水尾圣娘信仰研究. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
陈, 艾琳 (2023) 论余华转型时期的底层男性书写. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
陈, 黎 (2023) 霹雳州金宝县伍英芳的商业及社会参与(1901—19750). Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
高, 嘉雯 (2023) 关丹华人社会的抗日运动与日据时期: 1937-1948. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
黄, 俊玮 and Wong, Jun Wei (2023) 论丁云《赤道惊蛰》的魔幻写实 : A study of magical realism in Ding Tun's novel's chi Dao Jing zhe. Final Year Project, UTAR.
黄, 昕 (2023) 辛亥革命时期前后黄兴与孙中山的立国思想. Master dissertation/thesis, UTAR.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 09:09:06 2025 MYT.